Saturday, October 24, 2009

Denmark Open Super Series...Cool!

Denmark Open Super Series is on!!

Just came back from church and saw the live score in tournament software link... my favorite badminton player Koo Kien Keat is in the FINALS tomorrow!! yeeehhhhh....

Tomorrow must cancel all appointments from 6.10pm dating, no appointments.... ( if i have any) Dinner must be "packeted" back at 5.30pm latest.... perhaps will call for McDonald or McPizza...which one is tastier? cheaper?

Oh, last night I did the most crazy thing, I stayed up till 3.30am to watch the quarter finals... worth staying up cos Koo Kien Keat/Tan Boon Heong won....phew... slept peacefully after that...

Tomorrow they will be against Mathias Boe/Carsten Mogensen.... hope they win... don't disappoint me....LOL... badminton crazy me!


  1. wah...din know got denmark open series...long time din watch astro afte got dylan....kekeke.

    hope msia will win ler...u really badminton hardcore fan!

  2. Got McPizza ah? Tak pernah dengar pun! lol. U seriously fancy tripple K eh? :P i'll take note n not chat with u during his match! haha..

  3. Via: i m only a hardcore fan if malaysian players are involved.. tomorrow 6pm starting..

    chris: 6.10pm malaysian time.. remember ah...astro 811

    Merryn: dating u tomorrow evening or anyone else... hehehe.. dont miss me! belanja u makan if he wins..hehe..

  4. Hehehhehe... wah until like that ahh.... hehehhehe

  5. WOW you so keng! Can watch the match until midnight somemore! Always stay up so late must remember to do some mask on your face otherwise the next day will have Panda eyes.. hehehe...

    p/s: i just replied you the comments on my blog ;). Thanks a lot & good night :)

  6. cath J: hebat or not??? now panda eyes...ok goodnite..tidur first...

    Aeiween: oh thanks for reminding me about my eyes..i go sleep now... zzzzzzzzzzzz

  7. cool!

    you are really crazy badminton :P

    so far... i think only world cup (my favourite team) will make me wake up at night.... :P

  8. haha..enjoy yrself..hv a fun time..

  9. U r a really big badminton fan. Hope they'll advance to the finals. Malaysia Boleh! :D

  10. Not into sports and games... Zzzzz! LOL!!!

  11. Wow! They are up against a formidable pair in their own home ground.

    Somehow, this year Danish Open is a bit anti-climax as most of the top players skipped this tournament and a few surprises along the way

  12. Yeah! We won. I hope we can go all the way and clinch the champion! :D

  13. Voon: world cup for me means zzzzzz .. yes, me craze for badminton..

    Wenn: thanks i will..

    slavemum: yes, they hv advanced...

    SJB: thanks.. no dates tonight.. hahaha..

    STP: have a good sleep watching then.. LOL....

    BF: hope our pair dont feel pressured... u watching too?

    Tekkaus: our pair nv won for quite some time..hope they do.. u watching too this evening??

  14. I was already in my dream land... :p the McPizza, you bukak one ah?

  15. wonder why Datuk Lee didnt join.the prize money not lumayan ka?

  16. cynthia: for the 1st time, i stayed up to watch... :) craze ma...

    ah ngao: datuk lee said tired wo.. but if he masuk this time, he might have chance to win cos lin dan not around ...

  17. woooo badminton!!!

    but i don have tv pun... :(

  18. oh yeah...tell me who won the denmark open series ok...

  19. Good to see out pair win again. Lucky they keep their head cool.

    Too bad Marc Zwiebler lose in the final to Simon Santoso. I thought Marc could have won it based on his surprising run to the final.

    Well, next is the French Super Series

  20. media007: u better concentrate on yr studies.. hahaha...

    Via: men double Malaysia won.. i think u know by now already :)

    BF: yeah tomorrow..hope both of them win this again.. hahhaa..


Thank you, readers!

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