Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mama Loves Shin Chan!

PLEASE don't laugh at me, I know I am feeling weird these days.... perhaps due to "growing age", the hormones keep on changing my way of thinking.. (what else to blame?)...

Coming back to my weirdness, I wonder which mother of teenage kids love to read these type of books below????? I guess I am a One In A Million, if not, perhaps one in a thousand, or one in a hundred?? How did I end up doing this?

One night last week, sitting on the bed with nothing to hold in my hands, I just grabbed one of the books on the shelf and started to turn the page.... Since that night, no turning back, I ended up reading and amusing myself daily with Shin Chan.... aaaahhhhhhh!!

my son's collections

yet to be read...

My daily Antidote

Andy, my apology to u... last time, I used to scold u for buying Shin Chan comics, I didn't understand how this small fella could entertain u...BUT NOW I DO!! Shin Chan is cute and adorable.... u might have outgrown it but I have grow to LOVE it!! :)


  1. I wish I can go back to the days when I always spend time with my kids with this kid's stuff
    Concealed Mind
    All Natural Cosmetics 4u
    Health Blog

  2. hehe, i wan to buy more but i dont have the time to read... hahaha...

  3. Tey, nothing is too late... when it comes to spending time with kids...

    Son, last time should hv bought more, hor? ok, next time i buy some more for myself..hahaa...

  4. eh i used to have the entire collection of shin chan ok.. and then i pass it to my niece. damn cute

  5. haha Shin Chan cartoon is funny and cute! =D

  6.'s normal. All of us are kids before. Just like me, I'm going back to my old hobby of building aeroplane, but in a more professional way. I also watch ultraman and read comics..haha...

  7. adui, claire.. hahahha.. when i was diaper training ethan. this character always comes to my mind!

  8. hahah.. you funny mummy... now only you know the fun ah.. you should have started to read it when Andy buy, so it reduces the scolding.. muahahha.. nvm, better late than never..

  9. BTW, I got a tag for you in my blog, and keep out of those 'weird' thought ok.. you are 'growing' well..

  10. Shin Chan is my most favourite comix book ever!!! So happy you also like Shin Chan~

  11. Sasha...u too? so i m outdated... cis... :)

    Chris, don't tell me i got to play barbie dolls next.. in a professional way like u? hehehee...

    Merryn, for a tadika boy, he sure is lovable and yet like to smack him at times.. i mean shin chan.. hahhaa..

  12. Cynthia, agreed with u..never too late... ok, tag? i go check it out now.. thanks..

    Aeiween, last time i didnt flip inside the pages, i tot it was a local comic book, no doubt it was dubbed but still nice to read/see pics... cute..

  13. Claire, my hubby also have Shin Chan comics - total he has 28 books. It is not full set yet! Well, reading and collection of comics is hubby eh hobby my hse have plenty of comics books.

  14. i haven't read any shin chan comics but i was able to watch the cartoons on tv. shin chan is really funny.watching it relieves the day's stress.

  15. that perverted young boy! hahahhaa :P I always love to watch the cartoon :P. It is funnier.

  16. Yo Amy.. yr hubbie also loves to see ShinChan? hahaha.. good good..dint know that most of u here also same interest..

    Joy, i didnt know got tv series one.. when showing? which day?

    Ladyviral.. like i asked Joy.. when showing on tv? or is it vcd? maybe i buy one and watch it.. hahaha..

  17. Hi there.

    Shin Chan is my hubby's fav. He can lol alone when watching the cartoon!

  18. hahahahaha!!You're addicted to Shinchan!!You're like my daughters here!!They love to watch the Shinchan cartoon,too!!Moving and dancing his butt on and all that lol!!\(^0^)/

  19. Just, so many of u here love watching, i think i better a vcd and watch too.. i wanna laugh!

    Clarissa, i will be joining your daughters soon... hahaha... be young!

  20. hahaha....
    I like Shin chan too...

  21. Haha... Shin Chan... those were the days lah, Auntie...

    Although you used to scold Andy so much about buying Shin Chan, looks like your purchases long ago turn out to be a blessing-in-disguise for you today! Haha!!!

    Henry Yew

  22. Josephine..i m surprised to know many of us here like him too.. :)

    Henry, after this, perhaps they know what to buy for my birthday, right? hahaha...

  23. i never bought any shin chan comic book, but i never fail to borrow if i saw one..hehe..Oh yeah, i watch the cartoon on TV too. he's sure is one funny little fella, that shin chan..LOL

  24. Omigawd! She's a goner! And she's even younger than me... Crayon Shin Chan! Good grief! Hahahahahahaha!!!

  25. nice collection, I seldom see them.

    by the way having contest at my blog

  26. haha - children always have something to teach us "grown-ups!"

  27. Sei sei lah, no matter how busy i am mon to fri, i must at least drop by and say hi... b4 i punch off,,,,,,

    i guess there is a child in everyone of us,,,,,,

  28. Mama mia, i just asked my daughter when this cartoon is on.. she said saturday 7pm tv7.. i try to catch it tomorrow..hehe...

    STP.. age is just a number ma.. we can feel as young as we love to.. only if we want to.. good grief!! lol...

    TH, i read yr blog.. yes, contests here and there.. will drop by again tonite..

    Cherie, agree with u.. we adults have lots to learn as well as children.. i m still learning to be a parent.. :)

    Eugene, u r my sei tong, hoe heng tai, hoe pak tong.. hahahaha... have a nice weekend,bro!

  29. shin chan is soooo cute...hehe...i prefer watching than reading it...enjoy ur comics...Now u can share some secrets with ur kids...

  30. I still watch Shin Chan cartoons.. hehhee

  31. tiee, u too?

    C.Alv.B, u too?

    So i m not alone..

    Singing.... MJ lyrics...

    "I am not alone, u are all with me,
    though we far away, u all come each day..."

  32. Wakakakkaka... Claire..clarie..

    But I love this cartoon on TV... hahahhaha... hahahhahah....

  33. Sigh... u like Shin Chan ohh? I din read Shin Chan, but Chibi Maruko, Doraemon, Sailormoon, Dragonball, u name it. But my mum threw everything away. Grow up liao,buy again, only to loose in it the fire...celaka betul!

  34. Cleffairy, books gone, can be gotten back... just thank God u r still alive and kicking about, same with your husband and kid...

    Cheers, lets be merry tonight.. saturday nite fever... come..lets dance!! hahaa.. gila betul!

  35. You cant separate me from the comic's books, anime.. you name it. hehehe... glad i'm not the only parent acted like this *giggle*

  36. thanks for joining the parent's comic group..hahhaa...

  37. Laughter is the best medicine, claire, regardless of age. So go on and enjoy the comics. My TIntin, Asterix and all comic books are now read by Jason and I am very sure I will read them again and again. Haha.

  38. U too, CY? hahaha... unexpected wo... now i know age doesnt count when it comes to comics, hor.. give me dennis the menace anytime..i will surely read them all .... smasher, dennis..who else..i cannot recall...

  39. *raise both hand* ME ME ME ME ME!! I read this and i love this comic too and i even got the CD!!! hahahhahahahhahhaha, but i read is the chinese version. I called this small fella "hamsup" Shin Chan. hahahha

  40. haha... he is yan sai, kwai tai tai... cute little fella.. i hv yet to see his shows la.. must watch one day.. i dont understand mandarin.. got cantonese version ?

  41. Yes, Claire. Dennis the Menace and his "fierce" dog, remember very well. Am reading Archie's book now, u know, Archie's story books is the most "see man" amongst all books. No vulgar words, all goody goody ones. U agree?


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