Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Its A Holy, Holi-Day

All my bags are packed, but we're not ready to go...
Cos it is not the time to say goodbye..... yet...
Not yet, there are some things I still need to buy... toothpaste, hair conditioner, tissue paper, biscuits, disposable panties...(ooppss)

And now the truth..

No, I am not eloping as mentioned in my previous previous post...
Though the doctor did tell me to go get married, I din't follow his advice...
Instead I am just going off for a short exotic trip somewhere 7 hours from here...

Meanwhile while I am gone, I will not leave my blog high and dry...
Starting from tomorrow, you might find yourself mentioned in my blog...
For those whom I have leave out, it is not that I don't remember you...
At the time of writing, you might not be in my mind....
It is because you are already in MY HEART! :)



  1. woah...where are you flying off? Japan? When will you be back? Have a great trip ;)

  2. Claire you leave it to the very last minute to get all that?? You crazeee lah.. lol.. quick quick go get that disposable panties before it's too late! :P

  3. hmmm...australia?

    A smile from SJ =)

  4. Have a wonderful trip and safe return ya! ^_^

  5. enjoy your trip.. coz you are going to my dream trip! T.T
    I want to go Japan also, but no money.. T.T

  6. Hey Claire, where are up off to?

    Aiyah, no need to buy all these toiletries, just buy some plastic bottles and pour some of it.

    Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

  7. barb, tomorrow.. flying away... :)

    merryn: maybe i go without that :p

    sj: no.. starting with J.. :)

    gratitude: yes, wait for me.. :)

    donna: u spent it all on NY, right? hahaha...

    Jessie: thanks.. i will .. good idea..

  8. hv a nice time there in Japan..

  9. happy holiday!

    I guess you go to Japan la hehehe

    Enjoy yourself and meet you there :)

  10. Happy holiday!!! enjoy enjoy ya... My aunty also leaving for Japan holiday wor.. you all not in the same group right?

    must come back in 1 piece and let us hear from you soon!!

  11. wow... so many things! enjoy urself in err... wherever u go la. :P i too have a feeling u're going to japan. :D

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. enjoy your vacation/holidays!!!

  14. Laaa....this afternoon the post was 1 big 1 small...suddenly "beranak" into so many things liao ar?

    Have a great trip :)

  15. Laaa....this afternoon the post was 1 big 1 small...suddenly "beranak" into so many things liao ar?

    Have a great trip :)

  16. Wahhhh... Got Japanese writing all.. sure going Japan... Lovely place.. would love to go there 1 day...

    Happy holiday!!!! ^_^

  17. Disposable panties? LOL... you need disposable panties meh? (This was never in my luggage list! Wore them after gave birth, and HATE it!)

  18. have a safe trip, sis! I pray for ya.

  19. Hey, you're flying away tomorrow?
    Me too!!!
    My flight is scheduled at 5:45 at KLIA tomorrow...
    I'm going to Hong Kong!
    Enjoy your holidays ya?

  20. All your bags are packed,and you're ready to go, for ten days from now, i will be missing you. oh how i hate to say good bye to you.

    you're leaving me on a jet plane,and you know you got friends waiting for you.


  21. wenn: thanks...

    Voon: u going there too? good!

    cynthia: tomorrow i be leaving.. thanks..

    media007: arigatok..hahah...

    mingna: morning or afternoon? dont think i see u there.. mine is night..

    nuts: i will enjoy.. hahhaa.. thanks...

    smallkucing: hope wont beranak more later..hahaha...

    CathJ: i m sure u will go one day.. u r a great traveler...

    Cleffairy: i also dont like.. maybe i go without.. hahhaa...

    chrisau: pray for mother, sister, bro.. all in the family...

  22. eugene: u r one great singer and lets go karaoke one day.. i love singing too.. stp too.. and who else out there wants to join us??

    "Sing, sing a song.. sing out loud, sing out strong...
    sing of good things not bad..
    sing of happy not sad.... "


  23. Claire...have fun and enjoy!

  24. Wah... got Japanese characters some more... bu ming pai! Have a good trip yeah! Japan... woohooo... my dream hol location :-)

  25. Have a wonderful, exciting, and fun holiday! Will be awaiting news of your trip!

  26. Wish you happy holidays and a great time in Japan.

  27. Wehhhh! If go karaoke 2gether wif Eugene, must ajak me oso...forget me d lah tu! LOL...or issit, takut your eardrums pecah, hear my voice? LMAO!

  28. mandy: will do, thtanks...

    boeyjoey: it means goodbye, see u all... haha.. i think...

    banana: thanks, will do...

    cheryl: thanks dear, i hope i wont be chilled.. hahhaa..

    cheah: thanks, we will..

    Cleffairy: oh yeah, how can i leave u out??? alright, after kara, we go jiving too as well, OK?
    like the song Saturday Night Fever.. i wonder eugene sees this or not.. i doubt he does.. haha..

    sjb: right, we have fun.. hahah..

  29. Claire, you go makan angin don't forget to come back with gifts for those loyal bloggers/commenters out there :)

  30. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no nid to pack biscuits larrrrrrrr there is PLENTY of food here HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA......and they are all halal for you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA dont worry no famine in japan as yet

  31. kev: i wish i could buy for each and every one of u here.. hahhaa...

    manglish: ok ok.. i dont eat much anyway *wink*

  32. Pergi mana, so secret kah? cannot tell now kah? hehehehe. Nevermind, I will always waiting for ur posts to come out and tell us where u go yah!

  33. amy: not secretive la.. i wrote and u didnt realize it? haha..

  34. Happy Holiday Claire, have a fun trip! Enjoy all the yummy food there.

  35. We should do ABBA medley! Dancing Queen, Honey Honey, etc! OOOOOOO dancing queennnnnnnn! (mirror break liao!)

  36. Have fun dear and don't forget my goodies :)))) Will mizz you lotz :(

  37. very very cold in Japan. remember to wear warmly
    have a good trip n enjoy thoroughly...

  38. I think by now you already in the land of Japan? :) Enjoy!!

  39. Hv a great n fantastic hol! I'm sure it'll be.

  40. lol I didn't think about that. The media was all nuts about the employment being up, and they didn't expect it. But every year there are thousands upon thousands of extra jobs for 2 months.

  41. Enjoy Japan..and take lots of pics to show us...okay?

  42. wahseh, shiok nyeeeeeer! happy holiday!

  43. Wow! So nice! I also want to go on a holiday! Enjoy your holidays! : )

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