Monday, February 22, 2010

Let's Start Grilling...

We were invited to a barbecue dinner last week, yes, despite the hot hot weather, we still had the mood to burn and grill. But in the midst of it, I went to hospital to get some cream and antibiotics for my "boil" on my palm. Ok, that is another story (not important)... I was not around to see what how they barbecued but they enjoyed it very much, as they told me later, thanks to the photographer who took these pictures for me ... hot...
but no one was complaining...
"come on, bro, open your mouth... let me feed u."


  1. Oh...unique way of BBQ. aiyoyo what happen to you la, must be can't wait for the chicken wing to be grill and you "grill" your hand first? hahahhahah *just joking la*
    Hope nothing serious on your palm.

  2. Awww.. that's hawt, hawt hawt!!! Oh yeah bebeh, HAWT!!!! LMAO...

  3. annieQ: u so early tonight.. tomorrow another senang day..yeh? about grilling my hand.. dont know why la.. it is like a boil with pus, so wasting no time, i went to pay a visit to the doc..

    cleff: we need hot stuff, bebeh... hahhaa...

  4. You better go and check on your hand.
    Take care of yourself.


    Have you a great week.


  5. ur son looks so familiar! wonder where i've seen him! hahahha

    maybe just on ur blog. hahahahhaa

  6. shakira: my boil is smaller now, thank u... i juts put cream and not antibiotics..

    medie007: maybe classmates before?? hehe..

  7. Who wants to complain when they have plenty of food to eat? :p

  8. wah nice BBQ ah. very convenient spot tim. hehehe!

  9. Here, its 1:45 am. Looking at the BBQ grilled my stomach doing stimulus and response.

  10. I really miss this sight - barbecue dekat longkang! I really miss the simplicity of life in Malaysia. In the UK, have to buy expensive barbeque lah, then have to buy special arang lah, special pisau, special garfu and this and that!! Last-last, I also malas nak barbeque!! Make penat only before masak! Lol!!

  11. Boil, must put antibiotics - buy Terramycin at pharmacy, around RM3/4 a small tube. Long time no barbecue - weather too hot... No photos of the food?

  12. tekkaus: it is the joy of being together.. :)

    irene: no smell from longkang,ok!

    wenn: but dont ask me to do it.. let the young take over..

    ilovepink: so..late supper for u?

    fely: Malaysia boleh ma.. anywhere also can, as long as dont get stomach ache after that.. :p

    stp: got photos but not many cos i was not around to take..when i came back, most of the food walloped liow..

  13. Oh my BBQ on a hot day? No thanks for me!! But I guess the food must have been good hence no complaints on the weather eh? :)

  14. Nice to read about the barbecue dinner.Thanks for posting the pictures.Made me hungry too.How are you and what exactly happened?Do write about it in your next post.

  15. looks like you had a blast. Happy CNY!

  16. sorry to hear about your "boiled" palm... hoe it is getting better now... do becareful next time.

    Looks like a fun gathering :). It is fun to have BBQ onc ein a while... drink lots of fluids after BBQ though to avoid the heatiness.

  17. eugene: in the evening..that time nearly 7pm.. nowadays day is longer..

    sweetwitch: no, evening.. the sun has set.. no way barbecuing in the hot sun...

    sjb: i 70% like.. :)

    websitedesign: not much pics after that..just the food.. raw food not grilled one..

    liferamblings: the youth were.. not me..dont ask me to stand and grill.. :p

    ladyviral: yeah, they drank beer to cool down.. hehee...

  18. So did you boil disappeared? Also, did anyone get another boil on the body because of BBQ in such a boiling weather? Hahahaha....

    Hope you don't mind. Just kidding. Happy New Year and nice to meet you here. :)

  19. via, first time!

    healy:hahaha..i dont mind..comment what u like.. happy new year to u too!

  20. We love to barbeque especially in hot weather as it keeps the kitchen from getting even warmer! We barbecue occasionally in the snowy winter just so we can imagine its summer!


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