Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shop Till We Drop In Pangkor

While my colleagues went snorkeling to another island, the three lady stooges (me, her and her) went for walk around town....
byee.... see u later...
We walked along the beach, feeling the sea breeze blowing into our faces... then suddenly something smelling goood entered our nostrils...

ahhh.. barbecue-ing the corn...
We wanted the smell only... didn't buy cos with 6 meals per day, hunger was a strange word.. legs led me to this stone stool...
ok, let me rest my weary bones first...

and my remaining two fan-see went to have a look at these dresses, t-shirts, souvenirs etc etc.. .

lots of choices to choose from...
But I like this Best!!
Nice??? hahahhaaha.... my own creation la..


  1. you went to pangkor. how lovely. i miss pangkor island so much. used to go there during my teenage years :D

  2. eeeeek! Pangkor.. i miss that place.. u in pangkor laut or what? can snorkel wan..

  3. Been so loong since I last went there!! And LOL at the tee!! Naughty Claire :P

  4. Looks like you used your time wisely. I don't blame you snorkleing doesn't even sound like fun. LOL

  5. haha i love the last pic too! with the edited words in it. :p

    wow so much fun aye! enjoy enjoy to the max! =D

  6. barb: yes, me too.. dint go there for more than 10 yrs too.. and it was like not much changes...

    merryn: in pangkor island.. not pan see or pan pac.. hehehee... later i show u where i stayed..

    agnes: my daughter saw the tshirt and asked me why i nv bought for her.. hahaha.. 5rm only anyway!

    patty: yes, i never like going into the waters..cos i dont know how to swim...

    caroline: i m home liow.. enough is enough... hahahaa...

  7. you didnt go snorkeling ?...must be afraid of JAWS !

  8. Lovely post and photos...enjoy;-)

  9. wah pangkor wor... not nice meh?

  10. You should went for the snorkeling o. It is a lot of fun. :)

  11. ahngao: not jaws but water...

    lynette: thanks.. i did enjoy some..

    medie007: if go with own group of frens, then sure enjoy.. go there and work, mana enjoy?

    tekkaus: water phobia la.. don really like water...

  12. why dont love pangkor? I've never been there :(

  13. so, you went to Pangkor la.. I was guessing u pergi mana la !
    Hey, i think the tshirt will sell better if they designed it that way !

  14. eh.. your colleagues snorkel with 'seluar panjang' ? ? ;D

  15. Who don't love Pangkor?. Rugi oh if you don't love Pangkor :D.

  16. kristie: compared to langkawi, pangkor is not as nice, more on the village style if u like those.

    foongpc: 1stly, family not around, 2ndly, have to work, 3rdly, super hot! 4thly, no hensem guys around.. 5thly...bla bla..blaaaa.. :0

    elaine: maybe u and i partnership sell those tshirts? :p yes, snorkeling in that... I didnt go so i m not sure how they snorkelled..

    kathy: no bookxcess there la.. no Jaya Jusco.. just roadside stalls, can u survive on that? i lari kuat kuat back.. :p

    sjb: nothing to rugi will be another ten years perhaps when i go there again.. hahahah... no regrets!

  17. I've never been Pangkor before.. heard it has a nice beach. Aiyak, why don't like Pangkor?

  18. serene: cos i was missing home.. hahaha... just a jest la, doing that tshirt..

  19. Clair: Fun change, you did a nice job on the shirt photo.

  20. fishingguy: meant as a jest.. hope they dont sue me.. :p

  21. Hahaha I almost get cheated on the t-shirt! Really thought it was real one. :p

    Been to Pangkor once - only miss the cheap sea food there. :)

  22. cheeyee, i also dont know where to eat cheap seafood.. mine one all malay food..

  23. Ur "modified" t-shirt vy cute lah. :D Saw u wearing a "I heart KL" tee in the earlier post. So ur preference is vy obvious. :)

  24. I wouldn't have gone snorkeling either, but sure would have gone shopping!


Thank you, readers!

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