Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Andy is in Penang now, he went to get his results this morning.... during lunch time, he called to tell me that his scholarship was at stake, his results might jeopardise it, he is going to discuss it with the college staff tomorrow. I hope they give him one more chance to remedy.... I feel bad as much as he does....
It sets me thinking, has he taken the wrong course? Is it that tough? Did he put enough efforts? I don't know.... I only pray that he knows what he is doing and will make efforts to pursue his own aim in life....


  1. thanks..thanks... life is such.. got up and down one..

  2. Hope everything is ok with him... maybe it;s the first year which is always tough. He needed to adapt to the 'culture' of the college like ways of learning which is very different from secondary school.

  3. you see the things we mothers have to go thru at different stages of our kids' life. never ending.. i hope everything will go well with Andy's result.. all the best

  4. Don't worry too much. Just let things flow naturally : )

  5. Remember...the Lord is always in control. Lean on Him.

  6. We can never change the past and the future is waiting for us to mold it. Focus on what you can do now... =) i hope everything will be fine soon ^^

  7. Well...the most important thing is don't give up. Perhaps the college might consider giving him another chance? :p

  8. chrisau: perhaps... he told me this short sem of 2 months, it was very intensive, he couldnt cope up with the subjects..

    merryn: yes, never ending, from the day they were born and till the day we mothers vanish from earth...

    foongpc: yeah, worrying gets us nowhere but then... .. ...

    Lynette: i just told my son last night.. cast our cares upon HIM... i told myself that actually..

    daniel : thanks for the quote.. we reap what we sow...

    Patty: hopefully so, i will know later...

    Tekkaus: hope they will give him a chance, yeah.. just less than a point away..

  9. Oh I do hope all goes welll with your son. I know one of my children had a very hard first semester at college and dropped out. He just wasn't ready for college then. And my daughter is in her first year of college and is working so hard and under so much stress, its hard as a parent to see this happening but we have to let them figure it out the best they can, of course support them as necessary. Its a big step to go to college after 12 years of being with friends and knowing your teachers and then all of a sudden you are far away from home and all alone! Take care.

  10. cross ur fingers and hope for the best...=P

  11. cheryl: thank you very much, i never see it his way.. he is the homely type, yes.. i guess as parents, we ought to give them confidence and moral support in what they do.. right, will put myself in his shoes on certain things.. the rest is really up to ownself..

    manglish: crossing my fingers until in knots already. :) anyway, what is over is over.. there r more sem-s coming and try to do better next time..

  12. take it easy. n take min subjects per sem if he cannot handle too much. also, ASK questions. this is the key that most ppl fail..when they r in doubt, they never ask questions. also, mingle with sennior students for effectiveness.

  13. I am sure there is a way to settle all this, resit some papers... but that would be at own cost now.

    Make sure to understand in lecture... ask a lot of questions even if you think it might not be right to ask.. just ask. lecturer will answer... wrong or right... still better to know than a don't know.

  14. As a mother, we can't help but worry huh? I hope all is well with Andy. Whatever happens, it's fated :D

  15. Hope everything turns out ok. God Bless!

  16. Rachel: thanks for advice,yes, he told me that it was too intensive during the last sem and couldnt cope up...just now he called me to say that he has to write in to the dean...

    LV: actually he didnt fail any papers, only the CGPA is not up to the scholarship level.. so he has to pay his own fees if the dean discontinue the scholarship for next sem...

    Pete: yeah, thanks!

  17. I want to share this with you may be for you to ponder Claire,

    met up with a lady customer the other day, she was so upset with her son,, for this reason alone.

    She had spent about RM450,000 to sending her boy to Australia to study for 4 years, finally the son told her, he didnt like what he studied, and he wanted to make a switch after the 4 years and money spent.

    Maybe you should talk to Andy about it, if he really likes what he is studying, then he should perservere till he succeeds.

    dont worry, i understand

  18. I almost walk down the same road, with scholarship from kerajaan malaysia some more. It was tough but I managed to get through my course. If your son is really interested in what he's doing, he'll pull through, you'll see. Hopefully things will get better. Keep uu all updated ok. X

  19. Your friend is right about Auckland. Do you visit him/her?

    I like Penang, been there a few times.

    Thanks for visiting.

  20. HI !

    Been hearing lots about you and mum's escapades so though I'd drop by to say hello =)

    So sorry to hear about Andy's predicament. It took me 4 yrs to read thru all the wrong signs and finally discover where I really want to go in life. So, I think he'll find out his aim in life in good time =)


  21. eugene: that is why i never objected to what he wants to take up.. he chose this course himself, yes, he is still very interested, it isnt that he failed, just that the results dint meet up with the scholarship qualification...he is now appealing ...

    Fely: yes, i told him if he likes it, do persevere on.. scholarship or not..

    ann: no, i m not visiting him as yet.. no plans to.. :) one day, perhaps..

    Jo: what a nice surprise, yes, me n yr mum has lots in common now.. we will help each other along the way.. where andy is concerned, he just have to make more effort in his next sem, he can still go up, he is now appealing to the scholarship division .. hope they allow him to have one more chance in sem 3...

  22. Take comfort that he called to share his disappointment, for his call to you wuz his source of comfort. If the end result points to another path, he would ultimately still rejoice the fact that you wld certainly be there to walk the new path with him. ^_^


  23. Gratitude: how nice words... i m moved.. yes, it is true .. being the parent, we have to stand by our kids no matter how the situation is.. be cool... steady... take a deep breath..

  24. Don't worry too much.. ^-^
    Youngster nowadaw knows what they are doing themself.. hehehehe.. I am sure your son knows it himself too..

  25. dolly: words spoken from a matured youngster :) thanks.. i know i should hv confidence in him..


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