Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jack Neo In Dilemma

I love to read celebrity's gossips, how about u? But I don't read about anybody, only somebody whom I know who they are...

Latest scandal... is Jack Neo? I didn't know about his scandal until lately through Eugene's blog. To me, it was not surprising.. man being man...especially famous and rich, there will sure be some scandals here and there..

Watching this video in youtube reminded me of a politician in Malaysia who was caught with his pants down too... that was worse... his personal sex romp with his lady friend was seen by many many people...
Jack Neo.. after this incident, hope he will learn the meaning of fidelity...


  1. unfortunately some man will never learn

  2. Haha! Jack Neo did a Tiger Woods! Applause!! : )

  3. There's just too much of that going on ---all over the world. One of the USA heroes (Tiger Woods-golfer) shocked everyone by getting caught in all kinds of scandals. It almost seems as if it is the 'norm' these days. What a shame...

    Hope you have a great day.

  4. Hahaha :D You write this after reading my post? :p

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  6. i just gossip. period, celebrity or not hahahaha

  7. I got a feeling that long after his wife has forgiven him, more and more of his past will come to haunt him.

  8. There's simply a tiger in every man.. Macam my william, he IS a tiger.. born a tiger.. always a tiger... lol.. :P

  9. Read about it too..people tend to do crazy things..looking for fame maybe..hehehe

  10. Reana breaks the commandment by "loving" gossips..LOL...

    Arggh but i think it's true that wif certain more power / Money, came easily more of temptations!

  11. When success, fame and fortune gets into one's get head, they think they can have everything and get away with it. Money is the root of all evil...

  12. kathy: this is a common issue, now for both men and ladies alike..

    Tekkaus: how u know one? inspired by u.. hehehe.. someone gave me a link to that youtube thing...

    manglish: i dont believe u! :)

    william: pity her... so stressful during this time..

    merryn: so it takes a tigress to tame a tiger? :) he is so tame now...

    c.alv.b: u mean the girlfrens? there is always an intention.. certainly not love that will push them to exposed themselves..

    robinson: nasib baik reading gossips is not one of the ten commandments! ouch..ouch!!!

    stp: got money, some parts of the body suddenly get itchified... for ladies, same or not?

  13. mmm..???,if not mistaken i read somewhere,the S'pore government at one time said infidelity actually don't brings much harm but in fact boost up the county's low population.

  14. ah ngao, u said it or the sg govt did?

  15. men like him will never learn. just pity his wife.

  16. One would think they would all learn after awhile...that a past indiscretion or whatever will probably come back to haunt them!

  17. thanks for dropping. Yeah, i also got surprised with this scandal. You are definitely right, MAN BEING MAN, the body seem to be itchy when got 2 cents...

  18. I think the one thing most of us girls are guilty of is reading the gossip columns...and I don't even feel bad about it.


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