Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our Moonlight Walk In Pangkor

After the movie and the "interrogation," we were given three hours off to relax. While some went snorkeling at another island, my room mate and I went for our walk walk. With six meals per day, imagine the stuck calories in our bodies! All we did were... Sit, eat, sit and eat...

just look at our faces..
like "coming out from prison"

we enjoyed the hot sea breeze...

waited for the sun set..

behind the "yum-yum" tree...

and this pic reminded me of moonlight rendezvous...


  1. LOL...then u bump into Uncle Lee there baru tau...

  2. So nice, just sit, eat, sit, eat. My ex-boss made our team walk, then sit & eat, then only enjoy when we had our team building in Cameron Highlands.. Just imagine, 1st day, jungle trek for 4 hrs followed by 2 day's training sitting in the meeting room (the torturous part).;)

  3. Yeah! It's proven! Typical government styled 'kursus'!!!
    Six meals per day!!!
    I actually put on so much weight when I attended my induction course for 2 weeks. You know la... induction course got 3 common activities only... Eat, sit and listen. Sure gain weight one...

  4. Wow.. so nice...NO la.. where got look like from prison la....

    (From prison got sun glass?? woww.. cool.. hihihi)

  5. LOL! Sit-Eat-Sit-Eat? thats my daily routine in office! haha btw this one just remind me of my trip at Tempurung Lodge during college time. :( walk at the beach so nice! :D

  6. hhaahahha coming out of prison...ya i can imagine hahahha

  7. kathy: waited whole night also he didnt come.. apa lah..

    inspiredmum: why do bosses treat us this way? :p

    mingna: no comments.. at 11pm still got cakes to eat one.. heehe...

    cathj: special type of prison... cannot swim to land ma..

    gratitude: bogak means bogel? :)

    caroline: if boyfren is with u, then nicer.. :p

  8. got a six meal per day with those sceneries? what a life!

  9. wow, lovely sunset! Btw, I didn't join in the bamboo dance! Not good at that. :)

  10. Hi Reanaclaire, here I am, ha ha. Wow! Like this must hold the leaves and serenade to you..."I'm in the mood for..." ha ha ha.
    Beautiful pics, Reana....all it needs to complete the picture is you with your long hair hanging loose, L'air du tempe or 'Temptations' perfume wafting in the breeze, you in a fitting, slinky sarong kebaya, red lips shimmering in the moonlight....soft kronchong music playing in the background....and that is a Moonlight Rendezvous, *wink*.

    Oh ya, in your hand, a tall glass of Southern comfort and lemonade....
    Howszat? Can ahh?
    You have fun , stay young, stay beautiful and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  11. oh the beach is real nice. never mind lah...at least can still enjoy after "interrogation" :D

  12. i can feel it is hot at the beach...

  13. how come u dont like attending training? somemore yr training is held outside of office....

  14. 6 meals! *PENGSAN* everyday i makan one meal only.

    chewahhh moonlight so romantik.

  15. Advance happy Mother's day! I've got something for you here, hope you like it.

  16. 6 meals per day is for them to siphon more money. :D

  17. Kiahahaha... the trip was actually not so bad afterall, exempting the malfuction air con!! It was really a "beautiful beautiful" sand beach, I wish I could bring my kids there... have a ncie day to you!

  18. Trade place wif me, please, Claire. i like beaches. Wouldn't mind the damn seminar...

  19. aldecruz: i dont really enjoy it .. sigh.. missing my home..

    wenn: tot it was u.. hahha..

    U.Lee: this sunset reminded me of your blog, ok, i m listening to your song..and .. no, i no long hair now, no temptations perfume, no long hair, nothing u mentioned was me.. that was sad. hahahaha...but i want the Stay Young Part.. lol..

    barb: if with own family, then fantastic! :p

    chvoon: hot and sticky too..

    rachel: miss my kids lar.. i dont like coming and i dont understand why some love to..

  20. sasha: cheehhwaaah.. no wonder such sexy figure la.. one meal? i pengsan liow!

    chubs: thanks.. i go now...:)

    tekkaus: aiyoh, dont talk of that.. hahahaa.. eat and be happy. enjoy and dont worry.. ouch, i seem to be telling myself that, these days!

    alice: now not too bad already.. maybe the weather was terrible then..

    cleff: i posted up those pictures for a purpose.. to make u drool.. hahhaaha... come, come, trade places with me and then u will understand!

  21. I remember last time during my working time, we had to attend courses every once in a while... Pure pleasure man!!! Eat like 5 times a day and stay in hotel for 3 weeks!! Tarn!!

  22. agnes, if belum kahwin, sure tarn.. but with my kids at home, sure miss them badly la... otherwise i like to tarn too... but today good news! going home anytime now!!! yehhhhh...

  23. I miss that... Used to go for such things so often - really a welcome break from my daily routine in school - day in, day out...every week, every month the same - dunno how those teachers in the school can tahan! Loved going for these CHOGMs (Cheap Holiday on Government's money! LOL!!!)Now, no more... SOBS!!! My life is so depressing...

  24. After six meals a day, you guys certainly needed a good,long walk.Pictures are awesome.Great photography!Look forward to hearing from you soon again.

  25. is that tg tuan in port dickson?

  26. Hmm is this Pangkor Island? Or Port Dickson? :P Nice sunset pic!

  27. *SULK* Mama Claire so bad. *whine* *SOBS*

    LOL... I wouldn't mind ahh, trade place wif you. In fact, I enjoyed such thing. Those kursus, brainstorming session, listening to talks...truthfully, I'm somewhat bookish and I enjoyed lectures and whatnot. I like to participate in such thing. Give me those, and I'll ditch my work anytime, any day. Plus... I wouldn't complain if I were to be fed 6 times a day. Ahahahaha... I cannot grow fat wan ma. Ppl rugi onli. LOL cuz I makan a lot.

    I dun mind the scorching sun on the beach, no matter how the sands seems to burn my feet. This is gonna sound weird... I even enjoy the saltiness of the air. And... the sun dun really bother me...to me, tanned is beautiful. You know how many mat salleh wanna be tanned and will pay disgusting money for it? Hehehe...my mat salleh friends says I'm beautiful with my sunkissed skin! *bangga*

    *grinz* I enjoyed running around and being carefree...snorkeling sounds very good as well. Hahaha... and gosh... can do beach combing and collect seashells! I like those! Trade, trade!!! LOL...

    *piti face* Claire... can give me some seashells u got on the beach? =.=

  28. That is the lovely thing of a break...just sitting, and eating and relaxing...nothing quite like it.

  29. what a peaceful setting. lovely sunset.

  30. i wanna go there too.. boo hooo hooo.. bring me bring me!

  31. LOL to coming out of prison! Haha!

    Nice photos!

    Actually sit eat sit eat is good what! : )

  32. This made me think of Uncle Lee as well! Beautiful photos.

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