Sunday, March 7, 2010

Patience is Love..

Last night during church sermon, I felt it! The sermon that Pastor gave had a great impact on me. I felt really guilty, if pastor were to ask who was the guilty one, I would have stood up.... thank God, he didn't. The whole night he was talking all about me, the guilty one, indirectly. Funny how God speaks through another person. He was like speaking to me.... and the subject is Patience....

I have been pretty impatient for the last few days and thus the mood swings. Pastor mentioned these.. A patient person will bring the Best out of himself and an impatient person will bring the Beast out of him.. This is pretty true, when I am impatient, my ugliness shows.

When we are patient with ourselves, we have hope..
When we are patient with others, we have love...
When we are patient with God, we have faith..

I must learn to be patient...


  1. very true, we got to be patient, otherwise we would be very stressful.

  2. Claire, love is patient and kind. If one is not kind and patient...there would be no love. Do you agree with me?

  3. wenn, being impatient will bring out our true colors..yeah..

    cleff: yes, that was written in Bible.. so... lets practise patience!

  4. hey are you? something bothering you lately? hope everything will work out fine for you soon :) take care, my friend.

  5. Hi..Thanks for dropped by my site
    I love your phrase:-

    When we are patient with ourselves, we have hope..
    When we are patient with others, we have love...
    When we are patient with God, we have faith..

  6. barbara: yes... but now i m ok.. it is just one of those days.. :)

    peckWm: glad u like them...

  7. Yap, true patient is important esp in maintaining relationship.

  8. Hi claire!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog...
    Greetings from Glasgow!
    Patience is not something attainable overnight but I guess it's something we have to learn slowly..

  9. Claire!
    True Love waits...
    Being patient is key word. So, Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

    Have great Sunday!

  10. U know claire, I agree truly with you. Sometimes sermons just sort of wake you and jerk u up, isnt it? I face the same situation b4. Many times too. Haha.
    Yes, patience is always the best medicine, I agree with you.

  11. patience is a virtue.. yet.. there is a limit to a man's patience.. i can be patient.. up to a certain extend.. hmm.. then it means i must learn more.. :P

  12. joblessgirl: i must learn to be more patient.. must tell myself that..

    Mil0chel: thanks for returning visit, yes, patience is kind, it really reflects a person's character..

    ilovepink: yes, move forward to a new chapter..

    cy: yes, it shook me up.. wow..i was thinking, it got to be me who needed that! patience...

    merryn: hope we can do it.. i m very impatient, i know..

  13. its very easy to become an impatient person, but it takes a long time to be a patient you said Claire, sama-sama belajar..

  14. nice post this one. Yuppp, whenever we got impatient, God is the best person to go to.. He has his own way of cooling us down.. :-)

  15. nice post...I guess i need to learn to be more patient too...
    take it easy ya...

  16. mamamia: yes, easy to learn bad than good.. this is true..needs lots of patience to be good.. and nice..

    JIPP: many times we lose our focus on Him and the beast takes oer..

    mandy: lets remind each other.. hahaa...

  17. When we are patient with ourselves, we have hope..
    When we are patient with others, we have love...
    When we are patient with God, we have faith..

    p/s i like~~

  18. I love sermons that hit us right in the face too! Really makes us aware of who and how we are.

    Which church do you go to?

  19. I would say that the sermon did what it is supposed to do, sort of striking a nerve in one. Sometimes we "hear" what we want and also what we don't, its what we choose to take from it.

  20. Patience i a virtue. We all know's just that from time to time we forget about it. :p


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