Monday, March 8, 2010

What A Bonanza!

A lazy Monday... I " ponteng" this afternoon in fact. My girl had an appointment with the the skin specialist in General Hospital at 2.30pm. It was our first time there in the specialist building. Took a lot of signs and directions to reach the Dermatological department.. for those who doesn't know how to read, how ah? To continue on, waited for nearly half hour before my girl's name was called. 

When we entered, I was indeed surprised to see a young handsome Chinese Skin Specialist attending to her case. He asked my girl countless questions about her eczema history, I only chipped in when she got sort of "lost" in his questions. After the "interrogation" of the family history, he briefed us on what he was going to give us and how to apply... Good! Here are the prescriptions he gave us.... I was like "WOW!" so many ah??? From dry skin to acne problem also got... so good... so free! :)
One big "jar" , then 2 smaller ones.... and another 2 flatter ones all for her hands one Night acne cream one Day acne cream for her face... oh, one more packet of anti-itchiness tablets... Good Grief! I wonder how much these would cost if we were to go for private doctors!

Talking about dermatologist and prescriptions, for those who wants to seek advice, you can check out more information here at


  1. Pros in the GH:You can't tonnes of medicine that are free. :)

    Cons:A very long wait... :(

  2. Oh, the Sin Specialists are normally very handsome.

    Have you a great week!





  3. jessie: i dont mind waiting.. office time ma.. take a book there to read.. :) even outside specialists, we got to wait too!

    shakira: yeah,i was observing his face.. very smooth one. hahaha..

  4. a lot of waiting...

    I guess the pile of medicine will cost a small fortune if get from outside

  5. ya, it's so much cheaper to visit GH than private docs. My mum likes to visit the government clinic for her check-up.

  6. yeah, if go to private clinic, easily cost you few hundred ringgit...

  7. We brought Ethan to the specialist just for a dot on his thigh.. costs us almost RM100 for a tube of some stupid cream dat doesn't even work.. n when we left that dot on its own.. it heals.. !!!!

  8. Yeah, absolutley agreed with you! I normally go to the nearest GH at night to get the medicine, shorter queue! hehe... Only cost a dollar! And they do provides good medication, only if they give the right one! Sometimes, just not so sure about those young doctors!

  9. smallkucing: waited all in .. 4pm.. ok lar.. not too bad.. 1 1/2 hours only.. worth waiting...

    wen: nowadays they give good medicine..

    mandy: definitely.. specialist ma..

    merryn: wow.. a dot cost 100rm.. sure that dot is not the water color left over? :)

    kristy: yes, nowadays visiting doc is at least 40rm.. 1rm to 40rm.. can save a lot.. normal sickness like fever or flu, cough.. can go GH.. esp at night.. not many ppl..

  10. many creams. Really take care of your skin har?

  11. if you seek private doctor, you'll later need to see a dentist too (ngar thoong lor... soo expensive). My girl has eczema too and I spend more than RM100 per month when she was a baby just on lotions and ointments. Luckily her eczema tamed a little but still get flares now and then. I tried but it was impossible to make an appointment with the paediatric dermatologist at GH .

  12. really hope ur daughter will recover ... i think with those medicine will cost a bomb out there

  13. Claire,
    Hehehe...Exactly your prescribe medicines for acne. Ive tried Benzac and retacnyl cream. These are anti-bacterial and inflammation.

    Ive got other 2 sets of cream for maintaince, erythromycin (sansacne) and Adapalene (Differin).

    This is so effective medicine for pimple or acne. You can consult to your doctor.

  14. Claire,
    Hehehe...Exactly your prescribe medicines for acne. Ive tried Benzac and retacnyl cream. These are anti-bacterial and inflammation.

    Ive got other 2 sets of cream for maintaince, erythromycin (sansacne) and Adapalene (Differin).

    This is so effective medicine for pimple or acne. You can consult to your doctor.

  15. hosp not bad la,right? ;p

  16. Wow,lots of cream to apply! Hope they work well on her eczema problem! Get well soon!

  17. wow! those are free? guys are lucky...hehehe!

    exactly! those are expensive when you go to a private specialists....thanks for sharing Claire...:)

    it feels great to be back here again...thanks for the visit....take care!

  18. oh lots of med. and cream to apply. Yeah I wonder how much would those cost in private doctors. Private Doctors are always expensive, even here in Sweden.
    I hope those will work on her skin problem.

    good night..and thnx for visiting my blog.

    I am now back to my normal blogging so I can visit your house anytime as long as I'm with my pc :)

  19. Good luck. Hope they all work for her.

  20. the little tubs of cream look cooling. hope your daughter will soon have beautiful skin like the doc!

  21. I bought eyedrop from a pharmacy RM3...and a friend brought his son to a doctor, given the same eyedrop...RM15!!! That Aqueous cream's very good....can just use as moisturiser even.

  22. chrisau: never read properly one.. my girl's one la.. u r like me, blur blur.. runs in the family, ho?

    elaine: u really made me laugh when u said i visit dentist, i tot what for.. ngar toong..hahaha.. yeah, if i paid for those, must cost a bomb la!

    ilovepink: hearing that from u means the medicine are correctly prescribed! thanks..

