Friday, December 4, 2009

A Visit To Doc..

Thanks for your comments, they sort of pushed me to pay a visit to my doctor an hour ago. I told him about my discomfort here and there, this part, that part... he made me lie down flat, moved my arm up and down, front and behind, checked my blood pressure.. and finally he said ...

"U can go for an X-ray if u like... but I think it is only nerves and anxiety....."

Anxiety? Is it stress related? How come can cause arm, shoulder back pain? He told me its the nerves.... I was gave me some killingpain/painkiller pills. "Want 2 days off?" I answered, "No, not today, (rugi la today, already 2pm over).... er... doc, next week can? say ... Tuesday and Wednesday?"

I definitely need to rest next week...... (make sense?) hahahaa.....

Ok, going back to office now... *taking a deep breath*....


  1. Glad to hear it's nothing serious. Hv a good rest yeah. Take care!

  2. good to know that u go and see doctor today...try to get rest and eat good helps to destress!! :)

  3. slavemom: so far, so good.. will do xray later..

    mandy: me anxious ma.. so went to see but he couldnt diagnose anything by touching here and there. must go xray last resort..

  4. anxiety? Then you really need rest Claire. Why not the whole week? :p

  5. Mum, do take care..ya, rest more, and dun worry so much..hope not anxiety also..haha.Will keep u in prayer :)

  6. Aiyo, I hope you'll feel better before your trip. Otherwise, the coldness there might make u feel worse leh.. Pls pls rest and stop blogging! LOL! :P

  7. Please pamper yourself this weekend ya. A long soak in the tub is great! (that is, if you hv a tub la, else soak at Tambun hotsprings :))

    Have a wonderful and restful weekend ya! ^_^

  8. good to hear dat...have much rest ok...stay positive and cheerful...

  9. Wah... Claire which doc? Can bargain MC geh... Take care and rest well fren :)

  10. good to hear you have visited the doc and it's nothing serious. so did he give you a few days off next week or did he give you a funny look? :D

  11. tekkaus: anxious with my work and nothing else.. believe me? :)

    son: thanks son... i appreciate that, u take care too.. miss u..

    merryn: thanks for knocking that on my head..i will take it easy these days..

    gratitude: yes, i need tat..too much work in the office is working me up... one way or another..

    via: u have a great weekN too...

    agnes: my doc very sporting one.. hahaa... next time u start working, u ask me then.. :p

    barb: he said "come back anytime, dear..." hahaha... just joking.. but he is a good sport...

  12. Do some light yoga exercises as it will reduce stress and mental anxiety and also a bit of physical warm up.


  13. Have a sound sleep...Sleep helps to reduce anxiety.


  14. Hi..long time no come here..
    I was laughing when i read your post..some more can choose which day to MC kah?? HAHAHAHAH

  15. Hahaha, yea loh hor, how come so unique can choose when to MC one. Next week Tuesday and wednesday some more. Do take care of yourself arr.. Maybe bcos the weather? Wish you extra speedy revocery. =D I'm sure it's nothing serious, you can play badminton again de :D

  16. hi claire. take a break la from office matters. Go have a nice massage at a spa away from the hustle bustle of the city. It will do you lots of good.

    Forget about work, about those blokes in the office.

    Take care :)

  17. hi claire. take a break la from office matters. Go have a nice massage at a spa away from the hustle bustle of the city. It will do you lots of good.

    Forget about work, about those blokes in the office.

    Take care :)

  18. Didn;t I tell you... Go for full body massage - to get rid of your anxiety!!! Relax, pamper yourself! No need to see doctor one, I know! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  19. How about going for a massage? A friend had back and leg pain. She went for massage. The malay one where they put warm stone and etc. Said felt much better.

  20. wah... still sounds serious to me..
    yea.. try massage as everyone else said already..
    luckily it's friday already.. ^-^

  21. Claire... stress can do a lot of damage wan... it is possible to affect your muscle, though I would have said you had just kena sports injury. =.=

    Last time I was so stressed until whatever goes inside my stomach, makes me soo pain til I couldn't eat anything solid for the whole wik! terrible thing, stress is. Be careful. If you suspect it's stress, than u better take it easy!

  22. sourav: thanks for the suggestion..

    Neo: yes, will sleep early tonight.. *hopefully*

    KadusMama: he will "smack" me if he knows i quote him.. hahaha...

    charlene: own people, so dont kira when..hahaa.. we r kap tak one.. so can nego...

    kev: yeah, i feel like retiring soon...

    stp: i did go..but it dint help, perhaps the fella not so sifu.. no effect one..

    smallkucing, i went ..but not malay one, maybe i will try the bidan one day.. rm35 for one hour...

  23. wenn: i sure do... maybe from blogging.. :(

  24. sjb: yes, i need some rest off blogging...hahaha..

  25. exercising would lessen the worries and tensions. :)

  26. Hope you get over this soon.Anxiety can be a result of lack of sleep.Am sure you'll feel better once you've taken adequate rest.

  27. Anxiety can be a cause of many things.You need to identify the cause first.Take rest and follow your doc's advice.


Thank you, readers!

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