Friday, October 23, 2009

Me and U, Let's Go...

"Elin, wanna go for breakfast? I am very hungry!" My regular gang has "piet-ed" (dumped) me cold on that particular morning, each of them had something on, leaving me alone .... Having pity on me, Elin accompanied me for breakfast in old town. We wanted to go for hakka mee but unfortunately no parking was available and instead we ended up in this coffeeshop corner along Bijih Timah road....

Going out with Elin has its advantages.... she will remind me to take pictures, of the shop, of the food, which angle to take... etc etc.. Sometimes I forget to take one... u know la.. once the food comes, the first thing I do is to pick up the chopsticks and start walloping... especially breadfast!

oh, this picture was a bit dark, intentionally one... I scared people will scold me for taking their picture without permission, so I "off" the flashlight... smart hor? but picture turned out like inside the cinema.... now am i too smart?...haizzz...

But when it comes to food, the flash was on...
this was Elin's breakfast, chee cheong fun,
mixed... the roll roll one with sengkuang inside
and the normal chop chop one...
she very "pandai" to order....

but I think mine was as savory too...
the hokkien prawn noodles....
so "chiang", so ... so.....hhmm......


  1. chey..merryn, like that also can ah? hahaa... i wonder who started this chop chop thingy ..

  2. haha I really enjoy the chee cheong fun...thanks for dating me out most time...but u know my breakfast is normally oats and toast bread so this is real luxury item :p

  3. hahahaha.. i oso dunno. {blame eugene!}.

    ok! Prawn mee for breakfast! adoi... all i had was milo leh! u nih.. (shake head!) if oni i have that kind of luxury! sigh..

  4. elin: sorry ah.. for making u eat sinful food instead of healthy ones.. once awhile never mind la, hor.. psst.. we go first garden on monday, OK?

    Merryn: this eugene ah? now all following his hot style..hahaa.. eh, prawn mee once awhile only la.. i also takut to eat often..

  5. i know what i wanna eat for lunch 2moro d....dun wanna cook. ;)

  6. is the kopi good ? I'm hopping by Ipoh again nxt wk and I intend to binge ! Yes, BINGE !!! sei mou ?

  7. is the kopi good ? I'm hopping by Ipoh again nxt wk and I intend to binge ! Yes, BINGE !!! sei mou ?

  8. miche: tell me all about it tomorrow... :)

    elaine: i m not a coffee lover, but i think should be ok.... this shop is just opposite kong heng...if u dont know, call me..

  9. Ooo...i never try the 1st pic b4 wo! Seems sedap leh!

  10. Yummy food1

    Thanks for your compliment in my blog.

  11. looks yummy! I wish I could visit Malaysia so I can eat all this!

  12. War...the shop look so old already. :p I haven't had any che cheong fun for a long time liao lor. :D

  13. Anyway you have a great weekend Claire. ;D

  14. The hokkien prawn noodles attracted my sight. So nyaman look eih...

  15. Malaysian foods especially noodles look so delicious. That's the reason why we(w/hubby)are trying to find a Malaysian restaurant here in Manila so we can try it w/o going to Malaysia.But haven't found one yet till now.

  16. amy, yeah, i also feel like pinching hers the other day... hahhaa...

    willa: anytime.. u r welcome

    shelly: do come to malaysia..all sorts of food u can eat...

    Tekkaus: next time do try when in ipoh.. have a nice weekend yrself too!!

    ummi: sedap la.. hmmmm... hahhaa....

    Beng Kee: maybe u should open one shop then u will have lots of biz... :)

  17. WAH... damn hungry..
    haven't taken breakfast until now coz lewat bangun and late to office.. T_______T

  18. Chee cheong fun looks good, yummy but for Hokkien prawn mee still thumbs up for Penang (sorry cannot change Penang-lang mindset)

  19. Rose: delicious too!

    Dolly: u want something spicy or something clear? ok ok .. hope u make it in time for yr office.. :)

    Cheah: yes, originate from penang hor? maybe this lady comes from penang... she make it very hokkien-nie la...

  20. Har meen...long time tak makan... *saliva drooling*

  21. One thing I noticed about the towns over your side - the (coffee) shops look old and run-down, not well-maintained. Ours over here, the council will run after them if they do not. They even classify the coffee shops - A means OK, B...has to improve, C...better do sometime or will be asked to close down and D...end of story!

  22. *C...better do something...

  23. aiyo..i miss old town's food and kopi more and more leh...dun post anymore. :(

  24. agnes: i heard that the best laksa is from yor area, true or not? can show me which shop one day? and the heong pian too... now i also drool when i think of the laksa...

    STP: this part of town is old.. that is why it is called old town, many hongkong directors like this area... one day must take u for a round.. :)

    chrisau: nasib baik i no crazy for kopi... otherwise u be in trouble.. i will post the kopi kau kau each day to tempt u..

  25. The hokkien mee is a winner for me :)), not b'coz I 'm Hokkien!

  26. Keats: hokkien mee once awhile for me is okay.. the soup must have the prawn flavor...

    small kuching: me too..

  27. Wahhhhhhhhh... yours looks good... ^_^

  28. remind me to not visit your blog when i am hungry. hahaha

  29. CathJ: i dont take this often, but the chee cheong fun, yes... maybe i take that on monday...hahaa...

    kellaw: dont la like this.. sometimes i dont post food one.. :) anyway, thanks for coming by..

  30. wow..delicious chee cheong fun.

  31. Ooooh, I love cheong fun! I tried to make it myself once, and they were okay but a little chewy. Maybe I should try again!

  32. hey can call me along ma!
    i have my breakfast there rather often lah ....

  33. wenn: memang delicious...

    Palidor: so clever u .. i rather buy.. hahaha..i will destroy the ccf if i make...

    James: ok, what is yr hp number?? will tinkle u... hahahhaa...

    sjb: oooohhh... yes...

  34. yooo... so long me not eat chee cheong fun de. gosh!

  35. irene: then come over to ipoh and eat all u can.. :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...