Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Me Paranoid?

This morning I attended a course (not inter), briefing on official "leave" and "allowances." About 200 staff from all over Perak came for this course and it was quite crowded in the hall.

During registration, I saw one lady donning a mask and entering the hall, I was taken aback, "hey, is she sick or is she being cautious?", I asked one of my colleagues. Then I was told that one of the participants was having a flu and this lady happened to know about it and thus the mask. "Alamak, how about us??"

After knowing and hearing about that, I felt very uneasy, the hall was crowded, coughing sounds were heard here and there, in every corner... Feeling "siyeh" (fearsome), I chose a seat behind and went in and out of the hall many times, in out, in out, and finally going up to my office and onlined instead. I rather miss attending the "dangerous" course....

This H1N1 is getting into my head! All of a sudden, I have sore throat... "hello... so fast meh or coincidence?" But No fever...No cough.... Gosh! Am I Being Paranoid?


  1. time for a MC my dear friend.. but not the H1N1 stuff.. no worry... not tat easy de la..

  2. chee kei hak chee kei ... this year taken 5 days mc already.. han tit sai.. (jimat) :)

  3. hmm..must take good care n drink more water n fruit..

  4. ahhh...beter be safe than sorry huh? i was the clinic yesterday and so many people came in with flu and fever. the nurse quickly gave them masks. i wonder why they walk around without mask eh?

  5. thanks shuyin.. will drink lots.. :)

    Barbara, if u ask me, i also never buy masks yet la.. have u? i think better buy hor? wear to crowded places like this afternoon course..

  6. Hahahhaha... Maybe Claire hihhii.. but the air very bad with all this haze too. The view was so blur even in a few meters infront.. Very Dangerous..

  7. Drink more water... or lo han drinks... anything cooling. Neway, just to let you know, pls feel free to share. And if there's anything that needs my immediate attention, Claire, pls dun be paiseh to abuse my phone, k?

    ps: I can't really online as often as before... so sms is the fastest way to reach me.

  8. Cath J, over here in IPOH .. still ok.. u take care too..

    Kenwooi, i m ok... not to worry ..

    Richard, will drink lots... water is good for our bodies...

    Cleffairy, thanks for your offer, i will do that definitely, same goes to u too.. u take care...

  9. here comes the masked man,,, i think it is our responsibility if you are down with flu, sneazing and all and we still have to go about doing work, then it is nice that we wear a facial mask....

    take care now

  10. Eugene.. u sudah beli ah? i guess in time to come, more and more people will wear.. i think breathing is more difficult when we have those over our nose and mouth, right?

  11. oh man...nothing gua i think. take care ler auntie. dun think too much. hehe...

  12. hey claire, i ada beli the face mask but never wear wo. I keep inside my bag lo jz in case needed, then i can jz grab it and wear it!

  13. Sure Gab.. will do... avoid crowded places if possible.. but i think will be not possible..

    Amy, very cautious ah... boleh spare me one when i go pg?

  14. lol! itz all in d mind ;) BUT it is still wise to go for a screen if we r in doubt. & see a doctor if 1 of the symptoms is visible.

  15. got ppl wear mask in my office
    i told them off
    cos spoil the image!!!
    cos they r NOT sick one...i did check with them. They kiasu

  16. miss mathew today i m ok already.. just yesterday in the afternoo..funnny

    Abiel.. good to be paranoid once awhile? guess u r right.. cannot take things for granted too much..

    Wah..Rachel.. maybe they have slight flu? haha... kiasu.. that is what we r... hahaa...

  17. hi claire, how are you? it's been a long time since I last visited your site. hopefully i will be back with blogging.hope your doing fine..take care

  18. take precaution now than also start coughing now...damn ...hope i wont spread to dylan ler...

  19. Grace..thanks for coming by, yes its been a long while since we last kept in touch.. u take care too..

    Via, wear mask, please!! or quarantine yourself in the room.. :))

  20. haiya.....last week I got fever, sore throat and cough also not scared. You over exaggerated la...
    Furthermore, if your immune system is strong, you won't kena so easily. So, exercise more, sleep more, stress less and eat good food.

  21. Best to avoid crowded places, and if no choice, wear a mask! Take Vitamin C and Omega 3....must build up strong resistance.

  22. Mama mia.. yes.. i do drink lots..!!

    Chris, now see who's talking, cakap banyak.. hahaha.. next time, dont complain here pain there pain.. i kena back u! u should be telling that to yourself, right???

    STP, yes, i m okay today... eat well, sleep well..sometimes only mentally not so well..

  23. looks like the H1N1 is more serious than initially thought. still, it's not too late to take the usual precautions. masks are ok but what's important is to be careful what & whom you come in contact with.

  24. hi doc.. worrying now.. a slight sneeze and some cough makes me walk a distance away.. same thing goes with me..when i sneeze, i go far far... endure it and quickly run off somewhere to ahhhh..chhoooo....


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