Sunday, May 9, 2010

Come, PUNCH ME la!

Blissful face...

I looked like her too...
don't believe? read on...
It happened last Saturday evening, we went to Kinta City with an intention to watch a movie but since there were no more tickets on both movies, we ended up strolling inside Jaya Jusco instead.... and that was where I burnt my pocket.

There was some promotion on the first floor, we were like sort of "lured" to sit on those big comfortable chairs...u know... the chairs that do "massaging" on every parts of the body, back, buttocks, hands and legs and being "kiasu,", I tried almost everything there... (serves me right!)

Ok OK... cut story short.. I bought this one...

I called this gadget.... "Punch Me La!"

my little model... laughing..
She can afford to laugh,
she doesn't have to punch my back anymore!

Mama getting punched here instead
and still showing Thumbs-Up!
Can anyone guess how much this cost?

Come to think of it,
I feel a bit heartbroken now..
How stupid can one be ...
Paying to Get Punched???

wth.. Today is Mother's Day...
Let's not think about it...
Let's get punched and drunk!



  1. wow.. nice la your Mother's Day present... :D Happy Mother's Day ya.. :D

  2. hehe! cool wat! :)) Have a blessed mother's day yea. :))

  3. Claire, imagine la... sitting in front of the PC, with this pucher hugging you snugly... comfortable ma... :D

    Happy Mother's Day to you Claire!!!

  4. a well deserved gift for yourself

    Happy Mothers Day!

  5. cynthia: belanja sendiri punya! :(

    caroline: kam siah!

    agnes: what a good idea! never tot of that..only used it when i did my blogging so far..

    princeprincess: Happy Mother's day to u..

    kathy: yeah.. heartbroken also no use.. so might as well enjoy it.. :)

  6. Happy Mother's Day,my friend!
    You look BEAUTIFUL, then and NOW!
    You are such a wonderful friend and MOTHER!
    May this Mother's Day be one of the best with more to come in years!

    I was going to buy that...LOL

  7. Wow. That's a great Mother's day gift...:)

  8. So comfortable, can surf the net longer lah. Woit, your profile in chat is still answering phone call....wah, last night talked until now ah? LOL!

  9. are too funny, Claire. So, is this thing good?

  10. Perhaps, I should buy something for my mum.

  11. That gift must be quite expensive but still if it soothes away the aches from doing all the house chores, it is more than worth the money.

  12. shakira: u really have a nice go in words! U rock too, babe? hahahaha... just trying out my cool.. so u r going to buy that? can i sell to u cheaper? hehehehehe...

    Happy Mother's Day to u too!

    mrstupid: my gift to myself.. lol..

    pete: thanks for pointing that out.. that shows how busy i m! :p

    barb: just punching your back.. ok lar.. not that very good la.. the leg one is nicer...

    mingna:if u want to buy, go on the 13/5... got voucher 10rm for every 100rm..

    spicymum: yes, soothes backache only... haahha...

  13. So how much did it cost lar? But it's good to reward yourself for being such an incredible mother, once in a while :)

  14. Wow, looks like a life-jacket! lolz
    A nice self-treat for Mothers Day. ;)
    Have a wonderful week ahead ya! ^_^

  15. LOL.. so this is what you bought? OMG, Claire...that thing looks like those lifesaving vest. So cute! LOL... I want one, but I cannot afford to buy lah. Looks like I'm gonna just have to make do with my anak pijak-ing my backbone! LOL...

  16. eh you still haven't said how much wor :P

  17. sweetwitch: it cost 699rm, i bite my teeth and paid..

    chvoon: thank u.. same to yr wife too..

    hazel: thank u... :P

    gratitude: thank u.. yes,it looks like a life jacket but this one weighs 5kg.. hahah...

    cleff: yes, life saving jacket tat cost a ton! haahhaa.. u dont need it la.. u will get injured, lady!

    pengpeng: it cost 699rm! :p

  18. happy mother's day to u claire!

    bought already, dont think so much, just enjoy getting punched! :)

  19. Happy mother day to you~ :-) nice present~

  20. aiyah i come and punch you, you pay me half price will do, kekeke.

  21. hahahahahaha...u r sick...paid for getting punched hahahaah kidding....good eh..

  22. kristie: thank you .. Happy Mother's day to u too...

    isleychang: have to enjoy it now that i bought ... so so only la.. :)

    tuti: hey, i dont mind ... come come to ipoh....

    manglish: u r quite right.. sick only buy this ma... healthy like u, no need one! :)

  23. Awesome. So that is what the "punch me lar" is about. :)

  24. Hah!!! My missus has one like that. I use all the time...but yours looks nicer!

  25. Sometimes we just do things it a gift to yourself, you certainly deserve it! Cute photo of your daughter! Happy Mother's Day to you. You are a wonderful mom indeed.

  26. tekkaus: this life saver jacket-like punches my back.. so i named it Punch Me la..

    stp: your wife and i same era, i guess.. i always get backpain on and off..

    cheryl: not just me alone.. u too and many others, we r doing our best.. learning at the same time! :p

  27. Its ok la. Self pampering once in a while.. we deserve it! :-)

  28. Haha waht a wonderful Mother's Day present for yourself :)) So now no more complain of back ache la LOL!

  29. kiasumom: have to pamper oneself. yeah.. no one buys for us, we buy it ourselves.. hahahaa...

    sjb: Happy Mother's day to u too..

    elin: want to borrow from me? a piece of cheese cake will do!! hahahaha...

  30. Happy Mama's day! I treated my family kobe steak for the first time of my life~~~ that cost me 'a lot' pain in my wallet but it's worthworthy to let my family eat something good ^^

  31. jess, that is very generous of u.. i m sure everyone had a good time.. kobe steak is very expensive!

  32. A deserved a gift for yourself. Doesn't really matter how much they cost as long as you are happy! Don't regret when you already bought it. haha.....I also feel like kena punch la...this kind of punch should be comfortable.

  33. I have been in similar type of situations too.We go to a mall or shopping place with the intention of window shopping but before we have realized,we have already burnt our pockets.Don't worry be happy!You'll be regularly punched now..LOL!

  34. wah this mama very happening...get punched and drunk...hahaha

  35. omg, i saw this & was thinking hard wanted to get it too the last time, it was uPAPA tat time. but i yan yan yan, so din beli! ok wat, massage shiok le!

    Happy Mother's day to you!

  36. Eh... this one, punch you, nice anot? Some of those massager, dono why, after getting massaged, feel more pain!

  37. mnhl: yeah... after awhile, i wont be heartbroken anymore..

    blogcustomization: u have a very neat blog over there.. :0

    via: i cakap only.. never really get drunk one..:p

    irene: so how does upapa look like?

    cleff: u no need la.. just a small kid hands massaging on u will be sufficient.. :)

  38. Sure nice la... got "something" always stand-by to "punch u"!

  39. cindy: old liow.. what to do.. always get back pain ..

  40. wahhhhhhhhh... How much and from where Claire??? I think must get this for my hubby hahahhaha...

    He always ask me to 'punch' his back... I think this is a great solution... LOL!!!

  41. wow.. that is so nice,,, and very interesting too.. makes me feel that i wanna try it too...
    Belated Happy mother's day!

  42. Wow...paid to punch...hahah..but at least make ur life more comfy ok geh.

  43. cathJ OSiM la... now promotion ah..

    bluedreamer: thank u.. go to any Osim outlet to try..

    mommyling": for u, not suitable.. u feel very pain pain one.. :p


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