Thursday, December 17, 2009

O Hi O Gozaimas!

Mushi, mushi.... ohio gozaimas...

hahaha.... (now can "pau" a bit of japanese)

yes, I am back in one piece... (moe chuen moe lan) ... only skin a bit dry... hands and legs... itchy too cos of the dryness on the legs..... (don't imagine sengat please)

At this moment of writing, I am still in KL, will be going back to IPOH tomorrow morning... then.... of course, it will be back to the world of blogging....

So frust that I cannot find a hot spot to check my connection to the world... I tot most of the places are wifi but suprisingly, I need to pay 500yen for a 24 hour connection in the hotel .. so forget about it la.. no point wasting my yen....

OK, got to log out now.. till I m back in home sweet home... sayonara...


  1. welcome back auntie! looking forward to more pics! hehe...

  2. hi Gab...good to be back.. hope my pics turn out alright..cos no proper camera la.. should hv borrow yours.. hahaha...

  3. Oh goodness Claire! So glad you are back safe and sound... we've been missing you... SOOO MUCH!! welcome back :)

  4. Welcome back...hope you enjoyed every moment.

  5. aya... holiday means holiday lah... already put auto post no need to worry already lerrr hehehhehe....

    Cant wait to see photo... ^_^

  6. Welcome back, welcome back... When can I keepoh photo? :-)

  7. Okaeri nasai, Mama Claire. LMAO... I tot u run off with some japanese hunk dowan come back liao. Merryn summore tell me you soak naked in hot water spring. LMAO! So how? Did Japan enjoy you? Ehh... it's supposed to be... did you enjoyed Japan? LOL...

  8. good, still in one photo, fast fast, want to see dy...

  9. Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful trip, anxious to see some photos when you are all settled in.

  10. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHa so now u know Japan is not a bed of roses eh HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAa

  11. Miss you like crazy, miss you like crazy,,, go go , get changed and start blogging now.

    i am happy that you are back,,please post a lot of pictures for us to yan shiong ok

  12. welcome home.. we look forward for your posts on trip... heheh

  13. Welcome back Claire!!! Can't wait to read your "fun story" and beautiful pictures from your trip.

  14. Japan loh, Italy loh or Russia loh cannot beat your Pa-loh(Ipoh). Welcome home!

  15. ok, noted. Just nice! Im coming back next week.

  16. fast u already back here..glad to know that u back in one piece... LOL!!
    must apply a lot of lotion especially after shower...

    in KL also never call me ah??

    welcome home!

  17. Welcome back home...

    Home is better than Japan?

  18. See! Malaysia better than Japan. Free wifi everywhere! Ya...I also itched like hell...on the legs lah...when I was there!!! And once also when I went to NZ, but last trip, I was ok. Dunno why... They said the dryness, the cold...and our synthetic fabrics! Once we go home, the rashes and itching all disappear! Ah yes...welcome home!

  19. Time flies like an arrow you were just posting about packing your luggage to leave Japan like yesterday and now you are back. Welcome home!

  20. Welcome back. look forward to your posting of photographs in next post!!

  21. wahaha, mum..can speak japanese already..not bad..hope to see u back soon n home!

  22. U're a true blogger lah. Hv scheduled posts during ur absence. Not yet reach home sweet home edi start to blog liao. Looking fwd to read more abt ur adventure.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...