Saturday, May 15, 2010

Open Office Course

Kong and I were sent for a course last Thursday. Seems this is the "course" season, one after another. Thank goodness it was held locally and not out of town in the rural areas. And it was only for a day and all about Open Office. Something new to me, it is a new software whereby it is free, not like microsoft, we need to pay for that.

Open Office is almost the same as m/soft, only the icons were a bit different here and there. Anyway, it was just a brief introduction during the one day course, how much can be taught and moreover, we need to do practical to get used to it. Don't ask me how much I know... I cannot remember much about what I had heard and done... :p


  1. Open Office is very similar to MS Office. I use it on my laptop. quite user friendly, I would say.;)

  2. No choice, one has to keep learning new skills to stay relevant.

    By the way, I switched to Open Office because it is free. Now no reason to buy expensive new version of Microsoft.

  3. I switched to Open Office when I got my new lappie... coz MS software was not included in it... But it is not very much different from MS lor IMO

  4. I have tried playing with open office but I thing Microsoft office is still the best. :)

  5. well, technology has to be updated so can't run away fr this kind of courses.

  6. Wah! So you very high tech now lah? Me dinosaur...Microsoft...only know Word and maybe Power Point and Excel a bit, dunno the rest.

  7. I also feel like a dinosaur when I see all these new programs...I am still going strong on...hold it....believe me....Office that proves that I am a dinosaur;-)

  8. lol is it mean ur company goin to use open office??? usually those company dnt hv microsoft license will go for open office de. some features in microsoft dnt hv in open office one.

  9. Oh...I'm using Open Office on my laptop. Very seldom use though. Still prefer Microsoft.

  10. is open office cause problem when you wanna send file to other people who dont have it?

  11. inspiredmum: so u r also using it now..

    spicymum: i wonder why it is free :p

    agnes: next time i have to ask u then.. hehehe...

    tekkaus: maybe we r not used to it..

    wenn: yes.. we got to update ourselves..

  12. stp: i m in your era la.. i have to take time to get used to it...

    lynette: i m also using the same version as yours.. in my lappie here..

    caroline: at present it is m/soft.. dont know when will start officially...

    mnhl:i might take some time to get used to it too..

    isley: really? cannot send file? then it will be be problem..

  13. Yo!!! Claire.... I blogged about before. LOL... cuz I kinda anti microsoft. LOLOL! Me using one. I tink I will fall asleep if I attend this course. Hahahahahaha! Cuz I know how to use liao... wait I become cheeky cheeky, den go give trouble to the presenter. LOLOL!!!

  14. one day course = one day off kakaka...for me la last time

  15. cleff: good, next time i can call u sifu la..

    kathy: one day without blog hopping also very cham one..

  16. I haven't used OpenOffice since I'm so used to MS Office and I'm currently using Office 2007. However, I do have some friends who use OpenOffice. Some of them like it and other don't. From the posts here looks like many are using OpenOffice with no issue as such.

    How are the spreadsheets in OpenOffice. I use complex formulas and macros in MS Excel - is the OpenOffice version comparable?

  17. frankly AJ, i havent start on open office yet.. i have yet to install it.. maybe u r better off than me :)


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