Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kuala Lumpur, Here I Am!

I am in KL now...

Hope to meet up with some beautiful ladies tomorrow... i m very excited.. hope we jadi meet...
Ok, I better get a snooze now... it is going to be a long night ahead...

Too bad no time to go for haircut, hair-dyeing, facial..... never mind, I can always put more ICI paint on my face than the usual...

One bad news though... I didn't want to crumple my blouses in my luggage bag so I hung them on a hanger, thinking I could just hang them in the car... and what happened??? I REALIZED I LEFT MY BLOUSES BEHIND AT HOME!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Who to blame but the old lady yours truly???

I guess I have to wear an old t-shirt to meet the KL beauties tomorrow... haizzzz.... !


  1. LOL looks like T-shirts and pants for your lor

    So when r u free to meet up? Tmw or the day after?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. =( I'm working tomorrow, Claire. =(

  4. You could always go shopping...I would recon you have a very good reason too:)

  5. Hi Reanaclaire, regret to inform you....you remember Ruby Ahmad?
    She passed away yesterday. Lee.

  6. i am at KL now as well, will leaving tmr to JB

  7. crossing our fingers n toes and everything else that we'll be able to meet up :D

  8. kathy: yes lo.. unless i go buy something in 1U.. i m going tomorrow.. not day after.. around noon till 5pm..

    cleff: it is ok.. some other time.. :(

    tekkaus: i wait for u then.. :)

    lynette: yes, i guess i hv to buy something tomorrow..

    u.Lee: oh, ruby ahmad? actress? gosh.. i cannot recall..anyway, sorry to hear that.. i drop over at yr blog later..

    kikey: u r back in Malaysia? hope u had a good time..

    merryn: nv mind, i go visit u at your home tomorrow..

  9. Have a wonderful time, blouses or not!! That would be a great excuse to do a little shopping!!

  10. eh....now your turn for vacation? haha

  11. so u r in KL? any plan? I can slot in or not? where u stay?? let me know ya...if got time will like to see you in KL...i can go and fetch u....

  12. Ha yaaaaaaaaaaaa..... rosak programm... LOL..

  13. cheryl: yeah, sure i will! hahaha..

    chris: yeah, taking mum back on thursday..

    mandy: i m in sierra mas.. can fetch me? hehehe.. tomorrow i will be in Ikea.. wanna join me? free ke?

    cathJ: go shop shop tomorrow!

  14. I thought you guys are meeting up today (Tuesday). Changed to Wed already?

  15. Oh dear sounds like you will just be forced to go shopping! Can't be seen too much in your old t/shirt.

  16. Claire ah,
    I bet you subconciously left the blouse at home on purpose so it gives you an good excuse to go shopping..heheh..
    This one ada kena mengena with Cath punya blog ah? She has a long Miss Malaysia tick list like somehing BIG is about to happen. X

  17. Claire, tak dak nice2 baju nevermind. Asalkan ada hati to meet up that is the most valuable.

  18. Good excuse to go shopping and buy more clothes. Have fun in KL...and kirim salam to everybody!!!

  19. Btw, not going to meet Pete? Kesian the fella!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  20. that's a pretty good excuse to shop for new clothes..hehe..

  21. have a great time in KL. who are you meeting?

  22. Just tell the rest of our bloggie friends,, that ENJOY,,, every moment with one of the famous bloggers from Ipoh,,no no no sorry, from Malaysia,, hip hip hooray,,,

    on a serious note, wish i was there

  23. Hello Claire!
    You forgot your blouses? That's what happened to me when I was to go on an out of town trip a month ago. I hanged my blouses and shirts worrying it might be crumpled. Then it' nowhere to be found coz it's forgotten. I thought I'm getting younger.. heh..heh..
    And yeah, it's a good excuse to go shopping!

  24. Hi, Claire!
    You got an award! Hope you like it.

    Please claim it to:

  25. That's good, Claire! so enjoy your stay.

  26. Well that's really unfortunate for you that you left the blouses behind.But never mind,i am sure you are more excited to meet the ladies than what you've left behind.Do post pictures and happy visiting Kuala Lumpur :)

  27. Welcome to KL. Hope you enjoy here.
    Forget to bring… never mind just reward yourself a new one : )


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...