Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog Phobia

Just this evening this special blogger asked me what I was going to post today.. without hesitation, I told her that I have no specific topic tonight. At times my posts are impromptu, just write whatever that comes to the brain. But no, not tonight.

This is my 3rd time I amended my post. Some of you who came in earlier had seen what I wrote and have commented. Sorry, my post was amended again...

Maybe too many happenings happened lately that caused my mood to swing here and there. (Now I understand what is meant by mood swings, blame it on my pms)...

At times when I go hop blog, I normally speed read and I ended up commenting wrongly. So... if I happen to mis-read, please forgive this blur old lady here....I guess I need to change my glasses or perhaps my monitor should be placed nearer to my eyesight.

As for the beautiful lady who always love to point out my mistakes, thank you very much but I just hope that you will write it as beautiful as you really are. Don't let your words spoil the beauty of your face and heart....

This is just a ranting post....


  1. Claire oh claire.. u sound 'depressed' latelly.. come.. i give u a hug.. *hugs* u need a break.. a break to wind down.. and be happy again :)

  2. I feel like smashing the 'ixxxt' to spine for hurting you so badly...
    Take it easy, Claire. Have faith in yourself.

  3. I feel like smashing the 'ixxxt' to spine for hurting you so badly...
    Take it easy, Claire. Have faith in yourself.

  4. merryn: oh.. not to worry, dear.. i m just ranting out in my blog.. rant already, lega one.. :)

    mingna: wooooo.. hey, not so serious OK? maybe she needs help, not me.. lets have some sympathy on her too..

    medie: yes.. exactly! :p

    chrisau: ok ok.. ok ...

  5. ayoo.. take care... have a good rest...

  6. Wat happened to freedom of speech? Anyway, dun bother too much abt it. We r often misunderstood. Can't be explaining ourselves all the time, rite? W/end coming, hv a great one ya.

  7. Things always seems darker at night. Tomorrow will be much better. Just forget the person la

  8. Cheer up! Take charge of your emotion, never let others have a chance to influence it!! Take care and please have a wonderful day ahead!

  9. just words. don't feel too hurt ok? people all make mistakes. no one is perfect.

  10. Claire... I'm very bad at comforting people wan. T_T But... look at the prayer below. It is for you. Whenever I feel lost, afraid, or even angry, I always recite this, and I find it really gives me peace. I hope it will do the same to you too.

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

  11. emo. Namind lah! Everybody makes mistakes and if people point it out, just say thank you...and let it pass. Life is to short to mop around and moan and groan and rant. Be happy! As Cleff says: God grant us the serenity...

    P.S. Just don't make mistakes when paying me! :(

  12. yeah, just shut her out. some people r too sarcastic. anyway, be yrself n enjoy what u do.

  13. Chill.. today's Friday.......lah

  14. Ah someone trying to be too good for her own good eh? Anyway, Claire you're much better than that, no need to feel down. :) Cheer up it's Friday!!! :)

  15. we are all human lah, sister and every one deserves the right to express wrongly or rightly, that's the way it goes.........i get good comments and otherwise, we have been through it,havent we? and because for the our love for blogging, we will survive right

  16. Don't worry about it..let bygones be bygones. Hope you are feeling better now. Have a pleasant weekend. :)

  17. Cheer up Claire, not your fault lah, just a small matter.....
    Yesterday tried to comment on this post, then suddenly hilang....oh, now I know why....he he he. I thought I was tired last night...LOL!
    Have a nice weekend and God Bless!

  18. You cannot please everybody get over it soon.

  19. Just take charge of ur own blog n thoughts. Nobody else should have a say on that.

  20. it's a good thing i've changed my ranting blog into photography. at least when i have runned out of ideas, i just post my shots...lolz.

  21. comment earlier is gone :( i just wanna time don't go to that person's blog anymore. you don't need to take all those shit from this person :) take care, Claire.

  22. Good to hear from you.I think you need to go for a that you can chill out a bit and gather your thoughts once again.Good luck with your blogging.Thanks and take care.

  23. Dun worry, be happy. Life is like that :)

  24. Cantonese ~ 'Hoi sum yau kor yat yet, hm hoi sum yau kor yat yet' then might as well be 'hoi sum hoi sum'..hahaha.

  25. hi my fellow bloggers, I cannot reply one to one... i was not around the whole day as mentioned in my current post. I wanna thank you all for coming by and giving me your advice and encouragement which I really appreciate very much. I am okay.. just like to rant out how i feel each day so that when i read back next time, I know i have this kind of experience before. IN another 10 or 20 years, if i m still alive and kicking, this blog is an asset to me.. for i know i m a very absent minded old lady by then! :p

  26. ok im lost. sorry for visiting you often enuf. im a bit stress lately. haha... anyway, jes ignore -ve ppl lor.

  27. for 'not' visiting you enuf, i meant. sorry!

  28. Hope you feel so much better now and come on Claire...have fun, have a drink with your fren or your kids...TGIF, hehe:-)

    Have a pleasant weekend :-)

  29. irene, thanks.. i will also visit u more often.. been very busy lately too...

    sarahparents.. thanks for the encouragement... cheers!!

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