Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Road Side Fest...

My birthday lunch was at Moment's cafe (in my letswallop blog)....After our lunch, Lynn suggested that a meal is not a meal without eating a dash of durians... so... without much ado, we adjourned to our regular durian boss along the road side in First Garden.

The minute he saw us coming, he gleefully attended to us. Though WE are not those big customers, he was happy to see us.. why? All leng lui ma.. hahhhaa... NO La.. of course not, only LYNN is young enough to deserve such a compliment. Maybe we r a pleasant lot and don't mind eating just by standing there and then.

OH, perhaps he likes us taking his pictures la.. yes, that must be it... see, he even posed with his assistant ... he said make sure to put on the computer... LOL...

Then he gave us 5 durians for only RM10 !! hahaha.. that is the best.. so we must remember to smile sweetly whenever we go and see him...

glorious duriansssss

Lynn enjoying her share...

no time to smile..
seriously enjoying...

hmmmm... finished enjoying...
now can smile...


  1. ME FIRST? hohohohohohohoo

    Looks like you like durian a lot ya? hahahaha..

    Claire you look good in red. :)

  2. you mean two of you had 5 durians????????

  3. here..RM20 for 3...D24..wanted to buy earlier at the pasar petang but me having a bit sore throat not dare to take it...maybe next week...i want some!!

  4. Huh makan durians then go back to work? Pls don't burp!!!!!!!!!in office.

  5. annieQ, yes, u first.. jom, i belanja u drink!! or u want durian? no la..we didnt have that all, we tar pau..cos my 2 other colleagues not eating..

    mandy: make sure u eat before the season close leh.. me took 2 seeds only the other day..scared back pain..hahaha...

    cheah: hey, that song is very familiar..let me recall .. i can sing it but i cannot get the title la..wait ..give me some time..
    oh burp? i didnt..cos i took 2 seeds only.. just to satisfy the urge..hahaha...

  6. You like eat durian very much ho...

    This time you eat with empty stomach or not????


  7. wah...still got durians now? Rm10 for 5 ...very cheap leh.

  8. chvoon, i went after lunch la.. very prepared .. one bitten ma.. but i took 2 seeds only...

    chrisau: yeah..ipoh ma.. u know la.. always cheaper...

  9. You hot sexy mama in Red eating Durian.. sooo nice!!!


  10. wa....lulians ar???? i have not been dumping myself with lulian for the past 1 year already. gotto catch up with the season :P

  11. What do they taste like? I have never heard of them before.

  12. Hey, Happy Belated Birthday to you!

    I just loveeeeeeee duriann....!

  13. Aiyor! 5 for RM10!!! So cheap! I would buy to make tempoyak!!! Hahahahaha!!!! I love tempoyak and durian desserts. Not so crazy about durians as they are!

  14. Could be that you are getting "notorious" in Ipoh kot? The kenny sia of Ipoh. The durian boss recognise your face. If you write about his stall sure will bring on more customers. Eh the boss didnt give you all free durian ka :p

  15. Hahaha, eat first eh then smile hehehe that funny. By the way love ur dress (*_*).

  16. cathJ: now getting older must be hotter! lol..(eh, just joking!)

    gab: come to IPOH! i m sure u makan banyak already..

    Jay: yes, durians season now..

    calvin: quick before it ends.. but then dont eat so much... :p

    wyen: thank you very much..

    STP: tempoyak? i pun suka.. let it be fermented.. yeah.. but wasted if the durians are still good..

    smallkucing: we dint request for free la.. malu aja.. as long as he sells to us cheaper..

  17. ohhh so this is ur liewlian cake hahahaha.....

  18. sjb: yes..enjoying.. must be serious.. focused.. hahaha.. thank u, that was my old chinese new year dress.. dangerous colour!

    manglish: where got cake.. flesh got.. japan got liew lian or not?

