Monday, November 16, 2009

Heart Pain...

Not only time flies, my Money also seems to be flying off these days. A Torturing time at the dentist cost me RM60.00 and today making a "dress" for my car key cost me RM55!!!!!

Ridiculous price! But this yours truly here, knowing very well it was so pricey, still said "YES" and paid the fella to change the "cover" and do the car key there and then...

It was my weakness.... I always do things too hastily... never take time to ponder carefully. Now regret also no use, (cry also no tears). Now each day I will touch my key and my heart will pain.(sum toong.) The heart pain will be there as long as I am still using the car key each day...

my 2 poor keys!
the "dresses" badly torn...

cannot afford to buy two "dresses"
so just bought one first at a cost of RM55!!
Ridiculous or not?


  1. Good morning, I had no idea at first what you were talking about a dress for your car key. Our car, a Toyota just has a key which I have hanging froma small ring that says World's Best Mother (from our one daughter) along with some house keys. Two of our daughters have a key for their cars, that lock it, turn on the lights and sets an alarm or something. I would probably never be able to work it. LOL Dentist can be very costly, even with dental insurance.

    Hope you have a terrific week.

  2. It gave me an insight at least I know now where to get this done... but it seemed in my place, we dont have such a service... however, you just think your car is so expensively bought so RM55/- is really nothing as compared to the price of the car... take it sweetly as I had my dress broken but still dono where to get one... a proper one like you snapped..

    money used so long it buy you back your happiness as you have to think the old one just couldnt be replaceable and useless already, rite???
    Cheer up.. :)

  3. Ayooo... Claire both stuff you do is necessary I think.. The key cover must changed la.. but I don't know it cost Rm60.. never changed before ;-p

  4. Totally no added value lah... opppp sorry, I shouldn't pour cold water on you. Since it is done, and you like it, just enjoy it! When it is time to change again, you have the option to let it go "naked" which cost you nothing!

  5. hi Patty, thanks for coming by again..
    how sweet your daughters are.. giving u such a nice key .. as for mine, i will treat it with care and love this time.. :p

    Housewife: yeah, money used out.. can be earned again, i guess... but i will go scout around next time for cheaper "dress"

  6. just like mine..i just repaired it myself by putting a sponge onto the hole n cellotaped it..still working like new..

  7. Hehehee...they need new dresses that they wont hurt your fingers...but are those holes?

    But the cost was rather expensive to me too but never mind lah my long as you are happy. Dont get upset again ya....nanti your car merajuk lagi susah! *winks*

  8. CathJ: dentist one is necessary but this dress one.. not so..i should hv plastered it and saved my 55rm.. hahaha..

    william: never mind about pouring cold water or adding salt.. i can tahan that :) only i feel it is really too expensive..

    wenn: what a good idea! i should hv posted this first before i go repair.. save my 55rm nia.. then belanja u makan lagi better..

    ummi: memang expensive cos just the cover and the key only.. the chips masih boleh pakai one..

  9. The problem that you eventually will have if your don't get a new "dress" for it is that your remote will no longer work to lock and unlock your car and that is a pain in the but.

    I am sure it will be worthwhile in the end.

  10. Lynette: that is a good consolation.. yes, if dampened, then the whole chip cannot be used at all but then they shouldnt charge so high..

  11. I have checked into replacing one of our car keys such as yours but the cost has scared me so. So we are still getting by with mine that works well and hubby's doesn't! Oh and I can sympathize with dental bills, but what can one do but get the necessary work done, otherwise it may lead to much more $$$. I always wait til its almost too late and then I pay big bucks! Have a nice week!

  12. can lah claire. it is way better than ur keys being a striptease showing some 'flesh' here n there. do more paid post, over time, cover that RM55. :)

  13. errr... dont know.. hahaha.. i don't have car yet..

  14. wat the dentist did? scaling ar? 6oRM is ok lar not too expensive and you the most precious and irreplacable part of ur body serviced as compared to a rubber cover for 55RM hahahahahhaha.....

  15. wah that is really expensive huh - jz the cover pun mau cost RM55.

