Monday, May 31, 2010

Hard Rock Hotel

The next morning after our breakfast, we went to Hard Rock Hotel, to see the beaches. Actually planned to go there the evening before but due to the Wesak procession, the roads were all jammed up. We were leaving on the next day so before we did, we went to have our "suntan."

When we reached the hotel, we were taken aback... the hotel was so boisterous, too many people in fact, at the lobby, around the hotel... everywhere. It was no more fun, in fact, it was too "public." All of us did not like it... we just walked around and then we left after our "suntan."

Leading to Hard Rock Cafe

yes, the show that never ends in Hard Rock...
This hotel is more suitable for family and youngters...


  1. HI! reanaclaire, pls visit my blog. i have a tag for you. have a nice day!

  2. I went there at night, simply love the beach and lounge especially when wonderful tunes are sung...

  3. faye: thank u very much for the tag!

    mingna: yeah, night time more IN happening..daytime is just too noisy...

  4. LOL... Claire...Parasailing... I miss that very much. You'd have a heart attack if I tell you when was my first time going on a Parasailing... I was only 8, and I flew up there by myself. LOL... kakakkaka... and got addicted to it since then. I'm quite an adrenaline junkie, aren't I? Ah, the good old times. *sulk* Now not even a soul wanna go bowling with me. *SULK*

  5. cleff, u r everything that i aren't.. give me thousands, i also wont fly up like this.. heart attack comes before i could even enjoy the money... hahaa...

  6. OMG, your friend's hubby actually that tallllll!

  7. kristy.. not really tall..maybe we r short.. hahhaa...

  8. Hard Rock Hotel - i heard from my friend that this hotel is quite expensive right! but the view quite okie.

  9. heard a lot about it but still didn't get to go there yet.

  10. chvoon: expensive i heard.. we never ask. but i dont think i like staying there.. too crowded...

    wenn: just go there look see enough.. hahaha..

  11. hahaha!! only one thing caught my attention here! HE IS SOOOOOO TALL! lol! :p

    joke joke.

    soooo summer feeling now. haha

  12. Nice place leh, next time bring me

  13. caroline: not very.. as i said, we ladies are short..hahahhaa...

    chris: u pay, i take u there to stay...

  14. It's too expensive... I can live without it; many other sensible ways to spend my money. Crowded, noisy??? And to think that we are in the midst of an economic depression...and people still seem to have so much money to spend.

  15. sjb: yes, nice if u love sun tan and beaches...

    stp: not everyone is facing the same situation as us.. :p at times we need to "destrss" ourselves.. but i prefer a more quieter kind of surrounding..

  16. oooh u went to penang for the long weekend! lol. hard rock cafe... so crowded! dont think i'll like too. :(

  17. Ohh dear, beautiful beaches!! Look at the 'guai lou', he is gigantour compared to the Malaysian gang!!!

    Have a nice day Claire!

  18. I stayed in Hard Rock Hotel for a night last month, will not go and again(unless it is free) like you said, very boisterious,, cannot relax one lah... i prefer Park Royal,,,,,,,,,

  19. myreality: i m not sure, i stayed in gurney..

    medie007: yeah, too noisy.. not for me..

    alice: dont compare..hahaha.. we memang are small..

    nina: thanks..

  20. luxurious...haven't been to one....we can't afford to stay!

    thanks for sharing Claire...glad to be here once again!

  21. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog, and your blog is nice! Yes, I'm fr Ipoh too. I went to this Hard Rock and if compare, I prefer Bali's Hard Rock. Surprising, aren't both the same? ;p

  22. dhemz: great.. hope we can visit each other more often..

    mummyinvain: u r from IPOH? Good... seldom meet up with ipoh bloggers :p

  23. oh ya.. my boss was in Penang, and came back office yesterday with lots of 'complain' saying very pack! and he is staying in Hard Rock la.. :p

  24. Clair: That certainly looks like a neat place.

  25. penang n melaka same, once Public holiday sure jam packed. eh melaka also gonna bukak one hard rock cafe, not hotel though... ;)

  26. cynthia: yes, so crowded, packed and noisy.. u wont like it too.. but visiting there ok lar.. :)

    fishingguy: yes, neat!

    irene: yes, only ipoh not jammed.. hahaha..

  27. i'll be in penang coming weekend. had wanted to stay at hard rock for the kids but then the sky rocketted rates turned me away... can eat many plates of char kuey teow :D

  28. I saw a Hard Rock Hotel in Bali but didn't stsy there : (

  29. jacss: yeah, i wonder how much it cost per night.. :p

    foongpc: i think must be pretty expensive too!


Thank you, readers!

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