Friday, March 5, 2010

Loneliness But Not Alone

I miss my sons.. they are not coming back this weekend. The house is quiet. All of a sudden, I wish they were all here with me. Am I getting old? Insecured? Lonely? But I am not alone...

Hormonal changes.... makes me feel EMO.. (is that the word to use these days?) Though I m here with my lappie, it is just not enough. Something is still missing.... When they are around, I have no time to feel lonely...

Maybe it is just one of those nights..... maybe....


  1. Me EMO oso sometimes.. though not alone.. *hugs* again...

  2. It's happen sometimes.. I felt that too.. dont worry thats not getting old sign.. ^_^

  3. merryn.. *hugs back* thanks..

    cathJ: certain times..yes..

  4. Hi mum, we are here..just nearby..hehe :) coming back this weekend..c ya

  5. *hugs* I understand how you feel, Claire. I feel alone most of the time too. Seek God. He'll complete you.

  6. Empty nests syndrome? Can't really say I understand how you feel coz am "biasa" alone since young. I guess my friends is my books.

  7. Where is ah girl? Hope u're feeling much better edi.

  8. sometimes, being alone is also good. The time for you to have all the privacy and freedom. Hope you are feeling better now.

  9. son, i will look forward to it!! :) thanks for the beautiful verse this morning..

    peiyi: i m better..going for my games now..

    kathy: u r the apple of the eye?

    slavemum: ah girl is here.. quiet.. :)

    mnhl: quiet is good, yes.. but lonely is not.. :)

  10. My girl seems to have the same problem - solitude vs loneliness - staying along in her own apartment. I told her once that one can be alone and yet not lonely - enjoy the solitude...but one can be lonely in a crowd. Just do things one loves - listen to music, go online, read, go for a walk etc...and feel happy!

  11. stp: i just did.. went for badminton and then later will catch up with a friend or two for dinner.. this is part and parcel of life..

  12. Aww...hugs Claire. This must be what my parents feel because they are both alone in a big house with nobody else. All three of us have flown the nest and settled with our own families.
    Hope they'll visit you soon. In the meantime, we're always here for you, in the world of blogging. X

  13. Of course you will feel lonely...after all you have raised them up and see them grow up. :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...