Monday, July 19, 2010

No Internet Or Netbook???

OH dear... something happened...

No Internet connection for the next 7 days?? Are you joking?? That was the first question I asked my heroes when they went to TM Net today to change to a new Streamyx package.

I wonder how many of you know about this student offer? TM Net is offering a free netbook to all students (university or college level) if subscribed under their name and the rates are cheaper than what I was subscribing before...

This afternoon both the "heroes" went to TM to submit the application, never realizing that there would be no connection for the next SEVEN days!

But many many thanks to Elin for her BIG sacrifice for allowing me to use her Broadband for the next 7 nights till our streamyx is back functioning....

No Internet means no oxygen... no oxygen means a Nightmare! :p


  1. hmm.... sacrifice netbook for 7 days w/o internet. ok la...worthwhile can still use your dongle broadband right ? Btw, Im getting P1 Wimax in JB

  2. Hey Claire, I'll surely "die" if no internet or laptop or netbook or computer.

  3. Good thing you have such a good friend who will help you with broadband, seven days is not good!! But cheaper in the end, huh?

  4. Hello sweety, thank you for visiting my blog :)

    I know exactly how it feels to be without internet for so long. Just as you said it's like a life without oxygen :/ High five to a fellow internet addict :D

  5. ohh no internet oso mean i will kidding really

  6. chrisau: tell me when u start using that..

    amy: aiksss.. u too! hahahaa...

    ginny: yes, 7 days 8 nights.. hahha.. seems long enough..

    lucia: addicted, what to do...

    manglish: lets form a diehard Internet club.. :p

  7. I can live without PC or Internet for a couple of weeks... provided, there's loads of books for me to makan. LOL!

  8. Sis o sis o sis, you must learn from Chris lah,, let the hair down and go jalan jalan makan makan angin,, and try stay away for 7 days without internet,,, back to stone age, how nice right? but then again, we will be missing you dearly, just like yesterday i was busy, no come to your blog,,, this morning quick quick i come here already,,,,

    so how lah,, one side say let the hair down, one side fingers shall keep typing ,... die lah die lah

  9. cleff: nowadays cannot survive on books alone..those were the days! :0

    eugene: i think u can kick this habit.. i beh boleh la... yes, my fingers must be clicking on something lar.. hahhaa...

  10. wow, can get a netbook for free..why not?

  11. whoaa no internet no oxygen ah? hahaha! scary aye!

  12. oh this is strange that they have to connect and haave to take 7days when there is line? hmmm strange but be patient and you will be back online soon! :)

  13. wenn: notebook will come much later..

    caroline: yes, scary hor..

    bigboysoven: i was wondering the same thing too.. should be fast..

  14. for a netbook. it's worth it
    and for being at elin's for 7 days.. i'm sure lots of nice food - even more worth it !

  15. i used to be like u, no internet no oxygen. but lately i found myself able to survive without going online more than 24 hours leh..

    maybe i found something else to concentrate on dy :D

  16. Hmmm...i have start to look for alternative for that. Watch DVD..LOL!!

  17. Okay, 7 days is really too long... =_= cannot imagine how many emails in the inbox, notifications in FB etc etc etc :S

  18. Clair: Hang in there or go to a place with Wi-Fi.

  19. Yeap, TM boleh! The last time we moved to where we are now, it took more than 7 working days to get the connection back.

    My response was exactly like you and what made me boiling mad was they told me to apply for a new subscription should I want to have my line back in 3 days or was it 2 days but that must be under different name. I was like... What???? Grrrrrrr...

  20. pete: must be under student's name in U or college.. :)

    elaine: elin lent me the broadband only la.. not lending me her pc.. :p

    merryn: good for u la!! me nothing to occupy me.. as yet!

    ling: reading? not your cup of tea?

    hayley: yes, i agree with u! wonder how many emails then..

    fishingguy: good idea but not for me.. i m working daytime..

    inspiredmum: i hope it is only 2 or 3 days and not 7 days..

  21. hmmmmm your office workplace has internet right? so technically you are online for 8-9 hours already. Then why at night need more internet? When I was renovating my house, I had no internet for 1 month plus. I guess different priorities lo. btw, dont make it like an Idol..otherwise your jealous God will be very jealous.

  22. hahaa...pity aaron they all then. least auntie got the broadband ma..:)

  23. Ya...even when not at home, I would surf on my handphone...and I even go to cybercafes when things get desperate. Hahahahaha!!!!

  24. rachel: sau toe, sister! dont be so serious.. cos i like to make it cheery in my posts.. office ah? cannot online all the time.. only at certain times when the cat is away..but it is a good advice.. a sign to obey.. yes, different priorities, surely.. we have different type of passions.. that is why God made us unique in our own way.. thanks for the "knock" sis!

    gab: yeah, pity them hor.. they go to GM's house.. haha...

    stp: wah..lauuuu.. serious!! then i m not that serious as u.. hahhaa.. all i do is to brood and groan at home.. or go and borrow broadband.. hahaha..

  25. No internet for 7 days? How to survive? Haha! Luckily I have my iPhone now - at least still can survive if Streamyx decide to do something nasty. LOL!

    I think I need the internet even during my holiday travels! LOL!

  26. LOL, is there life outside bloggong? Glad you have a good friend.

  27. 7 days without internet for a cheaper rate and a notebook, good bargain wat. :P

  28. slavemom: yes, that was why i changed..

    evelyn: yes, i indeed do treasure her...

    medie007: hopefully they stick to their word.. :p


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