Sunday, November 8, 2009

What's Yours?

A beautiful and sunny Sunday awaits me as I woke up at 9.15am... how blissful... Thank You, God for another blessed day!!

After a tedious week of work and no Internet connection plus some bad news in office, this weekend is just what I longed for....

Having done all that is needed to be done for the house, I am now relaxing myself in front of this monitor for the past hour or so... hopping here and there, no matter far or near, I can hop hop just by a click... no matter where you all are, I am stalking can come to read yours.... :p

Suddenly I have an idea. We are facing this square box each day.... what special picture do you display on your desktop monitor? At this moment, I am using my son's laptop, he puts this picture on his desktop... I guess this picture says it all....

We R A Family!

How about you?
What picture do u display on yours?
Can you show it in your next post?
Let us visit one another to *8*
(that no. 8 implicates me only, don't worry :p )


  1. My dear Maine!!

    p/s : Cookie and cookie mooulds!! Happy Sunday!!

  2. Wonderful post, happy family is what matter most! Is that photo snap at HK Disneyland? All of u look good :)
    Thanks for dropping by, do keep in touch.

  3. Agnes: sure must be Maine hor.. cookie and moulds too? that must be your passion.. :)

    Iriene: yes, taken in HK two years back ... so what is displayed in yours?

  4. Happy Family Claire..that shows your son loves his family lo :))

  5. to be able to stay close together in the family is wat i treasure most after my retirement. I seem to appreciate my hubby more this day..ha..ha. Maybe the feeling of uselessness ( or laziness?) in my twilight(?) year after my retirement ( must think more positive, huh? ) give me more time to love them more..

  6. elin: same with many other families as well.. so what do u put on yr desktop?

    Maytan: apa macam? long time no see u here.. so now u r loving them more than those working years? how come... oh, perhaps those years, u were busy going in and out of office doing yr own biz and with our gang, right? good to hear from u, anyway.. how i wish i could retire like u too!

  7. Your son loves his family so much...what a proud mum of you!

  8. nice of him to put the family pic there..

  9. I like this one...I will post what I put on my lappy's display soon too. How lucky u r to have brought your family to HK Disneyland...If my daughter saw that two mice...mesti dia jeles punye...hehehe *kira budget dulu*

  10. wyne: cos he is away from home.. but now i m using his lappie .. :) he didnt bring this along with him overseas...

    wenn: i m sure many of u put yr family pic as well..

    Ummi: spend later.. hahhaa.. just joking.. well, sometimes i go enjoy first.. money can always come back later.. I hope!

  11. Your son so cute.. put family as laptop background.. I hope my son (Kids?? ;-p) will do the same.. ^_^

    Ow.. I did not put any background.. just leave with the original background.. ^_^ (Pink from Vaio..)

  12. It's alwiz nice to see family pics. Have a great week ahead ya! ^_^


  13. dat's a very nice family pic claire. n if u dunno already, i was with you guys then {in da minnie mouse!} lol..

    mine is definitely ethan's pic lor.. haha

  14. no leh...didn't put any picture there , just the default windows

  15. my laptop screen displays a collage of photos of my son with his late grandfather.

  16. ya, I agree. A photo speaks a thousand word.

  17. cath: u might find yr son putting yr all yr pics there.. cos u r a wonderful mummy!

    gratitude: same to u too..take care..

    merryn: no wonder la.. u kept poking at my sides.. u so noti minnie!!

    chris: why so boring leh.. put my pic there next time.. hehehee..

    doc: that is sweet of u too...

    cendrine.. like the song IF...

    amycheah: 2 words... thank u..

  18. Mine's my daughter's photo. Good son you have there - shows family's important to him!

  19. Mine is a picture of a sunrise at a beach in Desaru, Johor , taken just last month. I kept changing the wallpaper .

  20. Claire... ur girl very cute leh... I think in the future she'll have a lot of boys kao her la!

  21. a happy family heartwarming hahaha

  22. Happy happy family! I jealous jor....

  23. stp: that is expected.. coming from u... hahhaa.. so did your girl put u on her wallpaper? as for my 2nd son, he put his gf pic there ... if my girl has her own lappie, she rather puts her favorite korean star there.. hahaa..i guess i know them to well...

    jama: change of scene is refreshing.. in my office pc, i put a stressful cartoon pic there.. hahaha..

    cleffairy: that was a few years ago.. now not so cute i hope.. i dont want to stress up bec of boys.. :p

    manglish: thanks .. as i told stp earlier, my 2nd son put his gf's pic.. as for my own pc in office, i put a stressful face there.. to remind how stress it is to be working... hahhaa..

    cindy: no need jeles.. yr kids will do the same when they leave home... :)

    3hungrytummies: thanks a lot!

  24. how sweet of your son to do so. :)

    Mine is of my daughter flashing her sweet baby smile.

  25. One big happy family! Nice for your son to put that as wallpaper. He must love you so much. You must be so touched when saw this photo as the wallpaper of your son's desktop. sweet.

  26. I usually have pictures of musical instruments that i love. Like the piano, flute, violin, etc or simply some wallpaper with witty words. ;)

  27. Used to b smallkucing photo b4 my PC kaput. Now using a borrowed laptop so tarak photo

  28. Nice "Chuen kah fook"!!![family pix]wow that's lovely. Mine would not have any pix of people but more on lights, thunder, cute animals (I had a snail once), sceneries, water, space, nibula etc and I change very often about once a month.

  29. Your desktop is nice. :)

    Mine is the plain default image. does tt mean i am boring? :)

  30. Oh so sweet... I got anime as my desktop wallpaper haha.

    My house desktop is a Calvin and Hobbes :P.

  31. mine is ...................................................... *nothing* *blank* screen

  32. mamamia: how sweet of u too to display yr girl's pic.. :)

    superman: he has put that ever since we came back from HK couple of years ago...

    mabel: so u love music? me too! what instrument do u play?

    smallkucing: so by the time u put, it will be a bigger kucing!! hahaa...

    cheah: wah, u fickled minded one? LOL.. me change every few months.. when i get fed up.. hehe...

    juann: no, it might mean u r busy with other chores..not like me so crazy.. :p

    ladyviral: cos u like cute things, i suppose.. got shin chan or not? i love shin chan.. hahaha..

    rachel: nothing? perhaps u r too busy with your work.. or philip.. no time to see the desktop :)

  33. Mine is just plain color.... put pic last time, but find the loading slower. So change back to without pic.

  34. cheeyee: yes, i heard it eats up a lot of memory... if i m not mistaken..

    lynette: thanks... looks fun, yeah..

  35. Nonid to get stressed up becoz of the boys courting her, Claire. You got two boy boys! Give em a shotgun, and they'll settle things for you, Claire. LMAO...

  36. Glad you had a restful day. Aren't the weekends the best? I like to sleep in a little later and my dear husband brings me coffee in bed! He evens makes my breakfast for me. My screen saver is just a small photo of a magnet that my middle child gave me for my birthday, I am going back to my tropical screensaver that is on Windows next. I think it is wonderful that your son has a family photo on his computer.

  37. cleffairy: please la.. not bloodshed! maybe mama here will choose for her or get one for myself instead!! hahaha...

    cheryl: wow.. aint your husband wonderful! breakfast in bed, never in my whole life experience that before..

  38. I will put the pictures of my babies in my squarebox. :D

  39. tekkaus: how many babies do u have now :p

  40. I guess it shows that he's a family man. Vy sought after by girls. :) Looks like u wudn't hv to wait long for ur 'sam pou cha'. *wink*
    My desktop - vy boring one. Jes the std Vista wallpaper.


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