Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Would Your Wish Be For Christmas?

Kathy from the smallkucing blog sent me a birthday/Christmas gift... It was indeed very kind and generous of her, in fact, I have just got to know her through blog hopping and you can say I barely know her much except that she writes this blog on behalf of her cute little son. You will know what I mean when u hop over. :)

(By the way, Kathy, if you r reading this, is smallkucing the nick you gave to your son or is it just a pseudonym for your blog?)

Coming back to the gifts, she gave me this book, hard cover, man... and it was so nicely wrapped up ( i sayang to tear it open yet) I know the Big Book sales were on last weekend, my eyes were green with envy when I heard some of you here bought so many at such such low prices... In fact, Elin told me that her girl bought 70 over books for only RM400! Way to go, girl! Books are knowledge... good investment!

I haven't open it yet...
Still admiring the cover and all...
And the cute keychain from Malacca...

"If you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be?"
Well, bloggers friends, what is your wish?

Last and not least, THANK YOU once again, Kathy.... for your lovely gifts and thoughtfulness...


  1. so early u receive ur Christmas present .... so good!


  2. what a gift! so early for christmas gift huh and so late for birthday gift:-) whatever! it is still a gift. am happy for you:-)

  3. i wish...my son gets straight A's for his PMR

  4. Got mine already.. ^_^ Camera..

    That's a very nice book.. (Looking by it cover)... ^_^

  5. oh so sweet and thoughtful of her...u r so lucky and blessed huh!!

  6. Claire, means you are a likeable person. So many fans..I mean friends.*ahem* Very nice pressie. My wish for Christmas..takda lah..hehe.

  7. chvoon: christmas a time of giving.. but now i seem to be taking..

    Veta: everyday is a blessed day.. giving is blessed too..

    ah ngao: hey, my girl too is also waiting for PMR la..

    CathJ: yeah.. u got such a great camera.. (jeles) hahaaa...
    yes, i didnt open the cover yet.. sayang.. :)

    mandy: yeah.. good of her.. anyway, bloggers here are very nice.. :)

    mummygwen: am i? not so sure.. not so likeable as the kids over here.. hahaa... but i feel most of the bloggers frens here are all nice.. dont u think so?

  8. Wah, so early you've got your Christmas gift. ;)

    All I want for Christmas is...
    a nice wallet.

    My wallet got a hole and I've got to mend it with scotchtape. :(

  9. haha Claire you are so lucky and blessed...pressies from your readers ! :) Yup my gal spent almost 400 ringgit for over 70 books from the Big Bad Wolf booksales. She is so happy and contended now :)

  10. sexyjessie: hey, better get a new one soon.. i remember a fren of mine is very particular about holey purses.. he said the money keeps coming out..hahaa...

    Elin: yes, great frens here too. one day will meet them up.. i take u along, ok?

  11. Not in material form, I wish for world peace & perfect harmony with the universe.

  12. How come I never receive any Xmas pressie wan? All I have to give ppl wan, never get back. *WHINE* (Hey, this year xmas... got gift for me anot? LOL)

    If there's something I can ask for Xmas, i want it to be peace of my mind. I find it very hard to get lately.

    But if you ask me in a material form.... I'd like to be an owner of a large bookstore chain, so that I can do what I love and like best-read and write!

    Btw, Claire... I dun think I can ever read Cecelia Ahern's book without bursting into tears. Her P.S. I Love You is damaging enuff for me... T_T her books made me cry!

    Anyway, I'd like to try shopping in the Big Bad Wolf Warehouse sale too if I got the chance. All these while I've only been to Payless Books, and usually I do alot of damage to my pocket and my car... lol... buy too much books... can last me for at least a YEAR!

  13. wow...that's very early for a christmas gift and a nice one too...haha

  14. cheah: how sweet of u.. this is a big wish that most of us really pray that it will come true...

    cleffairy: poor girl...ok, tell mama here what u want for christmas besides the 2 front teeth u lost long long ago.. LOL..
    christmas is about giving and making others happy...
    having a big book store..perhaps it can come true one day.. u r a great writer.. do use yr talents to the fullest..
    i heard of this PS i love u but never read it before so i believe this book will be equally good as well... i m going to start reading.. slowly.... to swallow the words slowly.. hahaa..

  15. auntie claire.. i'll post up ethan's wish list then u can choose which one u wanna give him ok? lol.. small kucing from malacca kah? got malacca keychain.. i tot she from kuching. hehe

  16. so blessed..all i wish is to hv a relaxing time esp at nite..

  17. merryn: wah..not shy one hor? ok lar.. send the list through email la.. make sure can fit into my inbox leh.. if too long, it will be failure delivery, ok?

    wenn: yes, a relaxing massage too is equally nice ...

  18. You are most welcome, Claire.

    Smallkucing was me when I started blogging still blur-blur. Like people say "siew Mao". Then Joshua come out, he become smallkucing lor since nightly making mewing noise asking for milk :p

    Wah! your fren Elin spend RM400 there ar? Then she must go there tomorrow coz I just received their e-mail saying tmw all books going for RM5 and Chinese books RM2.

