Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thank You...

The first thing I got hold of the xray report, I read it there and then...

It says...Xiphisternum is not in profile, normal heart size seen, both lung fileds appear clear, no hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy note.... (no understand but should be alright, yes?)

Back in the clinic, the doctor looked at my xray and the report and said to me jokingly... "I think you should go and get married, let someone take care of you, then u won't worry so much......"

My Doc is a joker... really! Asking me to go get married to overcome anxiety/depression.... yo..

Jokes aside...

Thank You Lord...Once again, I want to give You thanks and praise!


  1. thank God! now auntie can go and enjoy your holidays with peaceful heart already. hehe...

  2. Glad to hear that... well, you never know beside giving you a 'free' report, he also got something arrange for you lei... hehehee...

  3. Gab: yes, thank God! I am so relieved.. but though my shoulder still pain, the tablets is helping to subside..

    Cynthia: i also suspect same thing.. hahahaa... no la.. just joking!

  4. great to hear that.

    A smile from SJ =)

  5. Getting married can add to one's anxiety and depression!!! Hahahahahaha!!!

  6. Remember to give me the doc's number when I start to work... :P

    Happy happy for you!!!

  7. Haha. Your doctor is sure funny! Glad to know that you are healthy and well.

  8. Yay! a good "report card". Go vacation also happier :)

  9. sjb: thanks... *smile back too*

    Agnes, sure i will recommend to u.. i m sure u like him too.. :p

    smallkucing : now lega a bit.. hope tonite can sleep...

    wenn: thank God for that...

    superman: hope i will stay that way..thanks..

  10. Hahahhahahaha... nice doctor.... well at least that was 1 of the best medicine.. ;-p...

  11. So all u need is to pamper urself more. Rest well n be stress-free.

  12. Glad to hear that you are well. Your doctor is a joker lah. Rest more and don't think too much.

  13. :D So now you should go get married. Hmm.. dont you worry claire. I'll go scout for some good loving man and see if they'll take the stress out of u or give you more stress! :P

  14. Good good! Scaring yourself in your last post :-)

  15. Thanks God that u r take extra cara la...maybe a short break....

  16. Glad you are doing fine. :)

    Btw, who's the doc? Is he as good at giving multiple mcs? lolz

  17. Well believe me marriage isn't the cure for everything. LOL Sometimes that causes more anxiety and depression, depending on what kind of man you might get. LOL Sounds like you are just working too hard. You need to relax more and find things you enjoy doing and make time to do them.

  18. Good to know you are OK! Yes, give thanks always! : )

  19. Praise the Lord!
    God is good all the time!

  20. cathJ: which is? the marriage or the mc? hehehe... he is just joking about both actually..

    slavemum: yeah. hv to relax.. always telling myself to..

    gwenmummy: yes, he is a nice doc and a good joker.. hahaha...

    merryn: get me someone who looks like mark lester and a character like .... er.... er.. who ah... ok, u decide for me le.. make sure no stress from him to me one..oK?

    boeyjoey: yeah, i m an anxious person.. now i finally realize...

    mandy: yeah, i should and will be going soon.. i tell u later..

    gratitude: no la..he is joking with me.. he is a very strict doc as far as i know but maybe he thinks i do need to relax...

    patty: yes, he is joking with me.. a marriage is not a bed of roses.. it might bring me more stress! lol.. yeah, i need a holiday.. and soon too!

    foongpc: yes, give thanks with a grateful heart...

    Lynette: and all the time, God is good!

  21. Just rest in the Lord..and HE will provide all your needs.

  22. if can do without a man, it's easier on the heart. :P
    unless you can get a gem la.
    then better grab. heehee.

  23. Marriage is made in heaven, but the problem here is, Claire, we're here, on EARTH! That alone can screw up many things!

  24. Glad to hear that ure fine =) wish you healthy always ya =) take care =)

  25. im SJ suejean not SJB..

    A smile from SJ =)

  26. Claire....thank was just anxiety and stress :) Take care dear.

  27. rachael: yes, our lives are in His hands...our future..

    tuti: been doing without for more than a decade... :p

    cleffairy: u really make marriage sounds so nightmarish....hahaha..

    ivan: thank u so much...u take care tooo...

    sj: long time no hear... take care..

  28. i mistaken me as SJB..hopefully tat doesnt confuse you..

    A smile from SJ =)

  29. sj: hehe.. yes, for a moment, i tot it is sjb..long time didnt hear from u ma..

  30. Glad the results are good :). Now don't worry too much anymore.

  31. Praise God mum!Thts very great and good news to hear..hehe..God is forever the shepherd and protector of our lives..

  32. Thank you and so will my family.I tryed words but i struck a nerve and he came after me like a cave man.thank you need a way to defend my self with out seriously hurting any you have any suggestions.


Thank you, readers!

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