Friday, November 6, 2009

Say Cheese!!!

Andy is back for almost a week and he has been eating heartily.. ask him if u dont believe me He told me one night that he will gain weight in no time. Well, nothing to worry about since he has lost so much weight since he started college in May this year. As mums, we love to feed our kids, right?

Plump, plump means healthy and wealthy... oooppss.. sorry, don't take this statement seriously, it is very backdated already. Just eat healthily...but eating healthily is one thing, once awhile, it is okay to indulge in this "irresistable" dessert such as this...

specially presented by Elin..

Upon my request, she baked this for us...

Andy's request has been granted..

as for me, I only "nibbled" two slices.. LOL...

how can I resist dessert such as this???

ok, time for aerobicS!!
one, two, three, four..


  1. Hey, is that you in the last pic?
    I love cheesecake too, find it hard to resist, that's why I choose not to think about it to prevent over-indulging into the sinful world of cheese...

  2. oh.. nice cake... I am sure Andy will enjoy this before he return to 'suffer' again.. it's like that de la, when we got home, nothing better than home cooked food! I can understand how he feels.. muahaha..

  3. I love cheese cakes! But cannot eat too much or will get tummy upset! : )

  4. woah....cheese cake!! looks so nice and tasty.. i am sure that italy boy is drooling now...hahahahaha....

  5. tarts: yes... getting ready for aerobics... feeling heavy..

    cynthia: after 2 months, i can imagine how his face looks like when he steps in to his hostel again..

    foongpc: oh, cheese cake upset tummy? i only worried it swells up the tummy... hehehe...

    gab: u r wrong.. i think he is fed up of cheese already la...hey, coming down for weekend or not.. u can stay with andy.. take u out for dinner?

  6. i love cheese cake too..wah, really envy u as u still have time to do some for me, i'm fully time at all..

  7. Yes agree, healthy is wealthy .
    I love the cheese cake..hmm yummy. Andy is so proud and sure he was happy that his wish was granted hehe.
    One thing, how I wish I could do some aerobics too hehe. You look great claire. Is that because you are happy person? or because of your aerobics and your foods?
    ah ok all of the above mention hehe.

    keep beautiful..happy weekend.

  8. Yeah! Mum loves to feed their kids. :D

    Holy smoke! Baked Cheese cake? Even I cannot resist already. :p Can she teach us all how to bake it? I wanna learn.

    Anyway have a great weekend Claire. :)

  9. I wonder how people can really really enjoy food when they are perpetually bugged by this guilt of putting on weight...(even though they are far from being overweight!)

  10. oooo.. gimme cheese cake anytime! no matter how stuffed i am, sure got space in my stomach for that.. yummy.

  11. wow, your friend even has a nice box for the cake :) the cheesecake sure looks yummy :D

  12. aiyoh....u no need aerobic lah...look so slim leh...can eat few more slices ler...kekeke

  13. This pic really is driving me fren...mintak satu slice ya..*how I wish*

  14. This pic really is driving me fren...mintak satu slice ya..*how I wish*

  15. This pic really is driving me fren...mintak satu slice ya..*how I wish*

  16. Wah nice cheese cake...after eating, aerobics not enough to burn the calories....have to run half marathon....ha ha ha!

  17. Nice cheese cake, enjoy! only once in a while, no need aerobics la!

  18. wenn: time management..hehehe.. ladies like me..vain pot ma.. want to eat and yet ... :)

    weng: eat but in small quantities.. wallop when the food is too tasty.. then after that, get ready to exercisse.. :)

    STP: u dont understand me lady la.. i m short not as tall as u.. so the way i eat, i must jaga, otherwise i look like pumpkin jor.. LOL...

    barb: yes, she can really bake hor? this is her secret recipe.. i also dont know how to do it la..

    Via: u cannot see i m hiding behind a chair ? must do one.. otherwise hwo to go on eating and eating all these cheesy stuff?

    Ummi: quick, quick.. learn up some cake recipes and "torture" me back.. hahaha..

    Pete: really not enough ah? ok , i better go for my badminton now..

    cindy: yes, i will enjoy.. wallop first, exercise later.. hope u will too!

  19. cheese cake, woo, my favorite but i hardly take it as it will spoil my diet plan :-)

  20. The cheese cake really looks very tempting. I like cheese cake too. Really yummy!

  21. huisia, dont remind me of diet plan.. not in my dictionary yet.. hahaha.. (just joking) my motto is eat first, cut down later...

    mNhL: me too.. me too!! but cannot take too much all at one time..

  22. I love cheesecakes. I ever try making a non-bake cheesecake before but a failure. I hope to succeed the next time I do it!

    hahaha! I miss aerobic,. it has been almost a year since I gone to my aerobic class. Wonder if I could catch up or not.

  23. Oh i love cheesecakes! That looks good.

    I love those are are filled with cheese and is creamy yum yum~

  24. i love baked cheese cake!! When i go to secret recipe, i always order baked cheese cake. YUMMY!!!

    Eh, you look slim lei, far away from the word "FAT"!!


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