Saturday, November 7, 2009

Work Less, Relax More...

Stress... don't take this lightly... don't get stressed up with work... don't be too over anxious over unfinished work... just don't think of work too much ....

Yesterday morning just when I reached the office lift, bad news were given by a colleague. Our deputy director passed away early in the morning while doing his morning prayers. Just like that.. he collapsed and died... why? He was only 53 years old and I just had a meeting with him last Wednesday and I posted about it here.

Stress, his wife said. He was very stressed up with work, he had so many meetings to attend, so many meetings he had to chair, he had to know so much about this and that... and overall all this, he died because of stress leading to heart failure. He was a very nice man, obliging to us all.

So... yesterday while I was working my head out in the office, I told myself, don't hurry, slow down.... I have a very bad habit, I don't like to see work on my table pending for the next day, I tried to finish it all for the day.... that is not good...

So from today onwards.... I will remind myself this... WORK WILL HAVE TO WAIT !


  1. yea, work can wait. health more important. take care auntie. God bless.

  2. Don't be stress up!! Stay relax.

  3. During my time of working, many colleagues used to say in their dialetic language..
    Work2, easy work, also got pay!!!
    So better slow down.. I m like you in one way or another but when seeing others play2, also play LOL..

  4. yes must strike a balance.. but easier said than done :(

  5. Agreed with Little Lamb. Easier said than done

  6. gab: yeah, work can wait.. no one is indispensable..

    Mery: yes, must learn how to relax in office..

    housewife: yeah, must do what the romans do..actually..

    rachel: i guess u r one of those who cannot let work wait, right? well, we got to try.. somehow.. do what we can...

    smallkucing: it is our die hard habit actually...

    wenn: first thing is to work leisurely at times..

  7. OMG! This is sad...53 years old, died just because of stressed...Thanks for your post my dear, will keep this in my less, relax more...

  8. I know what stress can do to your body. I've even fallen ill because of stress and depression, and it's nothing that can be taken lightly. I couldn't even send food down my stomach when i am stressed up... it's just horrible... so, Claire, take care... and yes, work will have to wait.

  9. Ya better don't stress too much for yourself. It is always a good idea take a short break and relax.... Because we always cannot finish our work one... Again, so sorry to hear the bad news :(

  10. What a sad story. Certainly makes one stop and think about it. I guess I should try to relax more and maybe the stress won't bother me as much. Its a hard thing though to try to not work as hard.

  11. ..the lawyers said time is money(not only they said),but i think its okay lah - me no ambitious type.time actually waits for us.whenever we rush(many times unneccesarily),..we ended up muka pucat pucat,eh?

  12. my deepes tcondolence to his family and friends...

  13. WYEN: hope we r not lazier after this.. :)

    Cleffairy: thanks dear, i know how u feel lately and presently, sometimes it needs time to get over such problems.. dont overstressed yrself too.. That Problem will go off gradually...

    aeiween: yes, cannot never finish work one.. today finished, tomorrow more will come.. sigh..

    cheryl: what i meant is do what we can, dont force ourselves to do more than what we can cope up with...

    ah ngao: sometimes my heart thumps very fast when work is urgent.. i guess that is not good too.. too much adrenalin rushing to the brain..

    medie007: thanks.. u take care too!

  14. Yes, that's why I take a lot of breaks from my tuition classes. All in all, I think I work only 6 months in a year. Of course, no money...but I can always fall back on my pension and anyway, money is not everything. No point make so much and cannot live to enjoy it!

  15. Claire, can blogging wait? hehe.. i know work can wait, but blogging? mati oso kenot wait ler..hahaha.. :P

  16. stp: yes, as chinese used to say.. yau lui moe mang hiong.. (got money but no life to enjoy) is worthless... so with meagre money we have monthly, as long as we r happy, that is all that counts..

    merryn: you hit the nail right on my head.. ouch... betul jugak! memang blogging tidak dapat dielakkan, susah susah pun mesti post hari hari! hahaha... but then blogging is not stressful ma.. esp with people like u is here to comment, i m very happy!

  17. You are right, don't work too hard and stress too much 53 is too young to die.

    Thanks for visiting and following.

    May be you to de - stress and come with your family to New Zealand if you haven't done so. Or go to the Cameron Highlands, and pretend you are in NZ.



  18. thanks Ann for coming by .. anywhere will do as long as i dont hv to work.. :)

  19. I totally agree! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

  20. Oh No, I am so sorry to hear that. Yes, that is indeed a grim reminder to us all that life is short. Make it sweet. Don't sweat the small stuff.

  21. mamapumpkin: happily.. dont get upset over minor minor things.. dont worry, be happy.. yeah!

    mumsgather: yes, live happily and give thanks to God..

  22. Don't stress yourself outself too much.

    There is proven facts that over stress can cause our brain to stop working :/.

    Work is work.. it will never be done. Just relax.

  23. ladyviral: yes..agreed fully.. so now im in pg.. relaxing.. again!

  24. Work will have to wait - unfortunately this is not applicable to me... if not, I will get fired. Work is getting more stressful.... besides some tasks are more stressful to me (some are just not my strength) work environment also making me more stress up. Feel like there is a bomb where you don't know when will explode. :(

  25. cheeyee: i believe u r still young.. so u can manage it well.. but dont get overworked once u reach an age like mine... :)

  26. Yeah! We have to take our life more easily. I mean we need to do our jobs and tasks seriously...but minus the stress. ;(

  27. I'm happy to said, i like my current job, no stress at all compare to my previous job, long working hour and stress. I'm getting old cannot take so much stress from work, at least now i can spent more time with my kids.


Thank you, readers!

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