Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lee Chong Wei Vs. Kenichi Tago

Today is the day...All England Super Series 2010 for Malaysian Lee Chong Wei and Kenichi Tago from Japan. Last night's I stayed up till 1.30am to watch the exciting battling game between Bao Chun Lai and the Japan boy. Boy!! He was like a boy possessed... the Astro mc commented. Bao was helpless during the third game.... I think he cried after losing the game.. pity him!

Lee Chong Wei, better don't be so overconfident, don't under estimate this boy like Bao did. hehehe.. as if LCW is reading my post! I better don't blog so much, jinx la.. haahaa.. I better blog only when the game is finished.... 8.30pm tonight on Astro and TV1?


  1. lin dan not competing?(i havent read paper yet.if lin dan plays against chong wei,it'd be kacang puteh saja for lin dan(unless lin dan quarreled with his gal friend last night...)

  2. Linda was beaten by Bao Chunlai! Chunlai was slain by Kenichi Tago! :)

    Hopefully Chong Wei wins tonight.

  3. overconfident is not a good sign... but a least have confident else... ever worse.

  4. ah ngao, u also fansee? yes, tonight at 9pm la.. finals.. dont know why lin dan wanted to lose...

    tekkaus: do u think the lindan's game was fixed? let bao had a chance on being an all england champion. dint expect him to lose to this boy.. he was like tiger!! :)

    chvoon: yeah, better not be overconfident like bao.. too late to make it right in the 2nd game.. he had a sad face.. pity him..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He he he, I watched AFC! LOL!

  7. I a bit cofuse just now... wondering what game hahahahha.... I tot football..LOL..

    Ok ok get it badminton... hehhehe

  8. i think lin dan already being bought by some big time gambler.if like that,...i put my Ringgits on chong wei !!$$$

  9. robinson: got la.. many ladies also watch one.. but maybe they r not bloggers like me la.. :p

    pete: afc is football? haha... no minat one..

    cathJ: u never heard of lee chong wei? :p

    joblessgirl: yeah.. this japanese boy.. like tiger!

    ah ngao: he can be rich if he wins this super series ma.. why want to fix match?

  10. yES IT'S TRUE - got alot gals play & watched badminton as well..:-)

    By the Datuk Lee (errmm not Dr lee) will be my bet to win this title this year

  11. robinson: why did u delete yor comment here? :) scared the ladies hantam u? haahaa..

  12. I'm waiting for Chong Wei's game too...

  13. I'm watching it right now. A vy close game. So kanchiong for LCW.

  14. Gosh, Claire! AFC is not football lah! It's Asian Food Channel! *FAINT* Badminton is not my kind of thing. I have the hots for F1. I watched F1 instead...hoyeaaahhh! Shuey returns!

  15. I've never watched this game. I am not into sports like my children and husband are. I stick to watching reality shows-haha!

  16. mingna: did u notice that the final point was an "out" instead of "in?" but the linesman said in.. aiyoh.. the japanese boy should have made noise.. then 20/20.. close fight..

    slavemom: wonder u saw that or not.. the ending point..

    cleff: no wonder la.. AFC doesnt sound like football but then i tot he watched this game.. hehehe.. u always know better, Cleff...

    cheryl: i only watch reality shows like American Idol or Britain/British Got Talent.. hehehe..

  17. I was there in a coffee shop with my wife watching the all england, wanted to sms to remind of the game but hey i thought no need lah, you sure know want,, die hard ma,, sorry for KKK and TBH,,, anyway never like them,,hahahahahahah

  18. Like pete, I'm not interested in badminton (or any form of sports for that matter)...but I read some comments on Facebook - Chong Wei won. Congrtulations to him...and though I'm not a fan of LCW, I was quite put off by somebody's comment that the match point was actually an outside! Something terribly wrong with the Malaysian mentality! Never support their own country - always anti-this and anti-that!!!

  19. I think I heard from the news via radio that LCW won the game.

  20. eugene: not only u..many many of my frens also dont like him but i still do.. dare to be different ma.. hahaa... yes, thanks for thinking of me at that crucial moment! hahahaha..

    stP; yes, it was a mistake of the linesman, the camera showed again and again that lcw hit outside but linesman said in.. so when the japanese boy didnt object, everyone already started cheering.. it was just too bad, maybe he is still new in the game, still in shock..

    mnhl: anyway, both are equally good in their games, lcw 50/50 chances only..

  21. hehehehahahahohoho..!!$$$ i won some bucks.toh chey sai DatuK Lee chong Wei ...yeepee !

  22. that also can win money?

  23. A big big congratz to Lee Chong Wei! happy happy ^0^ u?? haha..

    This year's Thomas Cup in Bukit Jalil. Must come watch if you have the time =)

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