Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Steamed Dishes At Home

From Friday till Sunday, I only managed to cook one meal for my kids. The rest of the meals were taken outside... (actually they prefer to... that shows how "fan-tas-tic" my cooking is! Outside food is always tastier)

This meal below was on a Saturday evening, after our badminton session but before the table tennis workout at 8.30pm. Five of us walloped the food below, three of them growing boys so what I did was mostly meat.. chicken meat, pork meat and fish meat.. LOL... Filled them up to the brim so that no supper would be served that night...

steamed golden fish (kam cheong)

minced meat with arrowroots
(ching toong choi chu yuk nga ku)

steamed chicken

this one is a "kampong" chicken

ABC soup-potatoes, tomatoes & carrots

Should be enough, right?


  1. LOL...i guess Cleffairy will be laughing when she reads this.Coz i also steamed my food more that goreng or any other methods...kakaka

  2. U steam, kucing steam.. me oso 'steam' over here... lol.. I always fry one leh!

  3. *pengsan* What's this? You jangkit from smallkucing ah? Steamed stuff! LOL... I'm like Merryn though... I prefer my food to be fried...and roasted! *high 5, O lost one!*

    But of course, lately, started to make soup, cuz that kucing up there influenced me on how to be more lazy when cooking! Wakakaka!

  4. That's a lot of food and all healthy. Are you healthy conscious lately? Btw, I like the soup leh and I'm almost having mum's soup daily here. *grin*
    Tomorrow your big sis will be here!

  5. yeah you same as my mommy.. she likes to steam the food too... because she always think that steam the food is much more healthier than fried wor...

  6. omg omg omg omg omg!!!

    steamed cheeeeeeeeeeeeeekiiinnn!!!!!

    i love i love i loveeeeeeeeeee.


  7. I love soup too.. must get STP to teach me boil more soup.. :D

  8. Wah, healthy meal....eat with chili padi very nice lorr, especially the chicken!

  9. I only steam the fish. The other I just fry. :D

  10. hmm, you always have good and delicious foods. Lucky kids that thier mom, knows how to cook and find good foods.
    I missed fresh fish to cook hmm

  11. SO MUCH food!!! Gosh! Usually, I will have one meat dish and one vegetable soup or fried veg... Sometimes, all-in-one, one dish all inside!

  12. waa so much food and tat kam cheong so big..long time never eat oredi T_T

  13. Steam food healthier and easier for mummy!!!

    But kids generally love to eat out lah. I also did when I was living with my parents !!!

  14. wah... good good.. healthy food!!
    got a period my mum was in "water-boiling-food" frenzy..
    that time really tortured, coz sawi also use water boil and put beberapa biji garam only...

  15. see also *burp* hehe

    eh u want to do drinks review the one ppl did earlier or not? I amlooking for outstation ones. Any of your blogging buddy wants ask them to write to me, asap. Thanks.

  16. i bet...yr boys STILL hungry after dinner, afer table tennis..boys ma..what to do?

    The Gabriel..yr long term son already ar??

  17. kathy: steaming is more... ahh.. original?? :p

    merryn: when i was your age, i makan fried banyak banyak, so.. see my face today? volcanoes everywhere la..

    cleff: u so young, can afford to eat fried fried la.. i jaga weight ma.. and jaga face too! pimples still popping out one, u know..

    chrisau: yes, big sis on the way now.. hope u all have a great time! so mama's cooking is still the best hor?

    aeiween: your mum said correctly 100 percent.. hehe

  18. medie07: what is cheekin u mentioned?> i got cook meh? :P

    merryn: ask him to put up a recipe blog! sei mou, i tot he boiled the fish maw the other day.. i need a new pair of specs!

    pete: hakka ppl eat with one vege.. i forgot the name.. i mean the chicken with the vege and light sauce..

    tekkaus: i steamed cos easy ma.. no need to stand by the stove.. hahaha

    wengss: i am sure u know how to cook good dishes as well.. the east and the west..!

  19. stp: five of us ma.. 3 growns ups and 2 adults.. have to cook that much.. if me and fernie only, we eat out.. easier..

    manglish: japan has more fresh fish.. eaten raw! hahaa.. i like the unagi..

    ann: yes, mine too.. love to eat out..

    donna: oh, me opposite, never do much ching tong soup.. always boil in pot.. use more gas.. hahha.. but nowadays seldom boil unless all come home..

    sasha: ok, i will write to u.. :)

  20. rachel: only andy was hungry at midnite, so he made a glass of warm milk.. like baby.. hahahah...
    GAB? hope he likes to be my long term son... :p

    cathJ: yes, quite la.. cannot say very.. hehhee..

  21. Man,i wish you lived next door to me............that's so homely cooked sumptious,

    lau hau soi already

  22. eugene: those are simple food, no decoration, nothing.. but living next door to u got advantage.. at least u can fetch my girl home too! hahaha..

  23. Wow, steamed food. nice whut.. ahaha.. i prefer steamed food. hahaa..

  24. If I'm not mistaken, Merryn is a nyonya descendant, like me... usually nyonya food not steamed wan, Claire... perhaps that explains why we like food that has strong taste, aroma and generous with herbs and spices. LOL... you ask her and see... confirm Merryn will say she loves food that has strong taste. Hence... she would prefer fried food in comparison to steamed, like me. Fried food usually got more strong taste.

  25. what "should be alright?" - it's awesome lah !!

  26. wensher: yes.. we also got steamed.. hahaha...

    cleff: both of u? no wonder so much in common, both of u think alike too, now i m convinced!

    ah ngao: thanks..hahaha..

  27. I also prefer steamed more than fried...after all, my floor wouldnt turn out to be oily after fried fried. Then have to mop mop...another extra work to do..hehhee

    anyway, steamed is healthier too..

  28. oh love that steamed mince meat. yummy oh. hmmm... for me fried or steam ok lah, sapu. i dont cook, so no comment which is better. i jes makan nia. hahahaah!

  29. Mommy is always the best! Cook very nice, yummy and meaty meal for your kids.


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