Friday, November 20, 2009

BLoggers Meet BLoggers

Guess who I met up with today? Yes, u r correct... (cos u scrolled down to look, I know) LoL..

STP aka Arthur Wee has come to conquer IPOH, yes... from Sibu to Penang, Sg Petani and now this afternoon around 1pm, he stepped into IPOH town with his entourage which consist of Mrs. Wee, Melissa, a young handsome lad (sorry, I cannot recall his name) and a charming lady by the name of Mandy! Am I honored!! lol....

Me and Elin waited at Excelsior Hotel for them and Mandy, being handy, could find the place without sweat... cool lady, driving such a big vehicle.. pooi fook, pooi fook...

Thank goodness, we found our parkings, surprisingly traffic was so heavy this afternoon, SO jammed up.....I wonder why ... maybe they know someone important is in town, everyone comes out to witness the VIP (STP, u know what u brought, didn't u?)

Ok, sorry about the crap....

After some formalities, off we walked to this Sun Hup Kee for lunch... for once, I sat back and relax, STP did all the snapping .. so there won't be any food pics here, lets wait for Mr Arthur to do the postings when he gets back to Sibu.. .. I took 2 pictures only, one with these handsome men and one with Mandy, sorry lady, I couldn't post the pic here, I am a vain lady and I looked so awful in that pic, I wouldnt want u to get all the limelight, would I? LOL....

ahh.. Here is our picture!!!

BY THE WAY, the young handsome guy in red..., I mean.. who is he? Well, I also dont know who he was until STP introduced us...

He is from IPOH... hey, for the 1st time, I come to know a handsome, young, local blogger....

Notice I never put his name? Well, ladies, want to know who he is? Just click here! :p


  1. hahahahha.. i wanna know who dat young chap is..

  2. STP.. come to Klang Valley and we'll be here waiting for you! :)

  3. eh...tak ajak me out. but i am in tronoh. hehe....

  4. blogger meeting again...hang fook lor

  5. day must meet up with u all...

  6. I'll round up some Kl bloggers for a fun trip to Ipoh, with you as opur precious guide (and to foot the bills!) lolz

  7. Fuyoh. Blogger kakis conjuring together for this special moment. Hopefully one day I will be able to meet up with you guys too. :D

  8. wah..nowadays ur activities include bloggers meets..;p on a regular basis..

  9. no wonderlah, been looking high and low for STP aka Arthur Wee, guess i knew it was coming. The Unions of the Beauty of the West and the hunk in red from the East...........

    How come Claire, you looked so chirpy and vibrant and radiant and full of zest when taking picture with STP, as compared taking picture with me,, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
    jealous betul. hahahahahahahah.

    seriously, we must all really come out with a plan to meet up in the capital city KL. and make a bang, get the reporters and get the media,, bang we will all be famous hahahahah, what you think guys?

    Claire, still i jealous somemore, how come the picture you took so clear, mine so blur hahahahaha

  10. How nice you have been fortunate enough to meet up with fellow bloggers!

  11. merryn: u no chance liow.. but u can still peek into his blog, that's the most u can do... hehee...

    gab: studies come first.. meeting bloggers is secondary.. :p

    smallkucing: next time meet smallcat too.. wait for auntie here.. ok?

    Via: yeah, in KL this time.. u name the place cos u pandai makan one..

    gratitude: wait, let me save more more money first then.. give me a year allowance to save up.. hahaha..

    tekkaus: yes, hopefully one day we gather everyone up and meet in sibu this time.. LOL...

    rachel: he came, he conquered.. and he left the same day.. :) anyway, nice meeting up with all of them...

    eugene: don compare, don compare, not same person ma.. hahahahaa..
    hey, u also so vain like me.. see stp, so simple... all he wants is to look slimmer... u and i? ooohhh, want to look younger la, clearer pic la, look pretty or handsome la... sigh.. u and i, so oi leng la... hahhaaaaa..
    eugene, good idea, one day we all meet somewhere, u call the reporters and i'll call the police to guide our entourage... OK?

    cheryl: yes, they come to my hometown, it is a pleasure to meet up with them...

    sjb: how about u? sister blogger meets sister blogger.. :)

  12. Yeah lor, Aunty. I second Gabriel leh... Didn't ajak me out also. Haha... one day, when Aaron's back we organise an "Ipoh-Tronoh Bloggers Gathering". Mau ah? Haha...

