Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Outdoor Theme Park , Gentings

Fernie said, "Don't waste time..... "
For the first time in history, she woke up very early... called us up to get ready because she wanted to go for all the outdoor rides. This girl...sigh... so excited....

By 10.30am, we bought our tickets to enter the Outdoor Theme Park. Each ticket cost RM40 each.... so make sure all of us made full use of it....

Very unfortunate for this Yours Truly here.. she fears height and water (very "char" one) all she did was to follow the kids and "look after" their belongings.

still early..not so crowded....yet

oh yeah, Gab joined us in the morning...
he took the early bus and met us up for the "thrill" rides..

lining up for the "roller coaster" rides..

this one is called the SHIP?
where was I? I "jaga" bags as usual...

Dinosaur Land, I dare to go in lar! lol...

See these two cheeky guys..

Brother bullied u just now?
Let me give you back a "peck." Ouch!!

a miniature "dinosaur" lol...
no la.. it is a real iguana.. very cute... so still...

First World Hotel behind.. so colourful..

one for the album....


  1. Wah I haven't been up to Genting in yonks! Thanks for this post and the photos - at least now I can tell people got Dinosaur Park *cheh wah*

  2. I been to Genting once with my hubby (that time boyfriend lah). I dont think it changes much since then?? Maybe one day bring my kids along.....hahaha!

  3. bryan&brandon'smom: yes, for kids, they will enjoy it too..for all ages in fact..

    rose: then u must go again... u will be amazed..

  4. Wow so much of jalan jalan cari makan. You're living life to the fullest! ;)

  5. wow...great time together. It has been a while since I last step in here :p

  6. so u r scared of heights?
    did ur kids take all the rides? especially the one that goes right up 90 degrees?

  7. gratitude: dont want to work so hard.. must rest once awhile..

    elin: aiyoh.. really! next time must come by to keep in touch with me ma.. hahahaha....

    rachel: yes, me water and height phobia one.. very char siew.. .

  8. very very nice... nice family... nice outing.. nice... claire :)

  9. Jaga bag.. hehehhe... same here sometimes hehhehehe..

    nice family photo the last pic.. ^_^

  10. wei so cham meh jaga bag? hahaha..You too scared to go up is it? :p

  11. merryn: nice comment! :)

    cathJ: yeah. we ladies do anything, right?

    kathy: no la..i sacrifice myself to jaga bag ma.. hahaha..

  12. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time... I see LOTS of SMILES on all faces.... There has to be someone who stays back just to take pictures ---so you are the 'official' photographer!!!!!

    Love that last picture of you all though.

  13. What fun and such good pictures! I am glad that you weren't left out of all the activities, there were some you could do!! I am very, very afraid of heights. Even to go up hills in a car!! If I was there, the two of us would have been sisters and waited on the ground!

  14. wow, u guy so much fun there..long time i x been to Genting

  15. Looks as if you all had a wonderful day. Love the family photo at the end especially! How wonderful you all enjoy adventure!

  16. 2 years ago I went to G.Highlands with my 2 girls..for the first time. Reached there using cable car, OMG..so high! Then went up the roller coasters. My heart almost stopped beating LOL..

    I don't think I want to use the cable car a second time but we did enjoy the park & stay there.

    The Dinosaur Land is new :) must be a lot of changes already.

  17. sob sob...the last pic...awwwww.....hahahahahaah

  18. betsy: u r right.. i am the photographer.. but of course, someone has to hold the lens when we took our family pic.. he is Gab..

    amy: take photo sure smile one..

    hazel: we too.. until that day!

    cheryl: it is a harmless sort of adventure.. hahahaa...

    ginny: then i join in with u and your sisters..! :p

    puanisah: initially we planned to take cable car..but under maintenance that day..so we drove up.. me scared of heights!

    manglish: wei..u decided or not.. cry or laugh?

  19. woohooo! happy family together!! :D

  20. long time i never been there....really nice genting trip there...

    i kena banned from genting casino by yve lah...so me also lazy to go genting liow...

  21. Tukang jaga bag? hehehe. Anyway, I like the family picture. Very nice.

  22. caroline: sure smile a lot when taking pics..

    via: oh, i tot datuk Lim banned u.. :)

    sjb: me too.. i like..

  23. Chamzz...jaga bag. Nvm if me also will jaga bag cos dont dare to go in..LOL!!

  24. The Outdoor Theme Park at Gentings is a superb place for outing during the summer. Most of the people enjoy different fun rides in the park but there are a few who are scared of height and hence miss out the fun. I’m also scared of height and hence I stay away from this rides. Have a great time ahead. Bye.

  25. Lovely photos and looks like lots of fun. What a happy family. Claire, I think you need some Fear Factor workshops to help you deal with water and height :P

  26. OH COOL, those are cool photos.


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