Thursday, May 20, 2010

Excelsior Hotel, Ipoh

No, I didn't pay to go for the buffet breakfast in Excelsior Hotel. No point wasting money to go there for breakfast... lol... The voucher was given to me by my friend from Malacca, who came over to Ipoh with few of her friends just to "cari makan" , don't think "sengat"..... LOL..

Her purpose of coming to Ipoh is to look for "good food"... all the way from Malacca, she and her friends came to savor the best food in town. Thus the free breakfast vouchers for me as a returning favor cos I booked the hotel for her at a "cheaper rate." :p

my breakfast cum lunch...
now u know where my cholesterol came from!


  1. oh no..what happened to drinking your oatmilk, Claire? how's the food at Dulang? I haven't ate there for more than 20 years..hahahhaaaahhaa

  2. The other day saw someone post HOT Excelsior in Ipoh

  3. barb: nowadays i drink oatmilk first before going out for my breakfast.. if i m not going out, then i add lots of instant oats into the drink... can tahan the hunger!

    kathy: yeah.. kenwooi lo.. he was very observant!

  4. Yesterday oat; Today straight away stuff herself with food. :p

  5. Excelsior stays had given me many fond memories. never ate there though coz alwiz hopped over to the back for dim sum or to the side (at nite) for the tai chau. YUMZ!

  6. Old hotel...and not really cheap. Hotels like that usually have a certain kind of smell... You can get cheap rate? How much? Who knows I may drop by Ipoh again...stay a night or two? LOL!!!

  7. tekkaus: please dont remind me lar..

    gratitude: u r very right! behind all the dim sum shops, that was why my fren dint want the breakfast vouchers..

    medie007: un-good food! :p

    stp: ok, when u plan to come, i tell u the rate... it was ok actually, i mean the rooms.. they like to stay there cos right in town, i think u know which, the day we met, the hotel was right in front.. do u remember?

  8. The hotel looks fabulous.You were lucky to savor the good breakfast that too free of cost.Thanks for the pictures and the post.


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