Saturday, November 21, 2009

BitterSweet Pain

For durian lovers whose age are 40 over, let me give you one advice... don'tever eat durians if your stomach is not filled with food yet.. in other words, don't eat with an empty stomach or hungry stomach, like I did....

We had a durian fest in the office the other day during lunch time. ON that particular day, I didn't take lunch, just breakfast... and I ended up taking 5 or 6 seeds of durians, not too many, right?

Well, the next thing I know, ie after two hours, I felt something not right at my back ... A sharp pain jabbing me behind the left side of my back..... OUCh...!!! The pain seemed to be here and there... I quickly asked my colleague to massage my back.... (Gouri, if you are reading this, terima kasih ah.... ) She told me that was angin (wind) and she did a good job with her powerful hands, only sounds of Ooww.... OOOWWWWwww was heard....


one lesson learnt..

eat durians only after meals..
and not when hungry...


  1. Ha now that I never knew! Thanks for the tips :).

  2. ic..i love durian but if i take at night, i will get sore throat..

  3. LV: u r still young.. u might not get the wind like i do... but better to take precaution though.. otherwise u need someone to massage u too ...

    wenn: oh i dare not take at night.. will take after meals from now on... :p

  4. darling durians...

    Did your body become heaty? Kesian you, nasib ada kawan pandai urut. Next time becareful yea..but I understand the aroma brought by this king of fruits must be very tempting...:D

  5. That's why la...makan s'orang2. Tak belanja us here. *joking*

    Didnt know durian have "wind". Only know that its "heaty". Guess..maybe next round eat durian prepare Maalox for digestion and get the wind out lo.

  6. Hello Claire, about your question on paying post....if i were you, NO. You will have a hard time asking for the payment. I delete my account from them. I have already $52 which they keep on changing the maximum payout. from 25 to 50 and now 100. My friend has $200 plus yet they did not pay her for six months. She had to complain many times to pay pal. She got paid though. But, if you take the risk, its up to you. Again, i delete my account and the post i made from them. My $52 is gone too.

  7. Claire, how come I was not invited to the durian feast :(

  8. Ouch, but you know what some doctors are advicing the public to eat fruits with empty stomach, their reason for that is , the fruits works to detoxify our body and so it is best if taken before lunch.

  9. Wait a minute, you ate five or six seeds? And they are those large looking things in the fruit you are showing? No wonder you had pain. And when you said wind, do you mean gas in your intestines? I would think something that large and nutty like just might cause that. LOL

  10. now i know... thank you for your information :)

    so stomach must fill a bit food before eat durian lo?

  11. Hi dear, it is not the durian. I eat during for lunch or dinner, never had problem.
    Must be something you eat.

  12. Have never heard of a durian it a fruit?

  13. so far i only know that after eating durians never ever drink Wine
    will have a good reactions same as eating prawns never eat Vitamin C sure mati one.. no joke!!!

  14. so far i only know that after eating durians never ever drink Wine
    will have a good reactions same as eating prawns never eat Vitamin C sure mati one.. no joke!!!

  15. maybe age maters :) i used to eat lots of durians while i was a kid without problem, now in my 30s just 3 or 4 small pcs will get my stomach & throat into trouble, hee hee..

  16. I am curious, what are durians? Is it a seed from the photos you've shown us?

  17. your office must be stinky after the "durian fest". hope u feel better though:)

  18. ummi: i m a weakling for durians, i smell, i eat... the bau is really strong, huh?

    kellaw: mari mari..durian season now!!

    smallkucing: i also dont know till the malay colleagues told me.. i had a jabbing pain behind..then they said..oh..angin la tu..

    amy: in that case, i will give up too.. wasted efforts! LOL....

    elin: shhhhh... dont let boss know!

    Yen: depends on which type of fruit, this king fruit is something not to be taken empty stomach and so is the jackfruit, they cause u to bloat up :p

    patty: 6 seeds meant the small ones inside not the big huge thing with thorns, wow, i could never finish 6 durians in one go.. the most 5 to 6 seeds, yes.. they r yummy! but face the consequences after that... not happen to all, but to certain ppl like me..

  19. Voon: to me lar, i must eat something first before eating durians, maybe my bfast was digested when i took the durians thus causing pain in my back...

    Loo: i m sure your stomach was still filled with food when u ate durians for lunch and dinner.. i know u love those, right? furthermore, u r younger ma... *wink*

    lynette: yes, durian is king of fruits, normally grown in tropical countries only.. it smells good to most and smells like shit to others.. hahaha...

    housewife: yes, that i know.. sure die one? hahaha.. who dare to try!!

    misterdicious: i wonder what happens when i m in 50s.. something new might crop up.. :p

    cheryl: it is a thorny fruit, hard shell, u need a big knife to pry it open and when it does, u get all those yellowish seeds inside and u put them into your mouth and said.. "hmmmmmm... yummm!" or... "URGH!! GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!"

    Kadazanman: open windows wide wide and after one night, no more.. wind has blown them away.. and wait for another day when someone brings them to the office again.. hahhaaa...

  20. aiyo.. hope you getting better now.. your colleague so nice to massage for you... :D

  21. Gosh, durian and onion make a potent combination then LOLZ! Hope nobody suffered bcoz of your wind hehe!

    Thanks for the advise ^_^

  22. have moderation la......dont over eat.

  23. Cynthia: no more already.. can start eating again liow..

    Anton: heard of silent wind before? yucks!!

    rachel: yeah..scared already.. either eat rice first or eat less seeds..

  24. I stopped taking durian for the time being... I ate too much... hahahha

  25. sedapnya durian...i memang suka it lah...what if i'm less than 40 yrs old..if makan durian perut kosong tak ada effectkah? tapi i tak pernah cubalah..hehehe...come and visit me too ya..c u

  26. Liza: before i turned 40 last time, tak ada macam ni.. now only i experienced .. the wind runs from my back here and there.. hahaha...

    sjb: now u r back in malaysia? u can eat all u like ... :p

  27. thanks for sharing! i never knew got such thing

  28. Wow! Now only I know Claire. Hopefully I still remember this 15 years later. :p

  29. 2ma: maybe i the unusual type... gets wind easily..

    tekkaus: there are lots u dont know about claire.. yo.. u r only 25? macam anak i..

  30. looks like D24 ...,even after taking lots of durians,dont forget salt in a glass of cool water will solves the bloating stomach.

  31. ah ngao.. ic.. maybe la.. never did that.. no wonder got wind ..huh?

  32. Huh? Got such thing one meh? I used to eat durians on empty stomach no problem what! I guess we are all different maybe?

  33. But yes, cannot eat too much durians at one go, will feel bloated. And must drink lots of water after eating them, or will get heaty and sore throat.

  34. Six pieces only where got enough? I can eat double that. Ooh! So yummy durians!!! : )


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