Sunday, March 21, 2010

Baskin Robbins 1 Utama

While waiting for Cynthia to show up, we mingled around this area, 1st floor Baskin Robbins. Thanks to Cynthia's information, it was a Pink Day. She told us that if we have anything pink on us, we can have a double junior scope for the price of one single scope. No wonder there was a small crowd lining up.

Well, as for the pink, Fernie has them on. Pink shorts, pink toenails (counted or not?) and a pink handphone.... hehehhee... When Cynthia came, we got her another one for her to "sik pau-pau" before she went back but princess Breanna didn't like it though...

oh, this is off the topic.. no ice cream display here..
but the smelly sandal Fernie bought for herself..


  1. why she bought herself a smelly sandal? lol.. u nih.. hahahhahaha

  2. Makes me wanna eat Baskin Robbins too. :D

  3. Baskin' Robbins! Branded ice cream! Will have a post on branded stuff in a couple of days time!

  4. merryn: hahaha.. not baskin robbins but smelly sandals.. true ma.. where got perfumated sandals?

    tekkaus: which is better, BR or HD?

    stp: ok, post it on! how many scoops did u wallop? :) i can wallop a lot one.. but control only.. :)


  6. Why smelly one? Baskin robbins... am drooling here... shall go get some this coming Wednesday... :D

  7. agnes: wore them immediately after buying.. sure smelly already by the time we reached home.. yes, this wed has 30% discount?

  8. thanks for the ice cream ya.. I really pao pao after that.. muahah.. :D

  9. Oohh...the ice cream shop would have been my favorite place!!

  10. cynthia: u r most welcome.. i love to eat that too..

    cheryl: that goes the same for me!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...