Monday, May 31, 2010

Reading and Sex

Anyone read the front page of Star today? Bet many of us did read with interest about this article... A teacher was awarded something for being outstanding in achievements in education. Wonder what award it was... Out & Standing ooops..I mean Outstanding :p

I read with amusement... reading and having sex daily, daily... and daily. *tabik* Salute to him for being so frank .... because of daily sex, he have the concentration and energy in his work throughout the day. (now i know why i m so tired instead... lol)

Did the papers misquote him? He is neither shy nor embarrassed, in fact this is the antidote to a blissful marriage, so it seems....

Reading and sex is the key to a successful marriage... anyone can second that?


  1. Yeah, everyone in the office read the news and the horrible statements made by the 'award-winning' teacher. Natalie said he should be sent to Dr Jamal for a full body scan to find out what's wrong with him. Wonder how this fella can become a teacher? Even my sister-in-law who is a teacher said if she were to be the Minister of Education, she would sack him right away...

  2. ME! lol.. but i am lacking in the reading part..

    on a second thought, i read blogs everyday.. so ok.. ME! lol :P

  3. mingna: sack him? hahahaa... so serious? he is very daring and bold.. can speak out like that.. yucks!

    merryn: u also high high one ah? lol... i can only achieve one.. reading!

  4. ahaha don't have any idea about this topic as of this moment LOl

    have a great Monday renaclaire

    by the way Round just got started.. You can cast your votes now..
    thanks a lot!

  5. Oh...I miss out....Better read it.

  6. Reading and sex goes hand in hand, Claire. I kinda second that. I din know about the news until you alerted me about it. I kinda stopped reading The Star, and read Malaysiakini for news instead. As I said, the Star is no longer a newspaper, but rather, a tabloid. A complete waste of my time reading that piece of crap!

  7. ohhh must go and read ahahah so interesting...btw dont why ur wallop blog become a attack site leh..2 days oredi...

  8. Well, at least he wuz honest about it! lolz

    Nothing taboo about it anymore. Even primary school kids know more about sex than some adults.

  9. Eh I was also spreading this news around yesterday. Interesting indeed! Hmm but girls how to have sex daily when they have 'aunty' visits a few days of a month? :P

  10. bluedreamer: ask me to go karaoke, that one i want la.. hahahaa...

    chrisau: u pengsan, right? lol...

    mery: so did u read yet?

    cleff: so u can shake hands with him.. i know what u did last summer!! :p

  11. oh i read that news. unbelievable. i wonder if his wife shares the same sentiment :D

  12. manglish: mana got attack? i looked here and there, all food only?

    gratitude: yeah yeah..he is very un-shy too.. :)

    sweetwitch: i was thinking the same thing..but then maybe got other ways, i guess... i guess.

    barb: now i think a lot of people will be curious about his wife's looks..

  13. I also read it but if i were him..i feel ashamed to be get the title...waahhahahh

  14. hahaha ... i read about one article some time ago. It says sex releases alot of endorphin which helps us release stress and be happy. happy means good... good means got energy hahahaha

  15. mommyling: we are not the same.. he is a man..we ladies.. hahaha...

    kornoholio: yeah, i read the article too.. can cure headache.. but is it proven? in the midst of headache, where got mood? hahhaa...

  16. ahhh, finally our school teachers are ready to teach sex education. Lead by example....ha ha ha!

  17. hi claire, wow...the papers has been on my table since this morning but i hadn't the time & chance to read...shame!!
    but reading such quote (esp sex) fr our local paper is indeed unbelievable....since when our paper/govt is so 'ópen'??
    true how come he's not embarass, puzzle !!

  18. Just hopped over to Patrick Teoh's blog and I cannot stop laughing at the pic he posted. Wuahaha....

  19. he should be dead tired instead!

  20. ahaa...,so he dubs himself as a sex-machine),huh? well,i give him a score of 4.9/10 or a consolation prize(mah see or tait kuda )for being "daring" to publicize his story.he mentioned he rides his horse(one horse only) daily ,so that means everyday lah,-that's includes the "3 or 4 days" of every ladies and women or simply -nmonthly periods. this fella just wanna tok kok so,younno-i-know will go &t look for him. * phui..!! *, some people really...

  21. my gudness! daily sex?! cant imagine it. lol!

  22. WHat's wrong with that statement? OK, what. Everyone should have sex daily for good health! LOL!

  23. hi foogpc,
    yes,according to Deepak chopra...vely good if you do it very2 often,also good for the heart becoz it's part of an exercise regime,brings better rapport between hubby and wifey,makes live-in couples last longer(their relationship),
    BUT the fella said daily !,how can? no off day one ka? even the racing horses at Penang Tuft club also got off days, have a nice day,foogpc

  24. Yea, I read that.

    I kinda kesian the wife..

  25. I'm not interested in shaking hands wif him, but I'm much more interested of fucking off the Star editor for doing Yellow Journalism though. Like no other newsworthy stuff to put in. *yawns* Thank God I'm not working in there anymore.

  26. @Ah Ngao... yea.. I agree wif you... I mean... there's nothing wrong with a healthy sex life... daily is abit exaggerating... 2-3 times a wik might be more believable to me, though. Perhaps The Star is making a mountain out of a molehill again.

    I'm not quite sure why a lot of people are disgusted with his little declaration...regardless of his profession. He said he had sex with his wife...I would have been aghast if he said it he did it with some other whores. LOL...

    @Claire... actually, sex is a therapy for depressed people... no joke. It can be pretty relaxing.. plus, there's evidence that it's good for the heart. Hahahahahahahah~ But den again... I'm not quite a conservative person. I felt nothing when I read the news. Such news is rather... common, cuz I've read oversea news too. This is quite a norm. shud have seen Frenchies and Spaniards tabloids.... LOL... much worst than this feller!

  27. Cleff, yes, having sex is sure a good activity with your love one.. yes, it destresses in a way and build up a good relationship with one another too..
    I dont have anything against him
    but the way the paper wrote or he said, it is definitely over exaggerating.. looks like he has no sympathy for his wife at all... he shouldnt say daily, or did the STAR misquote him? maybe he should have said that his was an active lifestyle of sex.. ahhhh.. more like it.. he can have it few times in a day.. good! but like a daily ritual.. read and sex.. ahh.. that is unbelievable..

  28. interesting Hmmm... atleast he is true! I think nothing wrong with that and to the couples who are curious then you can do a try... lol.

    It depends on the couples!


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