Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hanging Up My Love...

This morning while walking back to our car after breakfast, we met our ex colleague, actually he is a retiree and the first thing he mentioned to me was, "hey, you put on a lot of weight already ah.."

Yes, I cannot deny that, right? Just look at my past posts, all food, food and more food... see how fattening, those outside food, absolutely sinful cos of the abundant oil and lard... (sorry to spoil your appetite in this post....)

Another reason of my gaining weight is that I have finally call it quits on my badminton. I cannot play anymore, I couldn't, I shouldn't, I mustn't. My right arm is confirmed injured, I have been stubborn, wanting to play despite the pain and it has taken its toil... sigh...

Last monday was the last straw, I felt the intensive pain on my hand/arm that leads to my shoulder/chest and back, all on my right side. Even as I am typing now, I can feel the fatigue on my wrists...... DARN!

I guess I have to hang up my love (racquet) and have to resort to the most boring exercise, that is.... the capital W..... walking... awwww.. doesn't it sound mono?

There goes my only forever..... there goes my badminton-ing...


  1. ohhh ...sorry to hear that :) nevermind join me for brisk is good for the whole body : Eat and sweat it out is the best. Brisk walking can really make you sweat :) I dun think you really put on weight...stil slim as far as I am concern :))

  2. elin: so u r wrong already lo.. i m no more 25 as u said...sigh.. so have to live according to my real age now, eh? brisk walking? nice if got company, boring if none...

  3. welcome to the world of walking-ing-ing! :)

  4. Jom we go swimming.. good exercise, no impact. :D

  5. I go tell Tripple K to get switch to swimming.. surely u'll be motivated :P

  6. gratitude: if one group of bloggers go walking, then most interesting.. if alone.. yo, i rather sleep.. and be fat..hahhaa.a..

    Merryn: u serious? can u? will u? do it for me? ask KKK to come swimming? in that case, i wont learn swimming, i wait to be "saved".... hahhahaa.a.

  7. I know just how you feel.

    I have been totally addicted to running all my life...then last year I had back surgery. No more running for me. So it is on the treadmill everyday takes me twice the time that running did to get the same result.

  8. come on la Claire...I don't think u r fat ok..if i said Im ranking no 2, i don't think u dare to say that u r no.1, right?? hahaha!!

    Don't worry dear, u look perfect!! just nice!!

  9. lynette: sorry to hear that too! perhaps as we grow "older", our body system tend to be more passive than active.. yes, we resort to walking from now on...

    mandy: this man la..hahaa.. said i put on so much weight.. yeah, last time i was much slimmer.. hey mandy, u r tall, ok? i am short and if i put on any more weight, i look like a small pumpkin leh..

  10. You gained weight? Can't tell lor. Looks the same only. Walking is good..sure no injuries. You still feel the pain then you should rest more and less blogging. :D

  11. mummygwen: u hit the jackpot.. yes, more rest and less blogging online, i dare to agree.. i will try to stay away from here..

    ah ngao: serious or kidding?

  12. u should rest yr arm for a while till healed..otherwise the pain will persist..

  13. take good care Claire, let your hand /arm have a "rest", for time being, just go for the boring "walking" lo or maybe a "slow jog"? don't look fat at all la, you should see me, i'm a lot fatter than you!!

  14. how about walking? walking around your residential area?

    Ahem...bear with me if I sound like granny ...but NO ASAM FOOD & NO SPICY FOOD for you while your arms is healing. Heard that eating those food while have injury will cause "Fung Sap" when you are old. :p

  15. Hah, put on many kilo leh?
    Yesterday I went to the gym and checked my weight.....I lost 1.5kilo leh....the wedding food marathon didn't help me to put on weight....running around for the wedding makes me loose weight....sigh!

    Hope your arm be ok soon!

  16. wenn: sigh..and i tot i was 25...

    annieQ, anyway, slim or not slim, also must walk walk.. for health sake, cos i m no more 25 ma as mentioned..hehe...

