Monday, August 10, 2009

Doe A Deer, A Female Deer

Someone was asking me this and now I am sharing this question with u... ie.... if I were to pursue my studies again, what would I like to take up.... (something to do with 8ness?)

I answered, "Studying is one of my phobias now... My absorption power has gone down hill all the way now, in fact, NIL when it comes to remembering facts and figures, memory power has gone haywire too...."

Then in quiet moments, when I was plucking and lingering with my guitar, the answer came to my mind...I know what I would love to study if I were given an opportunity.

Well, guess what? I will definitely take up MUSIC! Learning vocals, sopranos, alto, tenor, editing notes, choreography and playing music instruments! Wow, the list is long, .. now getting excited also, yes, this will be my wish... I would love to do a music degree IF!

So ... bloggers, if given an opportunity, what would u choose to take? What is your dream degree?


  1. I'd like to do that too. MUSIC. I didnt have the chance to when i was young. And vocal class too...haha...

  2. yeah yeah..Tiee, i love singing too as well... yes, this will be a perfect course for me if i m young again.. hahaa...

  3. dancing n choreography for me. i'm tone deaf so no way of learning msic n singing. hehehe

  4. i think i will finish my engineering degree first then maybe take up photography degree? is there such thing as that?

  5. Cooking! Hotel catering degree perhaps! LOL!!!

  6. Cheah : good combination ma.. IT for ambition, music for relaxation..

    Miche: dancing? great.. never tot of that... but my legs like stiff stiff ..:)

    Gab : yes, photography is your passion too, i can see.. go for it!

    STP, I have great faith in u.. U can surely make a good chef!! lol...

  7. To me, I will not thinking of getting anymore "degree" but will take up a piano lesson if I have time. U knw la, young time mana can afford, so no chance to learn lo.

  8. at our age, taking something that related to our hobby will be very good, you know lah, our heart and will is not that strong anymore,

  9. i would love to learn musical instrument.. piano, violin or flute... but i can't even afford the instruments itself so it's a problem.. ahahaah

  10. Wow music huh? I don't think I ever have music in my blood veins... I think instead ofmaking beautiful sounds, I probably make ear drums burst! hahaha. but I would love to learn the violin or the cello! I love string instruments alot.

  11. but of course; if I get the chance to pursue what I want now, I would try to further my HRM :).

  12. Amy: good for u... I only have normal degree, no academic degree yet :)

    My Reality Girl : i agree with u.. i also dont want to study anything that my heart cannot take.. my mind cannot absorb.. so take something of interest if possible..

    Karlota, last time i also cannot afford taking up music lessons, let alone instruments..only then rich can learn..the poor has to make do with education only.. now older, it is a bit too late for me to take up.. ha ha ... but for u, u r young, so make use of the time...

  13. LadyViral, what is HRM? boleh beritahu? violin is also very nice... but i still prefer piano... :)

  14. as for me,it has always got to be child phsycology, i am a firm believer that children are the future of everything........

    as for music, i love the drum and i want to sing like Jon Bon Jovi.."shout to your heart, your're to blame,you give love a bad name" or on the vintage side, i love to be Barry Belafonte..hhahahah.

    how is your girl,,,,fever kao time already ka? yam tok tok sui,,leong chai,kuk fah, hor yan hor,

    take care now my friend

  15. i will take up business and marketing cause i like to deal busines and negotiation .... too bad, dunno how come i enrol into comp science last time....

  16. Eugene, even before u commented, i would imagine u to be like a rock n roll singer.. but surprising u said child psychology too.. *drop specs* hahaha..
    about girl, her fever is also on and off.. now around 37degrees... she said normal body temp 37.. still on medication, if tonite persists, will take her to another clinic.. fear going to GH ..

    Via, never too late for u.. u r still young!

  17. since i'm studying now, i think 'belajar buat buku kira-kira' kinda hard for my old brain..
    If i can, i want to study more on computer and programming..haha (otak toooo old, don't think can do this anymore)

  18. Oh you love music? It's not as easy as people think, but I believe if you have interest on it, anything can be done.

    As for me, I never regret what I have taken (I did ACCA) even though I don't practice as accountant now. Given me more time, I think I would be interested in programming, languages and pick up different instrument (I know piano, I would like to learn up other instrument than piano).

  19. kadusmama, u r a mother, wife and still studying..kudos to u.. i dont think i could be able to do that.. keep up with your studies! u can do it!

    Chee yee, so u have achieved yr wish , no regrets, right... i don't have a degree and will never get one.. but if given an opportunity and if younger, i would take up as what written.. all the IFs... lol...

  20. Music and dancing maybe. I want to complete my grade 7 and grade 8 piano! hahahhaha, but i have not been playing piano for 20 years!!!! I think if i take up music i have to start all over again.

  21. hey, not bad.. at least u hv a grade 6 then in piano.. me teruk, no grade.. now wanna learn intensive course.. hahaha.. hey, i notice many of us like music here.. maybe bloggers have the same common interest?

  22. Cooking course, make up course...

    I think I am a potential good and pretty housewife...


  23. wow..that is a course that most men would love to have their wives taking.. cooking.. yeah.. haha... u will make a good cook and beautician, i m sure..

  24. As long as you like it

    but so far i know that music degree in Malaysia are a little bit different from foreign country, they are more on management. Well, thats what my music friends told me.

  25. i m not sure about that, Sheng.. but one of my fren's son is taking up music course and he has to cover a few instruments as well as learning up record editing and choreography as well..

  26. I'll go for TESL degree and baking course. :)

  27. Mama Mia.. Please do it! If U think u can, U CAN! GO FOR IT! :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...