Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Where Have All The Flowers Gone..

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you for your good wishes to me...
I have a beautiful and interesting day...
Tiring as well... my mouth never stop eating and eating...
From morning 8.30am till 9.30pm....
My breakfast, lunch and dinner and supper were fully sponsored,
I am indeed blessssed with so many wonderful amazing friends & bloggers...
A wonderful day made special by all of you.....

At 4pm I received a call from the counter
Asking me to go down to the ground floor
And received this beautiful bouquet of flowers...

thank you, dear...

when I reached home, I found this...

thank you, dear...

I am so Happy..
I am speechless.. wordless...
I don't know what to say now...
I just wanna rest.. rest my mind..
I am still in awe...
So much to be thankful for..
my love ones, my friends, my colleagues..
my fellow bloggers friends here...
I Lup You All !!!

to be continued tomorrow...


  1. Wah! Lucky you! So many flowers! Glad you had a wonderful birthday... Mine's next week and I don't want flowers!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  2. hey..really STP??? Maybe i send u virtual ones then..if u dont want the real ones...hahaha...
    u also a November baby? or early DEC?
    (psst.. let me be the first one to know.. whisper softly here.. )

  3. Wei...see 25th birthday...of course still recieve flowers la...wait another 25 yrs see got flowers anot? :p Good la all the makaning never ajak me aso....:(

  4. Happy,happy birthday...hope you had lots and lots of fun and were spoiled by everyone.

  5. Elin..dont la.. make me wanna cry.. of course, I luv u..and him.. and her.. and them.. and all...

    (kwat pei or not?) hahahaa...

    this year is very special bec of you all.. so sweet.. so rare... u, me, boon.. kong.. u r all special..
    i m wordless.. hmmmmm....

  6. lynette: i m indeed spoilt .. now i m wordless.. i dont know what to write.. my mind .. it is too excited.. it is indeed a day made special by everyone i know!! thank God for that...

  7. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to Claire,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Wish you a good health and may you be blessed always. Keep posting nice stuff in the blog yeah :D hehe..

  8. Flowers are woman bestfriend. Haha. Happy birthday! =D

  9. charlene..thank you, girl.. i need the good health.nowadays auntie here pain there pain.. yes, will keep on posting whenever possible..

    kristin: not diamonds? hahaha.. thank you.. just the tots will do too..

  10. OH GOSH FLOWERS! who ever gave you that... never let that person go! haha

  11. Happy Birthday & Many Happy Returns. May you be blessed with 'ching chun mei lai' always.
    Eh.. who are the 'dears' who sent you flowers leh ?
    BTW,, you still look good in mini skirt. I ditched mine long time ago lor...

  12. I bet one of them is from Andy :P.

    Many Happy Returns to you, Claire :p

  13. Sorry this is belated. A very happy birthday to you! The flowers are just beautiful! You are well loved.

  14. daniel: just bec of flowers, i have to stick to that person? hahaha.. so easy to be pleased la, daniel u...

    elaine: mana ada mini skirt.. my boss will repprimand me one.. maybe the skirt was accidentally up when that pic was taken.. lol...

    smallkucing: thank you very much! flowers... nice to receive and look at .. hmmmm....

    cheryl: thank you, it is not belated .. :p

  15. War..so many flowers. You have a lot of fans huh. :p

  16. two bouquet of flowers in one day! Now that is so sweet :). Happy Birthday to you, Claire~

  17. Wah so many boyfren gave flowers....lucky you! Happy Birthday Claire!

  18. tekkaus: give me a chance to brag on my birthday.. after this, no more flowers one...

    LV: thank u.. lovely flowers but sad to throw them away later on..

    Pete: haha..must be boy meh.. ladies also can give one..

  19. 2ma: yes..my frens gave. so nice of them!

  20. wow wow wow!! Two bouquet of flowers! So pretty, so sweet of your friends.

  21. Oh boy, sorry dear, Belated Happy Birthday, ha :-)! You look gorgeous and so happy. You deserve those treats, and gifts because you are such a great mother to them. I love those flowers, too...so sweet of them!

  22. annieQ: yes...they r very sweet..hahaha.. we make each other happy... if possible!

    cecile: thank you for the sweet compliment.. i chose the best pics to post here.. hahaha..

  23. Wah!!! Very nice bouquets! Happy Birthday!

  24. A very Happy Belated Birthday to u, Claire! U sure had a vy special n memorable one. Wishing u good health n happiness always.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...