Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dinner At Kimberley Street

Kimberley Street, Penang...my sons wanted to savor the koay teow t'ng stall again, with the stewed drumsticks and chicken legs ...lol.. we called them chicken legs, direct translation from cantonese... but of course should be chicken feet la... somebody commented "chicken, where got legs one?" ..haiyah, whatever la..

my 2 fellas walking towards the stall...

remember this landmark

side dish, dumpling...

matt toe yau
meaning :"everything got"

then the stewed chicken drumsticks..

chicken feet/legs

this one.. i didn't like
all the intestines.. yucks!!
Thanks Gabriel for helping to finish.. :)

ok... 1, 2... 3... start...


  1. wah, varieties of food..very interesting..

  2. Wenn, in Penang, all you have to do is to eat and eat.. and don't sleep.. :)

    MeRy: yes, Penang is famous for its food, glorious food... :)

  3. Hehehhehe... I only saw the money at the last photo... kekekkekek...

  4. chicken legs?? i dont know why i never like them. yucksss. there rest of a chicken is okay!

  5. Wow... the chicken feet here must be v good for u to go there again n again!
    Yeah, Penang is FOOD country - just posted the 1st entry of my makan trip there.

  6. haha, thank you for blessing me with the good food. :) ate till very full...huhu

  7. Cath J, u r very observant..hahaa..

    Aminos, my sons love those... legs! :)

    Pureglutton, we go there again and again cos we dont know much of other places..hahaa... but then my kids love the koay teow and chicken too.. road side ma... more flavor..

    Gab... next time must take u along.. wont waste food one.. hahaha..

  8. i didnt try these food when i was in penang =)


  9. Wow.. banyak nya makan!!! Chicken no leg meh? Then how they run? They have knees though.. Can they sing that song.. Head n Shoulders, Knees and Toes.. Knees n Toes.. Knees n Toes..

  10. wah...so much meat..im sure you fellas gain lots of weight lately :)

  11. Ken: next time u must try.. see whether u like them as aaron does or not :)

    Merryn, chicken feet, legs.. all are Happy Feet..hahaa.. inside our stomachs.. yucks..

    Chris, please dont remind me of my weight gain...awww... ok, better go jogging today.. :(

  12. Dumpling for side dish o_o. hevay side dish that is... waaa the intestines looked like it came from a spill of guts :P. Ok i need to stop ruining people's appetite. hehe.

  13. wahhh...so much food to eat...must visit penang!!

  14. Ladyviral, true true..i pun geli makan.. my fren ordered but my kids and i found it gross.. hahaa..

    Ken.Mrs Craig.. yes, lots of food in penang.. go go eat.. :)

  15. wow you definitely have a great time with your sons~ lovely mommy~ ;)

  16. waaaa fooooodddsss....people say...chicken leg is very delicious....but i dont know why i cant eat it....hehe personal problem with chicken imagination.....no hard feeling k...

  17. When in penang, all you have to do is to visit,,,,, that's visit me off course...........

    anybody else coming to Penang?

    hey claire, i just gave you two clicks on your ads .

    take care now

  18. Wow! Lookslie very sedap wor! :) Hahaha :D This is my first time here and you are showing me food?

    The intestines yucks? But it must be delicious when you sink your fangs into it aye. =)

  19. Anyway I just wanna let you know that I have added you to my "I Will Follow You" and my blogroll!

    Have a nice day Claire. Enjoy your intestines. Opps....I mean food. :p

  20. hmmm... my next trip i wanna to try out this place... :)

  21. Aieween, yes, we had a great time.. hope to have another opportunity soon!

    Connie, yes, some ppl find the feet too yucky to swallow... stepping on the shit and stuff...hahahaa...

    Eugene, save up yr money first..next trip, i gonna call u up.. cos i hv yr number already..get ready for big bills.. hahhaa...

    Tekkaus, thanks for adding me, i have added yours to mine too... happy blogging! intestines? ooohh...i can still remember their taste.. yucks.!

    TZ, u wont regret it! call eugene if u dont know how to go.. hahaha...

  22. aiyoh, u make me miss penang food lah....i did not try penang dumpling before ler...how does it taste like?

  23. Yum yum, kai keok....no intestine for me also, unless crispy fried ones.

  24. wow a lot of delicious foods. I also eat chicken legs/feet hehe. Maybe the same way how you prepared it.
    But hubby don't like to see those chiken feet/legs on the table, because it he think that it look likes baby fingers hehe.
    We call it Adidas in our homeland lol.

  25. Via, it is like any bah chang u can find.. nothing so special about that.. actually i wanted the nyonya one, but my son mistakenly bought this...

    Pete: my choice is the same as yours.. crispy ones will be fine..

    Weng, so it is called adidas? thanks .. my kids love adidas.. chicken feet and shoes too.. haha...

  26. again..u make me hungry la..
    the first pix, if u didnt mention, can be like bf/gf dy...

  27. hehe... now u said it, i quickly scrolled up and see.. the darlings of my life...

  28. haha...yea, the first pic look like couple. LOL.haha...the intestines taste quite ok la..not that bad..hehe...mebe i am the weird one..

  29. nasib baik u ada, Gab.. we can order more food and choices... so when wanna go again?

  30. anytime, anywhere...hehe...but this week need to exercise and keep fit first. hehe...feel fat. LOL.

  31. hehe..sure or not u exercise? i see u same same only .. dont know where all the food has gone to.. wasted la on u.. hahaa...

  32. The kway teow th'ng doesn't look as good as what I had at the corner coffee shop from Cititel - the dirty-looking one...but the chicken looks yummy! Chicken claws? No, thanks...can't get the picture of what they had been stepping on out of my mind! LMAO!!!

    Wah! Eugene's so busy here. Has not been to my blog for a few days now. So sombong - tak nak layan old man, only layan pretty ladiues... Hahahahahaha!!!

  33. wow wow wow..so many foods!!! Lucky i come to your blog after my lunch, if no i will drool all over my place! hahhahahahha

    So long never been to Penang already, should plan a trip there to just makan makan.

  34. STP, dont bocor his rahsia la.. cool guy ma, sure got lots of ladies he has to entertain.. i bet he doesnt know we r talking behind his back.. hahaha...

    Annie Q, yes, u must make a trip to penang la.. unless u dont like to eat.. haha...

  35. claire, since you post a lot about food and even have a food blog, why don't you move your food blog and this one to your own domain? Once you have done that, you can join Foodbuzz ;)

  36. thanks for the advice, Barb.. i need to get more info about this.. i chat with u in msn...


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