    .said: yeah very good medicine!

    pete: can last till july.. another appointment then...

    dhemz: yes, if we go govt, the medicine are not bad, in fact very good.. regular checkups.. it might be costly if we do our checkups in private hospitals..

    wengss: great to hear from u.. have a nice time blogging!

    patty: yeah, i hope so too!

    tuti: oh, u should see his face, smooth la.. brought me shame to my own face.. hahaha..

    stp: doc told her to apply whenever... knowing my girl, this mum here will have to remind her often! sigh..

  23. kam ngam keh, i just commented your egg gravy very smooth now u r telling me the skin oredi, ok lar ok lar, ur skin very smooth oso hahahhahha

  24. I remembered those times when I had to go to GH to deal with my Athelete's Foot problem too.

    What a loot free too ya!

  25. if go to private hospital, that amount of meds will cost us a heartache...

    skin specialist should have smooth skin mah..otherwise, nobody will trust his advise if he has skin problem..hehe..

  26. If lucky, you will meet good medical staffs at the gov. hosp. Only paid RM1 and can get so many med.

    If unlucky, your blood pressure will shoot up so so so high until you wanna slap that medical officer's face. I brought YX to see a doc the other day (he was down with slight fever and cough). After taking his temperature, he just kept quite and write and write and write. Then, he said go and collect your med. Curious, I asked if my son got fever. He asnwered me : YOU TENGOK SENDIRI APA SAYA TULIS LA !!!"

  27. any antibiotics? i seriously believe that face or enzema should nnever be treated with antibiotics. although i m no doctor... try natural stuff like hazel water or drink lots of green tea..i m sure u can see effects

  28. May be next time i should like GH instead of Private Hos,, chio chio touch wood touch wood...

    but seriously GH sometimes can be a better choice ,,,

  29. Wow so many..Hope they all work for her.

  30. Any first visit to a skin specialist without medicine would simply cost you RM100++! With that pile of cream and medicine, your pocket will surely burnt if you choose not to go for GH!

  31. Bcos my place kinda of far from GH, else i can save up lot of $$$$ for myself rather then going to private one.

    My gal also have eczema prob, so she cannot use fragrance shampoo.How bout ur gal?

  32. manglish: not me la.. mine all chau pei already.. hoohooo..

    ann: nowadays GH not same with those days already..

    mamamia: not even a scar leh.. really smooth!

    mnhl: who so bad rude.. yes,some are like that..

    rachel: food is important too.. mostly are moisturiser actually.. except for the pimple cream..

    eugene: not serious cases or urgent, can go GH .. i think :)

    sjb: i hope so too! :)

    cindy: yes, consultation is 100rm.. some higher.. depends.. i seen them before too!

    mommyling: he recommended seba med.. dont use dettol or those fragrance one.. will worsen..

  33. manglish: not me la.. mine all chau pei already.. hoohooo..

    ann: nowadays GH not same with those days already..

    mamamia: not even a scar leh.. really smooth!

    mnhl: who so bad rude.. yes,some are like that..

    rachel: food is important too.. mostly are moisturiser actually.. except for the pimple cream..

    eugene: not serious cases or urgent, can go GH .. i think :)

    sjb: i hope so too! :)

    cindy: yes, consultation is 100rm.. some higher.. depends.. i seen them before too!

    mommyling: he recommended seba med.. dont use dettol or those fragrance one.. will worsen..

  34. wow, that's a lot of medication. you know..Ipoh General Hospital is so convenient but in KL? You don't even want to go there as it's so jam :(

  35. So FREE... that I love to hear hehheheheh

  36. i know why you said worth waiting, because there is a young and handsome skin specialist attend to you and your girl. See "leng chai" all angry and tired will all gone, correct? HAHAHAHHA

    ya, i heard from my mum, GH took one month medicine only cost her about RM5 and is A LOT medicine!!

  37. annieq: i dont mind waiting la.. skin specialist wo.. FOC ma.. and during office time.. so ok lar.. the lengchai-ness is a bonus.. hahaha..

  38. I would imagine one would be shocked to know the price! Hope your daughter has great success with all the products.

  39. My mom wanna do some chk-up at the GH, they give her a date 3 or 4 mths down the road. When it's time for the apmt, dunno wat they chk (definitely not a thorough one), then give her another date, 6 mths later. *shake head*

  40. CHERYL: THANK U.. now i have to monitor her..she can be forgetful.. :)

    slavemum: yes, they give the elderly lots of medicine to last them for few months.. in a way, its good.. not to trouble the elderly to come and wait..

  41. they cost a lot, i tell you! good you got them for free. I battled with acne for a long time and some of those meds are familiar to me. anyways, I have an award for your blog, hope you can grab and post it some time. here's the link:

  42. peppermayo...thank u.. i will grab it..

  43. At least a few hundred ringgits. If possible they wanna suck all your blood. :p


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