Saturday, March 13, 2010

Money, Money, Money.. Its A Rich Man's World

I have booked a small new car by the name of V Wa. Don't know whether I did the right thing or not.. the old antique proton will be passed over to Andy and big bro will be driving the V Va. I hope I am making the right decision and all will work well. Kids are getting bigger, in no time, they are the men of the house and I am the tenant, relying on them.

Commitments, commitments... that was what I was grumbling recently... money, money, money.... but not to worry... it will be fine, yes... all I need is to go to some ATM and "tok, tok, tok till it burst! hahahaha... What nonsense am I talking today...


  1. i wonder you labeled it JOKES, but it sounds ur serious:-)...

  2. perodua viva..? not a bad choice!

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  4. veta.. laughter is the best medicine.. so.. take it easy on things..

    chrisau: vwa boleh?

  5. Claire,

    get a good color printer..then can print money...but if kena tangkap will get free meal of kari rice :p

  6. smallkucing, if kena tangkap, they will go for the master mind here.. hehehe..

  7. Booking is easy pesy but paying installments is draggy and hard.

    Ps. Is there such a word as "draggy"?

  8. no wonder lah suddenly calculator became ur best friend!!!! i oso want claire. wait until i learn how to drive first :P

  9. well, a car is a necessity nowadays. What to do?

  10. jessie: as long as i understand.. :) yes, it can be draggy.. endless instalments to pay.

    merryn: u no need to learn la.. u got driver ma...

    wenn: nowadays not only 1 car but 2 or 3 cars in one family..

  11. It is a never ending money story right Claire. :/

  12. New car? Wah!!! So kaya!!! Give children education...ask them to save pocket money for down payment on car, later when start working, can get own car and pay loan instalments themselves. Boys - no need to spoil them too much! I had to do it on my own - or most of it at least!!!

  13. tekkaus: cos never ending love for them ma.. :)

    robinson: bitten by the jack's movies. yeah... money mana cukup one..

    stp: during our time... yeah.. we work for everything.. nowadays, we give best to our kids.. :)

  14. they are good boys, don't worry. ;)

  15. My daughter Ashton just bought her first car (a second hand one) and now there are three cars sitting in the yard. But each one is needed. She has to travel to college daily, husband to work daily and me to work (when I have a job). But they are all older cars and will have to do. Do hope you enjoy your new car!

  16. cheryl: there.. now one family has three cars instead of one during my days.. time has change...

  17. If I were a rich woman...I would travel the world:)


Thank you, readers!

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