Thursday, February 18, 2010

We Snapped Each Other

This dinner was taken on the night before the eve of Chinese New Year. Sounds confusing huh.. It was a Wednesday and Gabriel followed Aaron back to Ipoh because he has to take a bus down to KLIA to catch a flight back to Miri the next day.

As usual, I didn't manage to cook and the four of us went to Weng Kee for dinner that evening. WE thought it was crowded but thank goodness it was not, though just two or three tables were occupied, the food came only half an hour later.... our stomach were already growling by then, it was nearly 8pm.... The food was walloped in no time...

first the beancurd

followed by crispy buttered fish

so crispy that even the bones were not spared ..

stirfried lettuce

steamed yam with chicken
and then... after all food were walloped,

"u snapped me, i snapped u... "


  1. merryn: SNAP!!!! now we r even :p

    Wenn: a simple meal.. cost RM55... ok ke?

  2. got like dat one ah? can SNAP me back one ah? lol.. SNAP! now.. i'm ahead.. hahaha.. this will have no end!

  3. u ladies siao wan, like tis snap also can! foods looks good. yummy!

  4. Yum! Yum! That time, you had not received your new camera yet, eh? See any new photos with new camera?

  5. Looks like you both enjoyed your meal and snapping photos.

  6. merryn: does the snap cards still exist nowadays?

    irene: cny made us seow a bit. too much tension.. oooh. sigh..

    stp: no, not yet.. anyway, i m not using it, i prefer my old one.. too canggih for me lar.. let aaron use it first..

    patty: yes, after the food pics and a hearty meal, we snapped at each other.. :)

    manglish: click click..

  7. the foods looks delicious..crispy butter fish? i like! :)

  8. Brings a whole new meaning to trigger happy! :-D

  9. hey claire,
    haha i like the last 2 pictures! u guys are too cute lah

  10. Hello!The pictures has got my mouth watering.No wonder you guys walloped it in no time.Nice to hear you guys had a good time.Look forward to hearing from you soon again.

  11. Looks as if you had a great meal and I had to laugh over the snapping back and forth!

  12. kathy: action packed hor?

    mamamia: yes, crispy fish like..

    gallivanter: yeah, eat and be merry!

    sjb: yeah.. for fun.. hahaha..

    jen: that was when we had nothing to do... :p

    websitedesign: that meal was ok.. simple and nice..

    cheryl: hahaa.. yeah, after the meal, no more food so snap each other..

  13. hahaha snap snap.
    hope u had a great cny

  14. I like the butter fish... Where is Weng Kee?

  15. YUMMY dinner!! I thought the pictures was taken using your new toy.

  16. I really should eat before I come here. That crispy fish has my mouth watering and I am not usually a fish person.
    Now my banana and cerial for breakfast will be totally blaaah.

  17. Crispy buttered Fish, woah... nver try this b4... want 2... but where 2 find in kk aa?

  18. medie007: yes, i did, .. did u?

    mingna: went kee is next to scotch pub..ipoh garden south..

    annieq: no la, that time no gift yet..

    arkansas: sorry to spoil yr breakfast but your meal is anytime more nutritious!

    budakhutan: hahaha.. sorry la, cannot help u here..

  19. wahhhh... photo looks soo pro.. I tot camera hp took that... oh some1 using DSLR... hahahaha... I snap you both lol..

  20. Damn...the fish look so kesian. :D

  21. The pictures look so neat and clear! I think these were taken by someone else.... Yes, I'm right! come the restaurant looks so empty on this festive season?

  22. cathJ: yeah, his camera certainly much much better...

    tekkaus: yo, sorry ah, now i looked back, memang la.. so sad..

    kristy: not cny yet, it is the eve of the eve..hahaha...


Thank you, readers!

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