Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Here And There In The Highlands

Morning till evening we were at the Outdoor Theme Park, Gentings... lunch was also taken inside, we had Merrybrown fast food ... nothing special so I didn't take any pictures...

Some random pictures taken using Gabriel's DLSR ... much clearer and nicer than my normal digital Sony...

the London bus and the Thrilling Pirate Ship...

any similarity between these 2 guys??

how about this picture? Look alike?
(minus the one in between them)

see, I am a "Bag Taker"

One for the Album again..


  1. There is a strong resemblance between you and Aaron... Like mother like son.

  2. they have same smile. Brothers?

  3. mingna: maybe our teeth?? :)

    ghosty nana: no, they look like long lost brothers.. hahaha...

  4. where are you in the pirate ride ? dun tell me you missed that wan ka ?

  5. where are you in the pirate ride ? dun tell me you missed that wan ka ?

  6. elaine: cant u see me..??? haiyah.. wear a thicker specs la.. hhaahaha..

  7. I'm loving the fun! thanks for dropping by at my kitchen claire....great to be here again!

  8. dhemz, hope u come by more often..

    kathy: song ah... hoe song..

  9. No photos of Claire....shouting while riding the roller coaster ah? ha ha ha!

  10. More great pictures from your fun day, Claire.... I love that last one the best.

  11. Great pictures! I love the big red bus and the boys being stalked by the dinosauer! I see you are still carrying things!! You need a luggage rack, so funny! I hope you didn't throw your back out!

  12. waaa kesian the mama have to take all the bags ar? hahahahaah

  13. pete: u should hear my screams.. tears flooded my face.. lol...

    betsy: yes, lots of pics i took..

    ginny: on and off i have to carry.. thank goodness, my back survived it! hahaha...

    manglish: when u become a parent, u will do almost anything to let your kids have fun.. :p

  14. Ya...if you tell me Gab and Aaron are brothers I would believe. Andy's different and much taller. Like the father?

  15. Looks like a great family holidays. Everyone enjoy and had so much fun. Especially your girl? hahahhahah

  16. so fun! I'm waiting for my kids to grow up like yours and I can be in your shoes. hahaha.....

  17. It's been a long time since the last time I went to Genting. Wow, now they got double decker bus, is a display or real?

  18. wenn: only pocket a bit lighter..

    stp: yes, i agree with u...yes, andy looks like father...

    annie: she ah.. haiz...dont talk.. hahhaa... she certainly did..

    nmhl: i wanna wait and see too.. :)

    jessie: for display only.. :)

  19. looks like you're all having a great time!:D it'd been a pretty long time since a family trip for me.:)

  20. It has been ages too since I last been there. :D

  21. members enjoy quality time together. Priceless. :D I hope one day me and my family can go up there too.

  22. mery: thanks!

    bananaz: maybe some other places more attractive than this..

    beii: sometimes staying at home is just as happy.. right?

    tekkaus: i am sure u will have that.. :)

  23. wahhh so syokk... feels like going there again... ;)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...