Sunday, February 21, 2010

Come, Let's Mix and Prosper!

My SIL prepared Loe Sang ("prosperity food") during the second day of Chinese New Year. Though she said the ingredients were very much less than the previous years, nevertheless we enjoyed "loe-ing" them with one another. It was the atmosphere that counts, right?

the homemade loe sang
without the crackers..

loe ah loe ah.. as high as possible?
chinese has a lot of beautiful myths.. lol..


  1. wow...another loh sang...i think this year u will be very much alive and kicking! hahaha... fatt ah!

  2. It's the celebrating with family that is important.. The food is secondary--although that looks good!!!!! Happy Chinese New Year!!

    Have a great week.
    Betsy--on the road to Arkansas

  3. *sigh* Yee sang? Dream on la... my MIL is a vegetarian. I'm deprived of many meat, fish, chicken and many more during CNY. Enough said, I go and sulk now and sulk more...until my FIL come and rescue me by feeding me some carnivorous stuff!

  4. I've seen a lot of articles on Chinese New Year. It looks like you had a great time.

  5. chrisau: yeah, this one home made one.. hahaha..

    betsy: that is one of the typical dish during Chinese New Year! :)

    cleff: your parents left already? when r u going to to be fed by your FIL? try to eat more, ok? me gaining weight like nobody's biz, i better do something..will try eating less!! try, try!!

    Cascia: yes, we had a great time and now it is back to work.. :)

  6. Never had this dish here in my younger days...but it's catching on. What's the difference between yee sang and lou sang?

  7. ahahaha chris oredi snatch wat i want to say..."another lou sang???" aahahhaaah i think this year you will huat until you dont know where you live hahahhahha

  8. stp: basically both are the same., one is a noun and one a verb, i used the verb, i think..hahaa...

    manglish: dont know where i live? gosh, sounds like i go dementia if i eat and eat and eat... i better stop, ok, i better!!

    tekkaus: mix, mix.. i go snap snap.. actually i didnt loe with them.. more interested in taking pics.. :)

  9. wow...what a sumptious dinner ! Sure put on weight like this :p

  10. I cannot tahan lio,,,,, please do not post any food stuff here,, i am fasting today............

  11. awesome awesome! just like toasting a drink! ;)

  12. elin: lets skip breakfast..i mean lunch.. oh i mean.. myself only, not u, u r already slim!

    smallkucing: this one chor yee, hoi leen..

    sjb: yeah, must do it ramai-ramai..

    eugene: sure u r fasting? :)

    bigboysoven: yes,something like that..

  13. SIL= Sister in law? I thought it's Son in law. haha!

  14. I love to lou sang and I love to eat yee sang! Yummy! And I try to lou as high as possible!! Haha

  15. i have already lou-ed sang 3 times :) i think I don't want anymore :P

  16. foongpc, i never tot of that wor.. sorry.. maybe becos i dont have a son in law yet.. :p
    so..loe sang is verb and yee sang is noun, as i told stp just now. my cantonese also half past six one..

    barb: ok, i also counted, 3 times too, one with colleagues, one reunion and one at home.. yeah, enough for me too!

  17. This is nice, it looks like they're having fun eating...

  18. I find the lou sang sold in restaurants are nearly all the same... 4 times already and I'm jelak now. But I'm really intrigued by your SIL homemade one :-)

  19. Decrease in ingredients, increase in price!

    Btw, I always ask for an extra packet of those crunchies. YUMZ! :)

  20. melody: yes, the guys were having fun.. :)

    boeyjoey: all commercialized.. maybe they get them from the same factory.. hahaha..

    gratitude: that one is homemade one, only no kacang puteh this year..

  21. may be got...choy san next year? hehe

  22. yeah man, the higher the better till everything drop on everywhere. hehehehe!

  23. irene, higher the better? no wonder so messy after that.. hahaha..

  24. This yr, i got no chance to toss high high..sob**sob*

    But am happy to see ppl lou ah..lou..hehheh


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