Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Dinner Date-To-Be

I am feeling on top of the world tonight. Why? No.... no... not because of the Thomas Cup victory over Denmark last night.. *sniffle* It is......... because of this special date invitation by one romantic guy on this planet....

Wanna know who this Mr X is?

These were the words of Mr. X rendering his invitation for a date with me.. I wonder whether I should accept or not... please help me decide...

My Invitation to a dinner date.
If I were to invite you for a dinner date.
You will receive a mixed bouquet of Roses and Orchids delivered to your home or office.
And a gift wrapped box present.

I would be very happy if you would honour me with your lovely presence to a dinner date.
Date: May 22nd, 2010. Venue: Singapore Raffles Hotel.

Time 7.15PM. Dress formal.
Attached a same day return Air Ticket, last flight 11pm.

I have selected the enclosed evening cocktail dress specially for you. As well a L'air du tempe, Nina Ricci perfume to go with it.

The above with my compliments. In anticipation,
As Always,

If I were to date you....
REANACLAIRE, I have once complimented you on your traffic stopper good looks.
I have selected this dress to compliment you further. Looking forward to dance the Tango with you.

We'll have lobster and shrimp seafood

Now.... the question is ... should I accept or not accept his invitation?

And the answer is............... I wish that there is such an invitation, U. Lee..
Thank you very much for this lovely dedication...
I am sure the other ladies love your "gifts" as much as I do..... You have brighten up our day!! lol...


  1. Seriously, are you guys dating! hahaha.... NAAAAA....
    Have a great day!
    Cheers, Kristy

  2. tekkaus: he is sweet in his blog.. hahaha.

    kristy: what do u think? hahaha..

  3. chey.. i was anticipating itu tom kucing leh... lol... :P apa lah.. uncle lee pulaks!

  4. when I read the invitation card...i knew it's Uncle Lee... hahah. It's so typical of his style of wrting.

  5. merryn: meow meow ah? cis!! U.Lee is more romantic.. hahahaa...

    chrisau: so u have been to his blog too..

    chvoon: most ladies would love this, right? hahahaha..

  6. Wah, Claire going on a date leh! LOL!

  7. whoaaa accept it! hehe.. really sweet of him! gosh i love d dress!!! xD

  8. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like going to a teenage prom like tat hhaahahah

  9. Hi Reanaclaire, Holy Smoke! You making me red in the face with your this compliment posting, ha ha.
    And Reanaclaire, yes...that WAS my style, my way when a bachelor old days, when inviting a lady for a dinner date....not any girl, but someone special only....someone like you, *wink*.

    Glad you like the dress, it took me 3 days to come out with the posting. And as I have seen your pics, I try to picture which dress would suit you, and selected this one.

    For those I have not seen their profile pics, I took a guess, but fortunately guessed them right. Had to changed only 2 dresses, ha ha. Not bad, huh?
    Experience, I guess, *wink*, ha ha.
    Once again, thank you for the walk on water compliments.
    You have a nice day, stay beautiful and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  10. pete: finally, right? hahahaa..

    sjb: yes, yes yes!

    caroline: i wonder whether it fits my figure.. :p

    kikey: a dream hope! :p

    manglish: brings back old memories la! hahaha...

    U.Lee: lol...the pleasure is all mine too.. dont be so red-faced.. lol... for once, let me have this glamour of receiving a date plus the beautiful gifts!
    Hope you continue to flourish us with gifts and compliments in your blog! *wink*

  11. I hv guessed it's U Lee..hmm, he's so sweet in his blog. He sounds like a gentleman too.

  12. Claire, you shouldn't accept his invitation, because he'd invited me too and he's mine that night.... bwahahahaha.

    Anyway, he's a charming lady-killer :)

  13. Well, there are ladies who may be stupid enough to fall for that!!! It takes all kinds to make the world!

  14. wenn: in the 60s, 70s, many ladies would die for this.. hahahaa..

    yvonne: may the best lady wins!!! hahahaha... si lai sak sau, he is..

    stp: yes, all kinds of people.. some like materials, some go for the security, some go for the looks, and some just go for the warm heart.. :)

  15. So sweeeet! You should accept it! :)

  16. Alamak... so buaya kah. if me, I will say, I'm allergic to seafood. LOL...

  17. Oh sweet of this invitation. Hmm..if me will think twice first cos seafood being to eat leh wearing such a nice dress...if makan seafood sure use both hands to walap onie nice mer..wahhahaha..

  18. yeah...happy that msia beat denmark but i felt tonight we will be trashed by CHina....aihhh....wahliow....accept the invitation need to think twice ler!

  19. if a man sent me with such romantic invitation, i'm sure accept lor... not to mention if it is U. Lee. :P

  20. oh yeah, U.Lee memang ada gaya dia yg tersendiri. The way his writing sure kill many ladies huh....

  21. Wa........ wa..........wa........

    Not fair lah, he has seen your profile pic, but have you seen his...?

    i thought it was supposed to be mutual respect,,,,,,,, sorry U Lee, it is only my thought

    So i am not here to say Yes or No,,,, hahahahahah....

    Anyway, if the feeling and respect is mutual, then even without flowers or flowerly words it will still all right but if it is with the absence of mutual respect and feeling, then even 100 karats of diamond still a No Go lah,,

    have a good weekend,sister

  22. sweetwitch: great getaway!

    cleff: i wonder whether the gown fits me or not.. that is worrying! :p

    mommyling: either end up with empty stomach or eat first before going.. the problem is the tango! hahaha..

    via: so we will be glued tonight to the tv.. i order pizza, i decided.. :P

    debbie: he is entertaining,right?

    amy: only writing kills? i think real life person also kills la. lol...

    veta: ole ole ole!

    eugene: so serious meh? hahaha.. not only me nia.. so many ladies are going to singapore at the same time, wearing almost the same exquisite gowns.. i m sure we ladies will have a good time with U. Lee... wah!!! hahaha..

  23. I seconds Mommy Ling's comment. If eat seafood sure use both hands. Finger licking good! hahahah

  24. Claire - real person? I'm not sure cos sometimes "man" like this kena berwas-was jugak cos too much of 花言巧语, I was my thinking. Pls ask Eugene to translate this mandarin words for u...hehehehe.

  25. mnhl: yes, yes.. agree with u.. but if gentleman enough, he will peel off the shell for the lady! :)

    amy: what i meant was.. not only words can "kill", if see in real person, the way one talks also can melt the lady..
    anyway, U.Lee only meant it as a jest.. and I put this up also as a jest.. so far i have not come across a man who furnished me with so much.. hahhaa... and i dont think no one will ever will.. :p

  26. Whao, the only thing missing is the private Learjet waiting to pick you up at Ipoh airport. Reminded me of the drama series Dynasty. :)

  27. Wah, I like Mummy Ling punya comment leh! I also makan seafood ah, Pei Yi don't look like Pei Yi anymore! liddat baru syiok! hahahaha!

    Heehee... I think Uncle Lee won't get red in the face one la...

  28. gratitude: wah.. u also know about the show Dynasty ah.. i tot u were too young !

    peiyi: put one leg up and sit lagi shiok.. hahaha..

  29. go go go for it! That must be very exciting.. then tall us what happen after haha.. we'll look foirward to it cheers!

  30. I will see you on the date, as I have "accepted" Uncle Lee's invitation too! He brings a smile to my face with his blog.

  31. bluedreamer: hahaha... lets wait and see...

    cheryl: u too? hahaha.. we will see many ladies there as well..


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