Tuesday, November 17, 2009

7 Or 8 Apples On Sunday

Fernie has been reminding me for many days but this old mum here purposely kept forgetting....
What was it? Apple sweet syrup... tong sui.. By the way, what is the proper word for "tong sui" in english? Direct translation is "sugar water." Sounds odd, huh....

Ok, back to the apple tong sui, I bought 10 apples but cut up eight... ehhh... picture showing 7 geh?? I remember putting cutting up eight ?... WTH, anyway... 7 or 8, they are easy to boil... just peel off the skin and cut them up, doesn't matter how big or small, the size doesn't matter. Some of them were cut up in halves and some in quarters.. That is Me... (always killing the recipe)

then just throw them into the pot
with some red dates
I love red dates so I put in more...

not forgetting rock sugar as well....

after 2 hours, we have our apple tong sui here...
sweet and sourish at the same time..
Best after eating something heaty such as durians!


  1. Apple tong shui very good for health de... people said "Run"

  2. Ahhh, nice apple tong sui, east meet west recipe...LOL!

  3. wohhh!! nice tong shui!! i missed tong shui~ LOL.. tong sui = dessert :D i think so.

  4. keeyit: Run? jau ah? lari kuat kuat?

    pete: chinese everything also can boil one, right? lots of ideas...

    charlene: yes, fernie likes.. next day i go buy pears.. make tong sui also..haha..hope no diabetic after drinking all these.. :p

  5. eek.. so easy! looks yummy.. must try. bet ethan will love this. :)

  6. eh...who taught u this? Must be my big aunt..haha...

  7. and i heard it's also good for the lung. Can replace apple with "lei"(Pear) also

  8. merryn: yes, my kids love it too..

    chris: ask your mum...maybe she has more recipes than mine..hehhe

    smallkucing: yes, i tot this weekend i try the pears instead...

  9. nice tong sui, need to ask my wife to cook for me liao hheehe

  10. Look easy to make (*_*). will try this sometime.

  11. Looks delicious and if you use your imagination, it looks like a face in the sauce dish.

  12. hello claire,
    thanks for sharing this. I will try this in the weekend hehe. It looks delicious and this might be interesting.

    take care always

  13. Apple Tong Shui? Never heard of such tong shui before ler. :p Can send me one bowl?

  14. wat a perfect entry...i am just wondering what i wanted to do with my apples here....i cheapskate go but some cheap apples here and the wax coating on the skin are so thick that your fingers are so oily after touching them....no kidding, no exaggeration....

  15. CHVoon: why dont u boil for your wife instead? :) she will love u for this... :p

    sjb: all my recipes eeesee only.. hahahaa..

    Patty: wow! u r imaginative, dear.. u made me wanna look at my pic again.. hahhaa...

    Wengs: thanks... i went to your blog but i couldnt understand it.. teach me some other time, ok? :)

    tekkaus: serious? i certainly will if u shift to being my neighbour..

    cheryl: with the fresh apples u have, it is even more yummy!

    dolly: very yoon one..

    manglish: good if i can be of help to u.. at least u dont hv to waste your apples from being bad! very easy, just boil them and drink the juice.. very good for body!

  16. tong sui should be known as dessert right?

  17. i guess tong sui in English is syrup water....anyway, is a nice dessert U made...I will try it

  18. Tong sui in English is called " Sweet Water" ai yo,, easy lah this one....hahahahahah

    you very creative juga, never thought could use apples for tong sui...this one drink can keep the youth ka,,,, or the smooth like a silk complexion ka or even rosy cheeks may be...

    btw, Claire, lost another SS pay post, cos i buka msn only this morning by the time i get there, it says "extinct" lioa.....

    never mind i will be one day famous blogger, they will have to wait for me instead,,, dream on Eugene

  19. CY: i was thinking about that too..dessert, whether it is solid or liquid...

    simplegirl: hahaha. syrup water sounds funny.. like i mentioned, sugar water. direct translation..

    eugene: not only u, i also lost it cos it was the time zone difference. we were both in dreamland when they gave us.. never mind, there are other ways..

    littlelamb: i guess the only word is dessert..

  20. This is a good recipe ;). Good for the heaty people.

    But wow so much rock sugars? wonder if my husband will eat apples like this :P.

  21. Oh that easy? Will boil some for my amoi without the sugar...

  22. i love boil this for my boys too. I will put honey dates (mak jou)+ apples, honey dates already sweet so i will omit the rock sugar. You can add in some "snow fungus" is it call "snow fungus or white fungus"? :)

  23. Agnes: yes, u can do without the rock sugar n put mutt choe instead.. like what annieQ said.. hehe.. i forgot all about that..

    annieQ: yes, thanks for suggestion, i forgotten all about the mak joe.. will put that when i boil pear this weekend... the white fungus, they dont really like, me either but i heard it is good too. yoon.. right?

  24. Halo boleh support Malaysian a bit no imported fruits, how about bananaz tong sui? hehe..Great sharing! Xiexie à´•

  25. Okay, I'll try this, but need 2 hours mer? I thought 1 hour enough already.

  26. Next time, u may wanna try peckham pears, just as nice ! ^_^

  27. hi friend..visiting you here, hope you visit my site too. take care and have a nice day. hope to hear from you soon =)

  28. bananaz: there is one stall in pg which blends banana juice.. havent drank it before but can imagine how it tastes.. :)

    cindy: if u want to eat the apples, maybe one hour will do.. my apples were tasteless by the time i drank them.. i just drank the juice only..

    gratitude: yes, tot of boiling pears this week, put mak joe too..

    mama mia: yes, E.C. and nutritious too?

    isimiyaki: ok, thanks..will visit u too..

  29. Wow, with mak joe, that wld be super delicious. White fungus added wld be superb! ^_^

  30. Haven't touch on this for a very long time coz the kids don't like it that much. They prefer to have winter melon 'tong sui'! My son said the grated winter melon looks like bird nest LOL! hahaha.....

  31. Oh I love to drink this! But do not know how to cook it. Thanks for the recipe! It's easy. Just hope I get the apple, water and the rock sugar proportion right. :)

    P/S: You can try pear also. My mom always cook the pear like this. Very nice and cooling also.

  32. Did you check how many spoonful of sugar can be more than Ribena or not haha..tasted this once they are quite nice.

  33. gratitude: yes, today annieQ said with mak joe and white fungus will be super nice too..

    cheeyee: pears will be then for this weekend.. hahaha...

    cheah: please dont remind me lar i drank a lot already la..... oh, in that case, substitute with mak joe as annieq said.. it will not be as sweet but better than sugarless..

  34. Wow! This is easy! I think I can make this tong sui also! Haha!

    Er... so why one apple missing? Somebody stole and eat it izit? : )

  35. foongpc: hehee.. i think i must have cut that up before i remember taking this pic.. hehehe...

  36. I would peel about 6-7 apples....melt about 2 tbsp of butter in saucepan, put in diced apples, add a little honey, and cinnamin (or apple pie spice) and heat until the apples are soft enough to mash. You now have applesauce.


Thank you, readers!

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