Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"I'm Not Sick, Just A Bit Unwell"

After reading a post from Patrick Teoh who has highlighted about Yvonne Foong in his blog, I feel I have to do my part here as well. Perhaps many of you have heard of her, either through the media or on her own personal blog and I hope that we as bloggers can help her in a way to raise funds for her operation before end of this year. I extracted these details from his blog, I hope he doesn't mind....

"Yvonne Foong has been raising funds for the operations she needs to treat her neurofibromatosis which causes tumours to grow inside her body.

Yvonne had already lost her hearing and communicated through writing on a small white board. But now she's losing her eyesight and needs another operation again. The operation is due in December and once again she needs to raise funds for it. The cost of the surgery is USD44,000 (RM154,770) and the cost of her hospital stay for two weeks is USD915 or RM3219.

She has already raised RM10,000 of this but obviously still has a long way to go. She's hoping to raise the rest by republishing her book I'm Not Sick, Just A Little Bit Unwell in English and Chinese.The books are now available in Malaysian bookshops and from her website store. She is also selling T-shirts at bazaars and via her web site store. You can read about her surgery and donate to her fund here.

Yvonne Foong is in danger of losing her eyesight to neurofibromatosis (NF). Please find out how you can help her by visiting her blog at http://www.yvonnefoong.com."

Actually there are more details to this, you can go to his blog to find out more . Anyone who reads this post, you can actually help to do your part in making Yvonne's dream come true.....

God Bless!


  1. OMG! Really? I hope she can raise as much money as she can. =( I will try my bit for her too.

  2. just blog about her will help too.. who knows.. someone might read it and decided to sponsor her treatment.. yes?

  3. Oh Claire you so kind and helpful! Yes now i visiting her blog now see what can i do and help him... thanks for sharing!

  4. Aeiween, the least we can do is to help circulate her message across.. i didnt do much..

  5. Hi Reana, seems like she is getting lots of publicity as seeing so many blogs posting about.
    Sad to see her in this problem. Wonder why the press or the government don't help her out?
    Best regards, Lee.

  6. didn't hear abt it before ...will take a look.

  7. OMG.. she is doing all the fund raising by her own?? Never tried getting help from any association??

    ayoo... will visit her blog soon.. Thanks claire.. ^_^

  8. U.Lee, she posted about some organizations assistance, not too sure why it didnt turn out...

    Chris: Heard about her plight in The Sun a couple of months back ..

    CathJ: yes, she is raising it by her own.. determination.. she is one plucky lady..

  9. Sometimes life is really unpredictable...hope she can get the funds fast.

  10. Hooray, it is time that we should walk the talk,, blogger helping blogger now,,, i will hop over now to see what i can do to help,, to donate via email,amount i could afford may be, a word of encouragement may be, a prayer may be, but for sure i wil do the three.

    it just reminds me every drop makes an ocean,, let us walk the talk now,,, choa

  11. sorry not donate via email, but via online banking, get too excited for helping,,,

  12. So happy, i just walked the talk...

  13. Superman: yes, hope she will get them super fast too...

    Eugene: whoa.. slow down.. i cannot keep up the pace with u.. lack of breath.. wow, i wanna vote u to become minister la.. minister of bloggers.. u be in charge and everyone will keep moving and walk the talk... *clap clap*

  14. I knew her through MAS blog last time .... cause MAS sponsor her ticket for operation ... yea she's fighting with it all the while ... pray that she's fine and dream come true =(

  15. Pete, thanks.. i guess if each of us blogger do our bit, ie, to contribute a bit to her account in MBB 111186085307, it will make a difference!

    Ivan: i got to know thru the Sun paper a couple of months back, i didnt do anything then.. until yesterday Patrick highlighted in his blog.. as i said, we can make the difference for her..

  16. I have heard of her before a few years ago when I nvr knew of that disease. Now I have heard of it and it's indeed very rare. I met one patient in UK who was also suffering the same problem and the poor guy is so young and he has tumours growing everywhere in his body. Haih. So kelian. Pity Yvonne is not in UK, medical costs is paid for by the NHS (gov body). Even for international students studying here it's free also

  17. Janice: yes, i hope she will be able to go for the treatment soon.. and expenses will be covered by some "rich, loaded, kind person" out here or there.. as for us, we can only do our bit.. if one person were to contribute a bit, say 100 bloggers or 1000 bloggers or so.. she will be able to achieve what she needs soon!


Thank you, readers!

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