  16. some money MUST spend one lor. otherwise how are u going to picit the lock anbd unlock button. How on earth it became like that?

  17. Never mind lah, it is not that you are going to change it every now and then, right? Moreover,you look so stylish, tak akan you want to have the shabby looking car key dress, right?

    bingo, i said it right

  18. cheryl: i guess this is called unforseen expenses.. so u r using the new dress and your husband uses the old tattered one like mine.. hohoho...

    merryn: do striptease show like this, no money one hor? rugi.. yeah, better buy one dress, the other key can do striptease meanwhile.. u er.. banyak idea la!

    Mery & SJB: memang sangat expensive la.. just the cover.. are they exploiting me?

    dolly: when u hv, handle the key with care, dont be so rough as me! :p

    manglish: 60rm is expensive cos i paid for the pain in the mouth.. this one 55rm is also expensive cos it causes heartpain.. :)

    amy: so as i said, must handle the dress with care.. dotn want anymore lubangs..

    sasah: my fingernails must be the culprit..or my sons' nails... or the quality.. too bad no guarantee for these.. :p

    eugene: wei, to u rich man, sure nothing la.. to me ah, it is too darn expensive.. :)
    instead of making 2, one will do for now..

  19. Hey....I also didn't know got such thing as dress keys!!! Looks quite nice leh!

  20. ann: nice? hahhaa..not nice la.. my purse so much lighter..

    barb: err.. didnt go check others , that was why i said i do things very hastily..impromptu.. no good..

  21. War...RM60 ok what. I mean the dentist visit. But the "dressing" for you car key..sounds a bit expensive. :D

  22. u know what.. i've learn to be patience..and not be anxious...

  23. *sweats* I know expensive but never tot it would be THAT expensive... But then again... You are treating it with more care now than the old 1 rite ;)

  24. takkaus: yes overcharged, i should hv go to more shops and enquire first.. now i realize my mistake..

    rachel: good, i wan to follow you.. be patient.. sigh..

    Agnes: yes, now press also like very light.. han han.. touch..

  25. RM60 at the dentist? That's cheap! RM55 for the car key - slightly expensive, but not too bad! It's something that you need to replace. It's a need, not a want! So it's OK.

    Sometimes you go around enquire for the best price, you waste time. And we know time = money : )

  26. RM60 at dentist still ok la, here in KL more expensive lei!!

    As for the key dress, don't worry, "sum thong" one time, at least it last long. Not like every month you're going to change or 1/2 year change once right? So, smile. :D

  27. if don't change the dress, can still 'use' for the keys ah? how to press wor? coz I see that macam pecah liao lei..

  28. foongpc: wah..time=money? hahaa.. im not that enterprising..

    annieQ: sumtoong cos i am too hasty, next time slowly survey around first.. looking at the key now reminds me of my weakness.. hahaha..

  29. cynthia: can one.. slow slow put the nail inside and press gently.. :) yes, been doing that for a month or more..

  30. Wow! how can the key locks torn till like that? Like "kena gigit tikus". hahah!

  31. I am not sure how much a car key should be... but that damage looks bad... using finger nail to press?

  32. rose: a big tikus la.. :) how to become a gentle lady.. tell me...

    LV: fingernails is the culprit.. definitely.. so now handling with very gentle care..

  33. yes. everything is costly now. But we can't help but to spend our money on many things. life is a struggle lorr...

  34. The dress look nicer now.. wah, very keng leh, the old dress got one big hole until can see the circuit inside.. must take extra care ady next time. never knew that dress is so expensive.. :P

  35. tiee: yeah, u said it very right.. everything goes up.. never comes down.. only gaji not go up much :(

    charlene: yes, girl, this auntie here must not press too hard.. must tell aaron and andy too.. they might be the ones pressing the dress too hard.. lOL...

  36. Wah, press until lubang...very hard leh!

  37. eh... the remote of my vios also like that... same button somemore..
    i think it's not our prob.. i think it's the quality.. tsk tsk tsk.. =P

  38. Money really flies off so easily in just a blink of an eye. I hope you have a good budget plan next time and good money management.


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