Friday, August 7, 2009

Her Style Of Studying

When I was a teenager, I have never, never had a room to myself... not until I got married, in fact... I did not have my own study table, nor shelves to put my own books in. All were being shared among my siblings, one small room, one square table, one small cupboard to put our stuff in, and most times our books seem to get mixed up with one another. Those were the days....

And Now? Take a look at this.... study table, cupboard, shelves, all these belongs to One Person only...What A Big Difference to my days!! I used to think back, if I had proper place to study during my time, I wonder whether I am "somebody" now or not ... instead of being a "small shot" in my office..... ok, ok, don't wonder, I am quite contented now... believe me.... :)

There is someone here, instead of sitting comfortably on the chair, prefers to have this as her study table... oh... i think this is called study bed, right?

Who wants to sleep in her bed in this condition? Isn't she glad... she knows no one will want to use her bed with all the "stuff" sleeping next to her....


  1. for me I study in my bed in college. It;s more comfortable for me after I finish i just pick things up c:

  2. Hahaha.. is she your youngest?? Looks very young.. ^_^

  3. I love to lie down and read my books too coz sitting there for long hours really killing me :) I guess as long as she is studying, why not :P :P

    And ..... that's a lot of books that she has to go through >.<

  4. are so funny. They see purpose in everything they do.
    Very cute!

  5. I study that way too! and I got a queen size bed.. muahaha.. can you imagine me having my whole lots of book on the bed? :p

  6. Time changes,so everything else changes,,, \\

    hey have a great weekend,ya?

  7. Sigh!!! And have you seen them multitasking? Studying and doing their assignment on their laptop...and at the same time, play online games or facebooking or chatting with somebody on MSN or skype!!! How can anybody do work like that? No focus....and you can bet! A lot of careless and silly mistakes in the assignment!!! Sigh! Double sigh! Kids nowadays! So susah mahu cakap! They never listen!!!

  8. Eh eh... when I was younger, I oso liddat...books everywhere on my bed...very nice leh, Claire, study liddat. Very comfortable, den when you're tired, you just can straight sleep. LOL...

  9. Eh eh... when I was younger, I oso liddat...books everywhere on my bed...very nice leh, Claire, study liddat. Very comfortable, den when you're tired, you just can straight sleep. LOL...

  10. haha study bed.. i always study in bed too! more comfy! =D

  11. iceah : u too? i bet many others are like that too.. wait, let me count..

    Cath J : yes, she is the princess of the family.. manja lah!

    Andy : that is why your sister follow yr footsteps, brothership by example ma...

    Abiel : any style will do? so what style did u use?

    Mommy Angel : yes, pmr trial on monday.. now struggling bed! hahaaa...

  12. Cynthia, this one also queen size bed... sleeping with her books at times.. so u pun sama la.. i can imagine u definitely...

    Eugene, u too fantastic time ahead! mine is equally so.. will tell about it later..

    STP, u know better.. u look at the youngsters day in day out... look closer to the pic, she has her handphone hidden somewhere... multi tasking...YES! Totally agree with u!!

    Cleffairy : Looking at the comments, most of u studied like that, right? during my days, if i did that, the whole house would come down.. someone would be shouting away.. ahahhaa..

    Ken : Like Andy la... study half way, go and meet chow koong...zzzzzzzz.... :)

  13. Ooo to me Claire, my elbow tak boleh tahan and I feel sakit jz a short while if I do that kind of pose when studying or do homework. I jz cannot do that and must hv a table and chair.

  14. study bed.. hehhe. I'm still doing that at my age now. hehehe. At my side of the bed, you can tell since there's books and even stationeries too. hubby always wonders how i manage to sleep without dropping any of my "sleeping buddies". yup, a skill i obtained for years... hehehe

  15. i did too. i c my sisters are doing their revision on bed too. i think your daughter's bed is quite neat as compared to my sis one. so messy. all the books and everything else are on the bed!

  16. elcynthia, what a mess! hahhaa... i wonder how one can sleep peacefully like this.. i always grumble at my girl when she sleeps with her "frens" around her..

    Amy, me too.. i cannot tahan my elbow being pressed down like this... esp now my poor old boness... creaking here and there...

    Tiee, i only showed a portion of the bed.. the messy part, i didnt take.. hahha...

  17. i've been dreaming to have my own little office too... yikes!

  18. Sunflower, join in the club of bed studies.. or studying in beds.. whatever.. :)

    Glenda : why yikes to own little office? that will be a great achievement!

  19. =p
    i prefer study bed too...

  20. Hahaaha ...looks like mine ack in the Philippines.Good thing I am small and I still can squeeze myself...LOL

    Thanks for sharing Claire

  21. Dolly : relaxing while studying, yeah.. bed is always the best place to rewind..

    Amy, not during my time.. no way my mum gonna allow that.. hahaa...

  22. reana, yeah but the other two bluelight got closed all of a sudden even when i already had reserved for them. shouldnt have closed the windows. grrr

  23. cos normally they give one only, chitgoks... same category... anyway, dont be greedy also enough..

  24. hehehhe...that's a very comfortable way of studying :D

  25. Barb, sure is... after that, easy to be in dreamland too... :)

  26. hahahha..your little girl very neat. Can see all her text books line up nicely on the bed.

    During my college time, i also like to study like this and i will listen to my walkman and study, i find it easier to remember wor.

  27. u r a good multi tasker then.. can juggle this and that same time.. :)

  28. I was just like her when I was in my pre-teens. haha!

  29. Join in the club, Miss Ray.. hahaha.. so hopefully in this position, she can be able to study well too.. :)

  30. That's the way i study too :D And my mom react just like you. Hahaha! Got table got chair and yet still want to lie on the bed and study.. Ahahaha.. ANd yeah, the books will be my great wall of china.. I think most probably when we sleep at night, we will be able to absorb the knowledge from the book. That makes us slept with the bookS :P

  31. wensher: good theory.. so sleep with books, will absorb their knowledge hor.. better dont put any comics there then.. if auntie put, sure absorb all the shin chan's ideas..hahaa..

  32. LOL she exactly same as me!!! My parents also made me a nice room with study table, chair, light etc however i never use those furniture until now i put my pc on top of my study table to online! =p


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