Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tremor Felt In Royal Bintang Hotel..

When I looked back into my photo folders a moment ago, I came across this picture, taken last year October 2009, the day my son left for Italy. We were at Federal Hotel when we felt the tremor.

Actually I didn't realize it was the tremor from the earthquake till the news came out that evening. Around 4pm or so, I was surfing as usual on my laptop when I felt the aircon ventilation began to shake or trembled... I looked up and I felt something vibrating... But it caused me no alarm. It lasted a few seconds only...

The next day when I knew it was an earthquake from our neighbouring country, Indonesia, I took a picture from the window of this Royal Bintang Hotel.... just for memoir sake...


  1. Geee...thank goodness that it was only a slight and quick shake.

  2. Well, that is scary, I'm glad you didn't know at the time what was going on!


Thank you, readers!

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