  19. Eh, Santa came early down your chimney this year, ah? Nice gift wor...

  20. Wow.. that book !! Hehe, been eyeing that because of its pretty cover. :)

    And whoa .. I'm the infamous person who squandered away all my money on books :P ... and reading smallkucing's email about all books going for rm5 makes me want to hit my head somewhere .. :P

  21. I would wish for WORLD peace. But since us humans are less than perfect, I doubt it will ever happen.

  22. Hello Claire,

    You've got a generous friend. Having a good friend is a life's blessing.
    My wish for this xmas ? good health always. Because if you are healthy you can do the things that you wanted to do and make you happy.

    Happy 1st day of dec.

  23. P.S I love you made me cry, Claire. Both the book and the movie. Made me waste so much tears! =.= Cecelia Ahern is a good romance writer.

    P.S I love you is a must read if you're the type that wun cry over words written on papers or over a touchy touchy movie scene. It's about love beyond death.

    About a husband who loves his wife so much that he wrote notes to his wife before his death, knowing that she'll be in grief after his death and she is to follow what he wants her to do on those notes after he died. *SSSSOBBBSSSS, WAIL*

    Even from the grave the husband loves her..... *WAIL* and *sobs* he taught her to open her heart, have fun and love again with the notes he wrote to her.

    Damn it oredi... I better stop before my tissues run out. Go... and... read or watch P.S. I Love You. Very touching.

    ps: I go dry my tears first... *damn!*

  24. Hi Claire,
    My wish for Xmas ,good health and peace to humanity.
    Thanks for passing by by blog.
    Love your blog.

  25. ohhh claire claire in ipoh...will u grant my christmas wish? hahahahah....

  26. ericlee: yes, a nice gift from a nice blogger here..

    smallkucing: so now i know.. there is one big and one small kucing now.. thanks again for the gift, i will start reading it when it is time to open the wrapper.. hahaa...

    Olive: yes, very nice.. i love it..

    Joanna: yes, u r, the famous one who simply adores and loves BOOOKS! wish my girl is like u too, she barely glances at them.. hahaha...

    Patty: lets hope and pray that it will turn out that way.. yeah.. we r very much less than perfect..

    wengs: i agree with u totally! health is wealth enough.. thanks, i wish u the same too! happy and healthy!

    cleffairy: reading your synopsis of the book is kind of sad already, i do not want tears now, maybe after christmas? now must be tears of joy, Cleffairy, and I wish that you will be filled with laughter from now and always!

    Betty: that is a nice wish..hope it comes true..

    LOO: yes, we r indeed blessed!

    manglish: what wish do u want from IPOH? u r thousands of miles away frrrroooooooooooooom us.. hahaha.. wish u have a great winter!

  27. I would wish for good health and a good life for all of my loved ones. And of course for the world PEACE!

  28. Wah! So nice...people sending you presents. I also had that key holder...but dunno where now! LOL!!! For X'mas, I just for more happy days and happy times spent with friends and loved ones...

  29. cheryl: hope our peaceful wishes will reach across all nations..

    stp: one "people" so far.. hahaha.. blogging is indeed a wonderful gesture of connecting ppl, isn't it..
    yes, xmas is a time for gathering round, eating and be merry..

  30. It is a sad but inspiring love story story, Claire. And the movie had me bawling, dammit! LOL... it's one of those few movies that I'd sob over. First was the Notebook, second was A Walk To Remember, third was this... lol... P.S I Love You. I would NEVER, NEVER, EVER watch these movie without having a box of tissue in front of me. Never fail to make me cry. Oh! T_T terrible movies, but very inspiring, and heart moving.

    P.S I Love You is a story I'd love to hate, but can't, cuz it's simply touching.

    Don't watch unless you're prepared to cry, Claire.

    I suggest you watch Mamma Mia instead. Good movie, gives you laughter... and you can see Pierce Brosnan's now flabby abs. LOL. Gives you a very good feeling. I've watch it countless times, and if you're a fan of ABBA, it'll be greater. Can you believe I danced around like a psycho when i watch it? Ohhhhhh dancing queen... always seveeeeennnnteeeennnn!

  31. Cleffairy, the way u described made me wanna grab the dvd and watch it NOW! that was a touching description u wrote here.. darn, i didnt even read the book yet..

    ok, who is volunteering to get me the PS, I LOVE U? or perhaps get it for me in KL this weekend? i wont mind paying!

    Cleffairy, Mamma mia!! i love the movie so much, i watched it twice.. from the starting when she sang honey honey, i wanna stand up and dance in the cineplex already.. my heart was singing and my lips were smiling.. i was so happy.. the songs brought back memories of my prime life of 20s then.. yo... the whole movie made me so glad.. i m like "in love again", esp when pierce bronson proposed to merryl... oh.. gosh.. the song he sang.. mind! i wish i was merryl streep then... how i wish.. got such a man!