  19. War...durian! :p Don't forget to drink salt water or gargle with it ok. :p Don't eat too much o Claire. Wait got "angin". :p

  20. wow..this mama...damn hot. wear SO RED and so short!!! i think other ppl think u r really 23 yo la.

  21. i not yet makan durians ler...aiks. no one in utp ad...ehehe...

  22. Rm10 for 5 durians? Pretty cheap oh...last wikend my hubby bought 4pcs for Rm20 lol.

  23. tekkaus: that was after my lunch meal.. so all well ended well.. no angin stabbing me at the back.. but arm pain cos too much blogging i guess.. how to stay at 25? tell me..

    rachel: so hot so wear short short.. :p, actuali, not that short vert.. red hor? cny dress lo.. guess i hv to wear it again next year otherwise too red for other days!

    Gab: i think your pasar malam there sells cheaper durians la.. so when r u going back to miri?

    Mery: ipoh standard and also smile more to that boss! hahahaha..

  24. looking at the durians make my throat hurts. haha!

    Well, cause I am feeling heaty now so it is bad :P.

  25. All i really want say is that is that, you can really eat a lot man.

    eat this, chew that, it just doenst matter how you can that,

    slurp this, sip that,it really doesnt matter, how i do that, all i want to say is that, you can really eat a lot man, all i really want to say is that you can really eat a lot man.

    (sung to the tune of MJ's "they really dont care about us" hahahah

  26. LV: eat moderately, it wont hurt.. i took only 2 seeds actually and my yearn is fulfilled...

    eugene: what man, sing this..
    "woman, i can hardly express..
    how u can eat so much,
    it makes me depress..
    after all, my life is in my hands.. "

    john lennon.. woman.. hahahaa..

  27. i'm not a durian lover but looking at the pic here make me want some..hehe...

    rm10 for 5,special price for the lovely ladies ah? If we can get it at that price, sure my mom will want to load a car full of durians..LOL..

  28. lynette: yes..this is called king of the fruits, thorny look called durian.. u might like it... :p

    mama mia: you mum loves but u dont? better not to eat than to eat too.. it is very heaty..actually..

  29. muahahahaa...too funny lah..taking photo of the durian seller and his assistant :D

  30. wah.. durian.. my love!!
    but had too much already.. so want to stop a while until next year.. haha..

  31. 5 durians for rm10? what grade? but nowadays durian season althroughout the year so maybe that's why its easy to find them and get them and cheap price.. hahaha.. i oso always smile2 only, can get cheap2 wan.. :P

  32. Wow, must go IPOH for during, looks so good and yet so affordable.

  33. Durian is a very juicy fruit indeed...
    heheh road side fest was definitely a nice one..


  34. your dress. Lady in red eating durian..hehe. The durian makes me drool lah.

    P/S: Hope it's not too late to wish you Happy Belated Birthday. :)

  35. barb: yeah, this fella is very humorous is the assistant..

    dolly: next year is just a month or so away.. :)

    angel: so .. u also smile smile only.. sometimes it works, sometimes doesnt.. my young fren must come along.. otherwise sure wont work for me..

    Loo: yes, u must come to ipoh and taste all the good food..

    sourav: if u eat there, he will choose the best fruits for u...

    mummygwen: i hope the buffaloes wont come only.. so red..

  36. fee weet! Claire, lady in red!!! macam mana wanna say u ody 35????

  37. can pass as 25 or not.. 30? 35? oh.. 45 can ??? please?

  38. The taukeh sure smile so gleefully la... leng lui pong chan... some more ask you to upload to the internet... haha

    I love your red dress! You don't look like you're in your fourties leh... :-D

  39. R.W. Goodwin’s “Alien Trepass” has been acquired for U.S. distribution by Roadside Attractions. Starring Eric McCormack (of “Will & Grace” fame), the film is an homage to 1950’s alien invasion movies. Set for a world premiere at the 2009 Palm Springs International Film Festival, the film will be released in 22 markets on April 3, 2009. In the words of a description, the story emerges after a space object crases into a California mountaintop, threatening Earth.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...