    Aunty, guys cannot be called as "lass" leh... he's a "lad". "Lass" for girls. Haha...

  13. I cant wait for u, eugene and more to storm KL! I'll get the papparazzi leh! :D

  14. Gab: I told you I'll be around but you said you're having exams... Can always come to Sibu with aunty claire! Would love to have met you too, Henry...and any other bloggers.

    Merryn: Will let you know if I go to KL again. Was there in May and then in August. Must have good excuse - anybody's wedding or anniversary or whatever? Don't forget to invite me... LOL!!!

  15. Eugene:
    You mean the Beauty and the Beast? LOL!!! We were talking about you - how you asked for her room number and never asked for mine? Hmmmm..... And did you bring your mrs along when you went to see her? Aha....the plot thickens! Hahahahahahaha!!!!! When you came to see me, you brought her along and your two sons as well? Wah! You need so many bodyguards when coming to see me kah? LMAO!!!

  16. Thanks, Claire...for the delightful lunch and all the things you bought for me. Paiseh! Paiseh! Didn't bring much for you...and brought along so many other people some more. Didn't notice you slipping away to settle the bill - I should have paid as I brought one whole entourage; didn;t turn up alone.

    Hope we'll meet again - in Sibu next time. Free food and lodging!!!
    Let me know the date, quick!

    P.S. Nice meeting Elin too...

  17. looks like you are meeting alot of bloggers lately :). that is so fun ^^

  18. henry: ok, wait till aaron comes back.. then have a gathering in my house.. i wont make steam boat anymore. takut orang pangsai again.. hahaha..
    btw, did i write lass here, henry? i cepat cepat check..but dont hv that word.. anyway, thanks for reminding..

    wenn: so we bila?

    merryn: ok, u in charge of para..zazy..or sexy..whatever.. call that mamazazzi too.. (smallcat mama) hope it will be a successful party!!

    stp: u using my space to comment ah.. pay rental first!!! LOL......

    Gab, eugene, henry, merryn.. and others, perhaps we book a flight to sibu next time, courtesy from Sir STP..
    eugene, u cham le.. we talked about u and had a good laugh.. too bad the shop was too noisy otherwise we would have more to talk about... hehehe..
    STP, no hurry, no hurry... wait for next air asia free tickets first.. or perhaps when we hear wedding bells in sibu.. then we also got excuse to go over.. :p

  19. LV: yes.. maybe now holiday season.. it is nice to meet up esp when we contact each other almost everyday over here..

  20. Yeah, aunty, you wrote "lass" in your post. "a young handsome lass (sorry, I cannot recall his name)"


  21. henry.. oh..ok..ok.. hahaha.. i got it.. the para on top.. ok, i go change it now.. :) thanks for pointing out..

  22. hi Claire, thanks for the yummy lunch and im happy too see you..U r such a sweet lady la..don't worry next time when im in Ipoh, I will ajak u for lunch... :)

    No worries about the photo, we can always take it next time..and by the way u look good in that photo with the two guys...

  23. OMgosh .... now i know what happen @_@ i was wondering where are those peoples came to my blog @_@ and its the POWER of CLAIRE !!! LOL ... anyway... real pai seh la cause i didn't know you guys have lunch over there and I'm late =x so so sorry .... also sorry for the LATE reply =x cause not really active on my blog recently =s not until i click on my link then i saw few bloggers came across from your blog @_@ then only i realized wrote something here LOL .... anyway real nice to meet you ^^ will try to blog more asap XD

  24. and not forgetting Elin....nice to know her too... hello Elin!!

  25. mandy: do come .. give me a call.. 3 of us lunch together this time.. take u to sun marpoh... ok?

    ivan: i think most who go there are sweet young ladies? *wink*

  26. wah, this bloggers meet bloggers is getting real hot now. Hey Claire, you still owe me a visit ah. That day you were merely a few feet away from my office tapi you pusing balik...tsk tsk! :)

  27. HAHA yea yea included you =) hahah...


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...