  32. Cleffairy, the way u described made me wanna grab the dvd and watch it NOW! that was a touching description u wrote here.. darn, i didnt even read the book yet..

    ok, who is volunteering to get me the PS, I LOVE U? or perhaps get it for me in KL this weekend? i wont mind paying!

    Cleffairy, Mamma mia!! i love the movie so much, i watched it twice.. from the starting when she sang honey honey, i wanna stand up and dance in the cineplex already.. my heart was singing and my lips were smiling.. i was so happy.. the songs brought back memories of my prime life of 20s then.. yo... the whole movie made me so glad.. i m like "in love again", esp when pierce bronson proposed to merryl... oh.. gosh.. the song he sang.. mind! i wish i was merryl streep then... how i wish.. got such a man!

  33. You did your further study in UK? That's great :)
    Merry Christmas in advance :)
    Btw where do you reside now? Tks and take care.

  34. iriene: no, i didnt do my studies in UK.. hahaha.. wah, how i wish i could! i m residing in paloh.. not london.. hahaha...

  35. I want to lose weight!!! But i can't resist christmas dinner...

  36. kelvin: lose weight for what reason? come, jom, lets go eat more!

    chrisau: coming back for christmas or not? if not, no gift! :p

  37. Hey how nice - u got such an early x'mas gift!
    Early Merry Christmas wishes to u too! I won't be around at X'mas!

  38. Most of them will remain fresh. The brownie and any other cookie with butter will keep best in the refrigerator for a few days. However, your Rice Krispie Treats should be made the day before, they will get dry and hard no matter what you do.

  39. raynebow, i know la.. u r going to capital A and it stands for A-thens.. so jeles la.. hahhaa...

    samsung: thank u for the info...

  40. very sweet of small kuching. Early Christmas gift, so nice.

  41. annieQ, yes, she is very thoughtful, i love reading too..

  42. War...so early receive your gift already? Kathy can gimme one or not? :p

    me? I want a phone. Santa I hope you hears this.

  43. I think so hard...I think I know what I want for Xmas from you, Claire. I wanna go Mamma Mia mania wif u... whahahahahaha... come, let's go dancing....and singing!

    Gimme gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight.... Woooohooooo!!!!

    (dream la, me... I cannot dance or sing to save my life! LOL!)

    *ahem* I know I'm asking for the impossible... lol... so all I want for Xmas from you is Nothing... though an ice cream treat would be nice! =D

  44. sjb: something like cath J one?

    tekkaus: hey, santa might send u a toy one if u dont specify the brand.. hehehee..

    Cleff: u remember Grease? oh, sorry, u r not born yet, i think but i m sure u heard of this movie, right? it is evergreen too.. i love Olivia and John Trovolta then... when they sing the "you're the one that i want", i just feel like singing with them too, just like mamma mia.. great musical show, entertaining!
    ice cream? oh cleff..if u were in ipoh or i in KL, this will not be a problem at all! baskin robbins, haigen diiiizzz, apa pun boleh..

  45. Claire... I just spent the whole damn night crying! I went to cari pasal and read P.S I Love You again. Damn the bloody book! I'd really love to hate it! Never failed to make me cry. *GROWL* Celaka punya Cecelia Ahern. And if Im not mistaken, she's just 3 years older than me? LOL...the author is still in her twenties!

    Ohhh GREASE... of course I remember. I may not born yet tht time, but I've watched it with my dad. *nods* John Travolta(tarak otak!) the badass boy and the goodie goodie Olivia Newton John. I like the story. It teaches you how to let down your hair and be yourself... well, sort of! HAhahaha!

    Sweet summer romance story, I must say... a lot of nice scene to. With the race car and everything at beginning. And I cannot believe the ending where Olivia wore tight leather while John tarak otak wore geek shirt and went to the fair or something. LOL... funny man! And hey... was the 'honking' in the end was John squeezing Olivia's boob? Eh, I forgot d! LOL... I watch tht with my dad, btw. I like the song Hopelessly Devoted To You... LOL...

    Grease got second movie, u kno? I watched the second movie, starring Michelle Peiffer too...also very nice... loved the 'Girls for All Season' song to bits!

  46. wow..the gift is neatly wrap & the keycahin is so cute. Continue admiring it Claire..save it until Boxing Day la... :)

  47. cleffairy: u really ah.. your imagination or yr memory, either one runs wild.. mana ada trovolta touched olivia in the end.. that part was in the drive in.. hahaha. .then he sang Sandy, sandy..
    hey, u better stop reading the PS... go read blogs instead, they wont make u cry at least...

    mamamia: yes, still in my bedroom.. hahaha.. under wraps too!

  48. That is so nice of her ^_^.

    There are alot things one can wish for... but my wish? I wish all my friends throughout the world, family are all happy and joyous :).

    Hope you have a good read of the book ^_^.

  49. LV, yes, nice of her and your wish as well..

  50. Oh, lucky you :-). So nice of smallkucing :-)

  51. I have often decorated tall indoor plants with those tiny white lights. They give off a soft light that doesn't look particularly Christmasy. I usually leave them on throughout the nite as they light the way to other parts of the house when all is dark in the middle of the night.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...