Friday, March 19, 2010

A Time To Laugh

Since today is Friday, let us be jovial and had a good laugh over some red-haired wannabe-s.
But don't laugh too much, can get stomach-ache nanti. Laugh little bit enough....

My girl and I had nothing else to do the evening we reached KL... we saw a red wig in the room and feeling "itchified", we took it out and snapped a few pictures to keep as souvenirs...

Ok, here we r... don't laugh until your false teeth falls... hehehe... then I will have the last laugh myself...

does she look like a red dolly?


  1. ooooh!! Hot mama in town!! Ur daugther looks so for you too cute liao....

  2. Fernie looks , I can't find the right word yet...coz I am laughing my head off.... tomoro I will tell you when it comes to mind :p

  3. mandy, hot in KL only la.. come back ipoh become ah lian once again!!! hahaha... macam orang seow..

    elin, tomorrow mana ada kerja! eh, blog blog till what day u dont know already? hahaa.. who is funny? me or fernie? u got false teeth or not.. nanti jatuh out.. hahhaa...

  4. mandy, hot in KL only la.. come back ipoh become ah lian once again!!! hahaha... macam orang seow..

    elin, tomorrow mana ada kerja! eh, blog blog till what day u dont know already? hahaa.. who is funny? me or fernie? u got false teeth or not.. nanti jatuh out.. hahhaa...

  5. Wah lau the young Tina Turner

  6. Wow....both of you are so damn sexy and beautiful. :D

  7. lol... walau er...

    feel more energy now!

    Well done!

    and happy weekend to you and family :)

  8. makes me feel like wanna get a wig too! hahahaha...

  9. LOL!!! Claire! Red suits yiu leh..if you ever feel like changing your hair colour! Lol!

  10. Waaa playing with a red wig left in the hotel room? Hmmm I wonder what the red wig was for? D:

    Sure looks hot hahaha!

    So did you enjoy the trip in KL? Too bad I couldn't be there to meet you :S

  11. looks like a monkey from planet apes

  12. Huh! how come got red wig in the room? You both looks hot! hahaha!

  13. yes, she is.. u two look like dollssssssssss:-)

  14. LOL.... looks like Japanese Cosplay! Hehe... have a pleasant week ahead!

  15. Where is this place? Why got red wig in the room? Got marble chess set some more? Must belong to somebody very rich... Gee! I'm so kay-po!!! Hahahahaha!!!

  16. actually it doesn't look bad.But wearing wig is fun. I and my friends wore wig one time and took a photos of us too. It was really a fun haha.
    BTW..your daughter is beautiful of course like her mum.

  17. Ohhh dear... I tot a sexy beautiful red hair.... this one sure make me laugh la.. no way to run... hahahahahah..

  18. hi all. Happy laughing! Have a great weekend!

  19. goodness! siapa punya wig tu??? lol.. pengsan...

  20. Haha....this is cute and funny:-)

    By the way, I got an award for you.

  21. Looks cool...thanks for helping us to laugh...

  22. hahaha... You should have comb the hair nicely before taken the picture! Maybe look nicer! haha...

  23. Hahahahahahahaha!!! Where the heck you get that red wig? : D

  24. the wig belongs to my niece i presume..they need it for the drama class... :)
    yes, i should have combed it nicely.. and wear something like those shakespear gown.. then everyone will have a shock!

  25. hehehehe, it look good on Fernie, and you look "cute". LOL

  26. annie, i know i look like someone who came out of TR... hahaha..


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...