  17. smallkucing: no, u dont sound like ah mar.. thanks for yr advice, i nv tot of it.. i am still thinking of being 25.... hehhe...

    pete: so it takes a wedding to happen then only can lose weight? yo... guess i hv to wait for a few years from now...

  18. What are u talking about? fat? what fat?. I wish i can be skinny like u (^_*).

  19. aiks...take care ler auntie. can go cycling or jogging. :)

  20. Sorry to hear about your arm and having to give up your badminton. Perhaps the doctor can recommend physical therapy? I walk alot. I have serious back problems so can't walk as fast as I used to but I still get out and walk. It gets me out in the fresh air and sunshine.

  21. Or you can pass on your love to someone else? :p I thing you need to find a new love to stay healthy claire. :p

  22. sjb: if no more exercise, i might be pumpkin.. :P

    gab: cycling? takut jatuh la.. hahaa.. jogging? too old.. walking can la...

    cheryl: your back too? sorry to hear about that.. mine was more on my hand and legs.. overstrained! :)

    chrisau: yeah, i will miss badminton.. maybe, maybe.. once awhile ok?

    Tekkaus: find a new love, yes, i will, definitely!

  23. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you know that is the #1 thing u dont say to a girl, woman, lady....watever....hahahaah it's ok dun wori...i am very sure you are still very charming even after putting on weight...i belive you may become charming-ier haahahahha

  24. You know Claire,once i heard from a Tennis coach(old one) he said if we knew how to play games properly, the chances of inflicting injuries upon ourselves is very minimal...

    so i guess,you did the jumping smash,when you should have.... you rally too long when you should not have.... your dropped short,,,when you should not have,,,,you lunged forward, bent down to ditch the ball, when you should not have,, you overhead smash, when you should not have.......

    so there had been many should not haves,,, you have done,,,lah..

    i believe you can still play, let the injury heal, then play it leasurely,,,dont ever give up something you like.

    strecth before you start,, sister,,

    if you stop playing badminton,,, KKK will be very sad

  25. it's ok, you can still go for walks eventhough you don't play badminton to exercise. anyway, i don't think you look overweight. just nice :)

  26. It may be due to TOO MUCH BLOGGING or online surfing. Sitting down too long and you end up with stiff wrists and elbows and pain (Can also happen if playing with handphone too much!) - due to the poor blood circulation. Go for body get the blood flowing.

  27. eugene: u hit the point..ouch!! no proper coaching and training will inflict injuries on my poor ligaments and nerves.. my sister and friends have advised me to stop many time, i no heed them but now i got to.. :( KKK, dont feel sad for me, huh..

    barb: now at yet.. the way i eat and lacking exercise, i dare not say that anymore.. :p

    STP: i did that too.. body massage to circulate blood.. should go monthly at least...

    (psstt.. about the surfing/blogging, please talk softer, u know i know, sudah la, sir.. i will try to cut down, trying to anyway..will be going for a long break next week)

  28. I don't know, but hang up on them, then when you call them back, tell them that the NEXT time you hang up on them, to call them AFTER you are done classes, call to whereever 'home' is... OR, always leave it on vibrate mode.

  29. try brisk walking as a new exercise...

  30. do housework will pespire alot too ;)

    PS: I have added you in my blog, is it okay?

  31. frenchbed: hang down your head, tom dooley..hang down your head and cry...

    rachel: yes, brisk walking with someone will be nice...

    ling: sure, thanks .. i will add u when i'm home.. :)

  32. with injured arm... why not go swimming, less stress on the joints and sorts :).

  33. Will keep u in prayer mum..maybe can go for some jog..Stay strong and healthy..u r still young :) haha

  34. LV: wish i could.. i water phobia one.. when i go into the pool, it is like suffocating me.. why ah..

    Son: thanks for consoling your mummy young..hahahaha.. brightens up my day and joints pains suddenly like no more already... thanks.. do keep us in prayer...


Thank you, readers!

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